Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

What Makes a Good Manager?

By Lea Dehne

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

The question is what makes a 'good' manager, not a perfect manager. Perfect managers do not exist because perfect people do not exist. But there is a big difference between good bosses and bad bosses. So what can you do to be a good boss?
Ask questions
Nobody likes to work for a know-it-all. Managers who 'know it all' make employees feel unappreciated and as if they were not needed. Good bosses realize that their employees operate in the value zone - they have direct contact with customers or produce the goods the company is selling. Employees often have the expertise to tell the higher-ups how products or customer service could be improved. Asking questions often and including employees' expertise in the decision-making process can fast-track a manager's career and increase productivity. Implementing processes to continuously seek employees input can help in creating a 'best places to work'-type organizational culture.
Be interesting
It is amazing how many managers still operate in 'command and control' mode. Think of comics depicting 'the nagging wife' - the concept of 'nagging' does not produce desired long-term results. You want your employees to be creative, accountable and take charge. You want them to be proud of what they do - even if their job is to clean the bathroom in a fast food restaurant. Convey to your employees the mission, vision and values of your organization and make them part of the business. Connect them to the organization. By doing so, you will make their work more enjoyable. Show some humor, learn about employees' hobbies, be authentic and show that you are about a greater vision - not just about yourself. By being interesting and shifting focus on your company's mission, vision and values, you will create a solid foundation for motivating your staff.
Control your emotions
The Leadership Freak suggests doing the opposite of what one feels. If you feel like you deserve praise, give it. If you feel like pitying yourself, pity someone else who works longer or more difficult hours (many people never have a weekend off and work on holidays). If you feel like you deserve attention, pay very good attention to someone else's problems or accomplishments. You will learn that this is one of the best ways to 'get over' yourself. In addition, if you have had a bad day and are about to bark at your cleaning service, ask yourself, "Do I really mean to act negatively?" In reality, you probably want these particular workers to continue doing a great job. So tell them that and smile instead of venting your frustrations. It is surely difficult to always appear as if you have all your ducks in a row and to not become unkind when stressed, but with a little bit of experience and an informal network of friends, family and peers who will help you find balance, you can learn to effectively control your emotions without feeling burned out.

Data Warehouse Ownership

By Bozidar Kralj

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Who is the owner of Data Warehouse? It is very important issue but hard to answer. Here are several examples from the practice of how to apply Data Warehouse ownership.
First, there can be two levels of data ownership: production data level and cube/theme data level. Ownership on production data level is clear to define because users who want data from productions systems have to ask production system owner for permission and access rights. Production system owner allows data cube, data theme or report initiator to use data from production. Data organized in new environment like cube or theme mean new information. It is so because situation is more complicated, cubes or themes are made from usually made from several production sources and data is worthless without good context. Who is the owner of the cube? It is the person who initiated cube building, request who started building of the cube. Owner of cube or theme is second level owner. Anybody who would like to use data from reporting cube, reports or themes must ask second level data owner for access rights. Owner of the cube asks for data access from source systems but potential users of the cube ask cube owner.
Making fragmented ownership by dimensions and measures ownership is too complicated and messes complete procedure.
Who is Data Warehouse owner? If the ownerships has to belong to only one department it is a little bit risky decision. For example if IT is owner, they are just service providers without in deep knowledge what to do exactly with content. Perhaps better variant is to give ownership to strategy or to finance, to be more precise to controlling. Reason for this decision is general view over definitions. Definitions are necessary for solid external and management reporting. Controlling knows best what kind of products will be made upon Data Warehouse for official reporting. If this solution is still not adequate perhaps best solution would be to establish committee of experts from all business areas with lead from controlling and to give ownership to this body.
Without ownership there will be no strategic development of Data Warehouse system. It will only run for coverage of current needs without any pro active approach. Data quality management will be very doubtful and at the end there will be no one to decide how to handle vast quantities of needed actions.
There is a strong need to declare officially Data Warehouse ownership and to establish data security procedures as soon as possible.

