Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Business Efficiency Tips for Busy Work-At-Home Moms

By Lahle Wolfe

Think High-Tech

Since work-at-home moms have children, and children have appointments and play dates, be sure to invest in a cell phone if you do not already have one.
Another must-have tool is a Portable Handheld Device (PHD) or Personal Digital Assistance (PDA). Available features in PHDs and PDAs include:
  • Send and receive emails
  • Calendar, reminders and contact lists
  • Mobile versions of familiar software such as Word and Microsoft Office Excel Mobile
  • Internet browser
You might also consider other applications like a GPS, language translator, map feature, or even games that your child can play while you take a cell phone call.

Avoid Standing in Line

Running errands and standing in line can waste a large part of a busy women’s day. Make a list of all the errands you run on a regular basis and see if any of them can be done online, by someone else, or at scheduled times instead of on a daily basis.
  • Mailing Services: If your business involves shipping, use UPS online services to print pre-paid mailing labels from home. Request a pick up (online) and UPS will come to your house(there is an added charge per package for this service). Or, if you have pre-paid labels on your packages, all you have to do is drop them off at a UPS without having to stand in line.
    You can also use the United States Postal Service (USPS) online tools to pre-pay and print labels. USPS will come to your home to pick up prepaid items for free. You can order stamps and shipping supplies from USPS online and never have to go to the post office again!

    If you use overnight services, pay and arrange for shipping services online with DHL or FedEx.
  • Office Supplies: Almost all major office supply stores including Office Depot, Office Max, and Staples offer free shipping on office supply orders of $100 or more. Free shipping also extends to office equipment and furniture. In most cases, items ordered online are delivered from a local store and will arrive in 24-48 hours.
  • Banking Services: Choose a bank that offers free online banking services. You will still have to make deposits in person (or mail deposits) but all other bank transactions can be handled over the Internet or telephone.
Because having children underfoot means constant interruptions in your work day, consider taking a nap when they do. Many work-at-home moms find that their business day only truly begins once the children are in bed.
Although you cannot return business calls at 10 o’clock at night, you can get a lot of your errands done online because, like many Mompreneurs, the Internet never sleeps.

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