Information Technology and Textile Industry

By Gaurav Doshi

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

Today, Information technology (IT) plays a vital role in the field of textile industry. Any manufacturing unit employs four Ms that is, Men, Material, Machine and of course Money. To get organizational success, managers need to focus on synchronizing all these factors and developing synergies with in and outside organizational operations. With the increased competition, companies are taking support of IT to enhance its Supply Chain Management (SCM) and using it as a competitive edge. In short, many textile companies are leveraging the technological power to adding value to their business.
Supply Chain Management includes: sourcing, procuring, converting, and all the logistic activities. It seeks to increase the transaction speed by exchanging data in real-time, reduce inventory, and increased sales volume by fulfilling customer requirements more efficiently and effectively.
Why Textile Industries Need IT Support?
Lack of information on demand and supply aspects
Most of the decisions a manager takes are related to demand and supply issues. But unfortunately very few are able to get it, as a result decisions taken carries risk and uncertainty. Excess inventory is one of the most common problems faced by managers which further results in long cycle-time, outdated stock, poor sale, low rates, and reduction in order visibility and finally leads to customer dissatisfaction.
Long procurement time
In a traditional textile industry, procurement process takes a much longer time. So, the retailers need to forecast demand and identify consumption trends at a much earlier stage. Lack of clarity about future can either result in early stock out, delay or overstock.
Supply chain in-competency
With the urge for getting global, apparel and textiles are facing hurdles of inefficiency in carrying out various processes involved right from designing, developing samples, getting approval, manufacturing, dispatching to payment procedures. The total time taken can get extended to one year or even longer. If we calculate, production actually accounts for just ten to twenty percent of the total time. Rest of the time is taken for the information processing from one end to the other.
The trajectory of development of Information Technology has intersected every application in textile industry. From enhancing performance of textile manufacturing and tighter process control, IT has inserted intelligence at every node of textile supply chain.
Step into the global trade
It is a fact that a company going global is opened with lot of opportunities as well as threats in terms of competition, changing trends, and other environmental changes. It necessitates managing every kind of information efficiently and at much faster speed.
Interaction of Information Technology with Textile Supply Chain
Sharing of Information
Proper flow of information among supply chain member is very crucial. Such flow of information can influence the performance of overall supply chain operations. It includes data about customers and their demand, inventory status, production and promotion plan, shipment schedules, payment details, etc. Bar coding and Electronic data interchange are the two information technology tools which can facilitate information integration.
Bar coding facilitates recording of detailed data by converting it to electronic form and can be easily shared among members through EDI system. EDI with its high efficiency is able to replace the traditional ways of transmission like telephone, mail and even fax. EDI enables managers to analyze and apply it in their business decisions. It also helps in expediting order cycle that reduces investment in inventory. EDI based network enables Company to maintain quick response and closure relations with suppliers and customers, who are geographically dispersed. Manufacturers and retailers can share even new designs developed through CAD/CAM.
Supports planning and execution operations
Planning and coordination are very important issues in supply chain management. The next step after sharing information is planning which includes joint design and implementation for product introduction, demand forecasting and replenishment. Supply chain members decide their roles and responsibility which is coordinated through the IT system.
Various software tools like MRP, MRP-II, APSS facilitates planning and coordination between different functional areas within the organization.
Material Requirements Planning (MRP): It helps in managing manufacturing processes based on production planning and inventory control system. Proper implementation of MRP ensures availability of material for production and product for consumption at right time optimizes the level of inventory and helps in scheduling various activities. MRP system uses computer databases to store lead times and order quantity. MRP includes mainly three steps: first assessing the requirement of how many units of components is required to produce a final product; here it applies logic to implement Bill of Material (BOM) explosions. Second step includes deducting the stock in hand from gross to find out net requirement. Finally, scheduling manufacturing activities such that finished goods are available when required, assuming the lead time.
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRPII) system is a logical extension of MRP system which covers the entire manufacturing function. This typically includes machine loading, scheduling, feedback and Software extension programmes in addition to material requirement planning. It provides the mechanism to evaluate the feasibility of a production schedule under a given set of constraints.
A textile company which has multipoint manufacturing and engaged in global business necessitates something more than MRP and MRP-II like Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP), it has ability to solve both capacity and material constraints and quickly propagates the effects of problems in both backward and forward direction throughout the supply chain.
The Advance Planning and Scheduling (APSS) system includes both material focus of MRP and rapid response scheduling power of MRP-II.
Coordination of logistics flows
Workflow coordination can include activities such as procurement, order execution, implementing changes, design optimization, and financial exchanges which results in cost and time efficiency. The results are cost-effective, speedy and reliable supply chain operations.
IT contributes towards the maximizing the value of textile supply chain through integrating supply chain operations within and outside the organization and collaborating the acts of vendors and customers based on shared forecasts. Internet adds to IT contribution towards supply chain management through coordination, integration and even automation of critical business processes. New system of the supply chain game emerges as a result of business innovation fuelled by the Internet.
Many supplying companies maintain demand data by style, size, fabric and color to replenish inventory at retail outlet. Level of replenishing is predetermined by both parties after reviewing history of sales by product and buying behavior of the community.
New Business Models:
Data mining and data warehousing
Data mining is the process of analyzing data from different viewpoints and summarizing it into useful information that can be used as a basis of monitoring and control, enabling companies to focus on the most important aspects of their business. It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. In short it is the process of finding correlations or relationship among dozens of fields in large relational databases.
Data warehousing is the repository of data and can be defined as a process of centralized data management and retrieval. Centralization of data maximizes user access and analysis.
E-commerce can be B2B (Business To Business) and B2C (Business To Customer). B2C commerce is the direct selling to consumers through Internet. While B2B marketplace can be defined as neutral Internet-based intermediaries that focus on specific business processes, host electronic marketplaces, and use various market-making mechanisms to mediate transactions among businesses. B2B appears to be more prospective than B2C.
The textile-retail giants are adding an Internet shopping-component to their offering. It has affected their distribution and warehousing infrastructure. As a result of going online, retailers have changed their supply chain strategy. High volume products with stable demand are stocked in local stores, while low-volume products are stocked centrally for online purchasing.
Companies prefer a direct route to consumers by closely scrutinizing individual customer's tastes, preferences, habits, and buying patterns. Instead of waiting for consumers to visit their stores, retailers simply send them e-mails with offers. Internet has facilitated quick response system. With the use of web-enabled technology it is possible to have automatic customer replenishment system.
Fibre2fashion.com-Best B2B Marketplace of Textile, Apparel & Fashion Industry. It provides free online Industry News, Industry articles, Textile Fashion Jobs, Trade directory, Trade Leads, Marketwatch Report, World Trade fairs Directory, Stocklots Business Offers etc.

Role of HRD in Textile Sector

By Gaurav Doshi

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy    

The advent of technological advancement in industrial set-ups has altered the working conditions and requirements on the part of employees and employers. Also the changes in government policies have also been taken place since the last decade. Different work patterns like night shift, part time work, overtime, etc is being experienced. The situation is same in textile sector also.
Now-a-days the recruitment of the workforce has become a specialized field. The main motive is skill development as technical jobs are becoming more complex and demand more professional skill. As at managerial and marketing level, skills and knowledge demand have increased in importance. So before imparting training with respect to textile or garment industry the training program should be so designed that it covers the skills that will be required in long term and short term basis.
Many countries of the world have understood the importance of human resource development, thus encourages the business organizations to take active part in designing and execution. The changing face of business organizations in national and international markets demands a new breed of skills that are non-technical in nature.
Generally, when some new skills are to be taught to upgrade the ongoing work profile, on the job training and special course classes could be arranged to upgrade the employee's skills and knowledge. But after a certain level, the recruitment of higher posts requiring specialized skills are done through direct recruitment method. If the employers wish to extent the contribution of laborers in growth in textile industry, then the laborers should be given technical as well as non-technical training to enhance their skills and knowledge base.
HR inference
Introduction of new technologies and processes in the textile industry have increased productivity on the one hand, but had been the cause of redundancy and eventual retrenchment for a lot of workers who used to work in repetitive, boring but labor intensive job in this particular sector. This condition is happening not only in developing countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. but in industrialized countries as well, which were able to increase productivity through developments in technology.
With the technological advancement in the textile industry the overall production with higher quality is been seen, due to usage of high end machineries and technologies it has been a witnessed that the number of workers employed in the textile sector are facing job-loses. This scenario is same in developed as well as developing nations where there is increased productivity due to advanced technology, but cut in the number of laborers.
There are four elements of production namely manpower, time, materials and machines. Due to globalization seen in the textile industry out of these four elements of production, the two viz. manpower and time are to be cut down, i.e. sacrificed as the invent of improved machines and the cost of materials.
Due to the modern HR practices are affected by terms such as multiskilled, production measures, advantages of competition, casual labor, social security, subcontracting, etc. Now-a-days a lot depends on the bargaining power of the labor, legal policies and the scenario of the labor market. This has started since the foundation of WTO (World trade organization).
Human resource development
Textile industry gives employment to millions of people. In order to recruit skilled workforce in textile sector, proper training programmes would thus facilitate in supply of well qualified workforce. Thus the role of HRD has gained momentum in terms of employing manpower that satisfies the professional requirements of this sector and that is well skilled. Thus many collaboration among many multinational companies and educational institutions is been observed.
The HRD department of any company is responsible recruiting skilled labors and executives, allocation and planning of work, monitoring of workforce and performance appraisal. It is also responsible to timely upgradation of skills of the workforce by organizing educative professional workshops or seminars. If HRD activities are carried out in proper professional manner it could result into minimization of cost and wastage, right recruitment of workforce, increased stability of the company, flexible enough to cope up with futuristic developments and most important maximizes production.
Human Resource in textile sector
The advent of HR practices in textile sector was rather slow in comparison to other industrial sectors. But due to globalization there is increase in competition as a result development of human resource has become essential. However organized HR practices are being adopted mostly by the mill sector. In last decade we have seen not so good performance by textile sector, this was because of lack of HRD department in many mills. But the scenario has changed as HRD departments have taken up their role in textile sectors. Various training programmes pertaining to training of workforce, textile related topics have helped in enhancing the overall performance of the textile companies.
In order to get increased productivity from workforce it is essential to have a well framed HRD system in the organization. If the principles of HRD are adopted it could result in decrease in non-attendance by 20% and increase in productivity by 30%. So to cope up with the market competition HRD is very essential element for the textile industry.
HRD department is responsible for developing the feeling of motivation in the employees, this motivation in other words is the commitment of the employees towards the job and the organization. When the work of HRD is done effectively it would result into co-operation among team members, demolition of centralized system of decision making, creates homely environment, feeling of ownership and positive working atmosphere.
Fibre2fashion.com-Best B2B Marketplace of Textile, Apparel & Fashion Industry. It provides free online Industry News, Industry articles, Textile Fashion Jobs, Trade directory, Trade Leads, Marketwatch Report, , World Trade fairs Directory, Stocklots Business Offers etc.

Sales Training - Top Sales Performance Starts With Good Training

By Tim I Millett

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy     

1) Understanding the Sales Dialogue
Training your staff in the art of selling will help them to recognise important elements of the sales dialogue. Sales dialogue is different to regular forms of communication. While an extroverted person might make great conversation, they may not be able to close a deal. Sales training will teach your staff techniques that will help them:
  • Start a dialogue with a customer
  • Find out their reason for the purchase
  • How to capitalise on that information to ensure the customer makes the purchase.
2) Understanding the Customer
Sales training that takes into account the customer's buying experience will increase sales and improve customer service. It will create in your staff a better understanding of the link between customer service and sales. When your sales staff are taught how to read customers and interpret the signals they give out, they are better able to respond accordingly and effectively. This will not only improve the chance of a sale., it will also result in excellent customer care and attentiveness. If a customer feels as if they have been looked after, they are more likely to return and talk positively about your business.
3) The link between Customer Service and Sales
Training your sales staff will help them to connect the concepts of customer service and sales. Customer service is about understanding the needs of the customer. Sales is about providing a solution to those needs. By understanding the connection between these concepts your sales staff will improve their communication with customers and increase their sales. They will effectively be creating an ideal environment for your customers. Sales training will help your staff to understand that providing outstanding service will lead to effective selling.
4) Cross Promotion
Training your staff in the sales techniques of cross promotion will help your sales team to focus on up-selling, cross-selling and on-selling within your business as an extension of excellent customer service. There is a reason McDonald's trained their staff to ask every customer if they want fries with their meal, because it works. Teaching your staff the complex reasons about how and why cross promotion works will demystify the concept. Training and education will provide them with the tools to open up opportunities for more sales. These invaluable techniques will not only improve customer service but will also increase sales.
When you are looking for courses to train your sales team, remember to look for ones that include these important sales training modules. Look for courses that will educate your staff about the relationship between customer service and sales, teaching them a better understanding of the customer experience. Stick to outlines that will encourage your team to discover what makes a customer buy and how cross promotion techniques will help to increase sales.

Why Sales Training Can Benefit ALL of Your Sales Team

By Tony Dimech

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy     

Most companies can identify five types of salesperson in their 'team'. They look something like this:
Star Performer: Limited in numbers, worth their weight in gold!
High Pressure Closer: Wins their share of business, - fails to build long lasting relationships.
Relationship Specialist: Builds good customer relationships, - can fail to spot sales opportunities.
Sales Scholar: A professional student of sales, NOT a sales professional.
Systems Specialist: Knows their way around the systems, - doesn't spend enough time with customers.
Depending on the size of your team there will be a number of different types within your overall team, and it is highly likely that the majority of your sales team will not be made up of 'Star Performers', it is therefore important to ensure you do everything you can to develop your team and create more 'Star Performers'
Often when a sales training initiative is being considered, reasons for NOT training certain groups are identified, some examples are listed below:
Group: Possible Reason not to train
Star Performe: Too valuable to take off the road!
High Pressure Closer: Would be offended if they believed we think they need training.
Relationship Specialist: Will always be a good account manager, but not proactive enough to warrant training.
Sales Scholar: Has probably heard it all before.
Systems Specialist: Don't spend enough time in face to face selling situations to deliver an acceptable ROI.
It is not a good idea to exclude these groups from sales training events, here are some reasons why:
Group: Reasons they should be included in training events
Star Performer: As they do such a good job they will be upset from being excluded from such an event. These people are eager to learn and open to change.
High Pressure Closer: Send this group on the pilot programme the more they are involved the more they will tell their peers what a great course it is.
Relationship Specialist: Managing an account is not enough in today's business environment. Developing new business from both existing and new accounts is critical.
Sales Scholar: This group need to understand how to implement their ideas. Behavioural change is the key.
Systems Specialist: Even utilising today's technology, salespeople in this group need to develop better influencing skills so they are more confident in the face to face selling situation.
Location, Location, Location, most people understand the significance of this in the property market so why not adopt a Training, training, training mentality when considering the ongoing development of your sales team?
The more you train your salespeople, the better they will become. They will be able to adapt their selling style to accommodate different types of buyer. They will be equipped to ask better quality questions and by listening to the answers create more proposals that meet the requirements of your customers. They will be more motivated to make important changes to their everyday routines. They will make more of an effort to differentiate themselves from your competitors' sales people. The potential benefits are endless.
In order to realise these benefits there are three key elements that need to be in place:
1. Pre training communication
2. The training event
3. Follow up
Pre training Communication:
The more a sales person understands why they are being asked to attend a training event, and more importantly what's in it for them, the more they can link the corporate benefits to what impact it will have of their personal motivators the more they will want to participate.
The Training Event:
These people are used to being out and about. Make sure the event is interesting, relevant and participative. They will all know what it is like to fight to stay awake as a trainer waffles on for hours demonstrating their new Power Point skills! The more involved they are the more likely they are to discover how new ideas could impact their results.
Follow up:
From action planning to coaching, there are many ways to follow up the training itself. In order to achieve the maximum return on investment you will need to decide how you are going to measure the results. Remember -You can't manage what you don't measure!

Tips For Designing Workshops

By Sharon Tappenden

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy    

Being flexible is a great place to start when designing a training workshop for your business. Here are some tips to help get you started.
It is easy to create an effective format on which to base your workshop that will deliver maximum learning, development, team building and problem solving. Firstly think about your team and your aim for the workshop.
What are the outcomes you want to achieve? Why not consider making your workshop a true team effort and encourage those who will be participating to contribute ideas and suggestions beforehand. By doing this you will:
  • create interest
  • encourage commitment
  • cultivate curiosity
You may wish to promote productivity when running the workshop by splitting the team up into pairs or small groups of 3. You will achieve a much better opportunity for interaction and ideas by doing this.
However, if you do choose to work with groups of 4 or more, you must appoint a leader to the team to avoid the possibility of discussions collapsing into chaos. Group leaders will guide the group and facilitate an even balance of participation, ideas, debate and results.
Dynamic interaction is the key to a great workshop and you will always achieve this by way of a paper flip chart and colored marker pens for each group. Individuals will easily be able to communicate effectively and efficiently with each other via the use of diagrams, charts, bullet point lists and descriptions of their ideas using the flip chart.
Try to avoid the use of laptops and projectors as they are notoriously impersonal and in many instances have been known to cause 'day dreaming'.
Flip chart paper and marker pens on the other hand are definitely a dynamic way of expressing individual and group ideas. Each piece can be torn off and hung up strategically in the room for other groups to identify with, review and remark on.
It is worth taking into consideration that some people will prefer to communicate in different ways such as role-playing, discussions/debates, or via computer programs. So it will be helpful for you to assess your participants prior to conducting the workshop, so as to get the best participation level from each attendee. This way you will be maximizing your potential results and outcomes for your business or franchise.

Persuade People To Get What You Want: The Only Tip You Need

By Nezrul Hisyam Abdul Ghani

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy    

For many, persuasion is an art and only a lucky few is fortunate enough to know it. In business and selling, persuasion is one of the most valuable skills to have because it can help to get the desired outcome, whatever that may be. But the tricky thing about persuading someone is breaking down its element to find the ones which deliver consistent result.
After years of getting involve in selling and share quite an experience in persuading the other party to our side, I have found that there is only one important thing you need to take care of when doing it, hence the only tip you need to know for persuasion.
And that is: Let others persuade themselves.
That is the best thing to spend your effort on and it consistently produces the results you desire. The question right now is: "How you get them to do that?"
Consider these facts:
1) You do not have the power to control others in their decision-making process. It is an electro-chemical process taking place inside the brain and no outside force can influence it.
2) The mind works in a self-organizing mechanism. The input it gets from outside will form into patterns that have been established prior to that, through education, environment and others. Combine with Fact No. 1; this makes decision-making way beyond your control.
Of course, you are not left totally helpless. What you can do instead, in a negotiation or selling situation, is to provide your prospects with enough information and let their self-organizing system form their perspective. You do not have to force them to accept your argument and cause your frustration if they disagree with you.
You just have to provide them with relevant information, and if possible, the ones that present both sides of the story. One tool that have been proven a success is the scanning tool, created by Edward De Bono, called 'PMI' which stands for 'plus', 'minus' and 'interesting' points.
In this tool, you did not feed your information to your prospects but you just ask them to scan their current environment for any point that is perceived as positive, minus or interesting. From there, they can see if your proposal has any added value.
It is also important to note that, from many field observations, the error of thinking or judgment is rarely due to the error of logic but more of the error in perception. And you do not expect to change such error with logic. It is futile to do so.

Increase Local Plumbing Service Leads Through Directory Listings and Internet Marketing

By B. K. Sachse

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy    

For a local plumber, it can be difficult to gain new leads and sales in your service area due to increased market competition and changes in advertising methods. Most companies rely on yellow pages, radio, and television advertising to gain new customers. These mediums work for companies that have large advertising budgets thus making the barrier to entry great.
For smaller companies, word of mouth, networking, referrals, and vehicle advertising are the only methods used. While these methods work, they lack long-term sustainability and growth potential. Small business plumbers should seek alternative means of gaining new customers such as creating a website, hiring an internet marketing professional, and obtaining plumber directory listings.
Creating a website can be one of the most beneficial means of gaining new customers in your service area as it allows you to target keywords that are specific to individuals that are seeking plumbing services in a certain city, region, or state. Your website will also allow up selling through additional services that you offer to customers when they are unaware of every skill your company provides. Obtaining a website is easily the most cost-effective advertising money you will spend.
Once your website is created, you will want to hire an affordable internet marketing company that can provide a free consultation in order to understand your online marketing goals. An internet marketing company will provide keyword research, competition analysis, search engine submission, local search submission, on-page and off-page search engine optimization, and optionally, search engine marketing. The long-term benefits of hiring a web marketing company far outweigh the initial upfront costs and an effective provider will provide a nice return on investment for years to come. Be aware that providers in the internet marketing industry vary from company to company. Similar to the plumbing industry, some service providers complete superior work, while others make the issue worse than it was to begin with.
Your internet marketing consultant should provide a list of promotion methods you can do on your own that will facilitate your plumbing company's success on the web. These include, but are not limited to: posting in relevant plumbing forums with your company information in the signature, creating plumbing directory listings for your company, creating plumbing industry blog posts on your website, and maintaining web 2.0 accounts on the most popular social networking websites.
Increasing local plumbing service leads in your service area can be a difficult task to smaller companies. Your plumbing company does not need a huge marketing and advertising budget to succeed. Using the methods and advice provided in this article should lower the barriers to entry and increase company success while saving on monthly costs that traditional advertising requires.

Trade Show Booths For Small Companies

By Chris A. Harmen

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy   

Many companies believe that their small budget makes getting great trade show displays impossible. Others conclude that because they can't outspend other larger firms, there is no point to having any particular convention presence at all. In fact, a smaller booth run by your emerging business can be a stronger draw than a competitor's large custom installation. The question is, how do you design your exhibits for trade shows? Good planning and careful selection of costs will lead you to a strong and wise investment in trade show booths.
Don't Compete With The Big Trade Show Displays
As a small company, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by your larger competition. In the context of conventions, however, don't think of them as your competition. When you don't have the funds to outclass them with a superior convention presence, you shouldn't try. What you should do instead is focus on making the best possible impression while staying within the budget you have. If that means a shoestring as a startup, then that's what you should do. If it's slightly more, then use that. Never push your funds to the point where cash will be too tight.
Making An Impression With Exhibits For Trade Shows
Instead of relying on fancy gadgets like the largest companies, you should focus on what is outstanding about your own company and play that up. First, determine what your goal is at this convention. If you are a very new player, perhaps you simply intend to get your name on the map. Attracting attention from the press and from others interested in your field can be a great benefit of exhibits, and doesn't require much of an investment. If your company is launching a new product, then you should ensure that the focus is on your new product, and trust that your company will see benefit from being associated with the product.
Whatever you choose as your goal, there is one crucial thing to remember. No matter how small or large your booth may be, it must always be the highest quality. Your company may be small, but you want to be taken seriously by everyone at that exhibition. In order to make that happen, you need to show that you're in this business for the long term. In the eyes of most visitors, that means having a booth that is professional, sleek, and well considered. It doesn't have to be large, but it does have to represent your company well.
Creating Lasting Value Through Brochures And Flyers
When you can't afford to spend a lot on large exhibits, you need another way to communicate the basics about your company and product. The best way to do this is with flyers and brochures. In fact, even if you have a larger booth in the future, having flyers that visitors can take home with them is a great way to further introduce them to your company's products and mission.
Great Trade Show Booths For Every Budget
Careful planning and wise choices will lead to a great display. Its size relative to your competition doesn't matter. All that is important is that it represents your company well, and that it will help people know your company better and know your product. If you have achieved that, then you'll see benefit from your exhibit.

Search Engine Optimisation - The Most Powerful Marketing Tool For a Small Business

By K Singh

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

SEO is an effective and proven method to market a small business. A small business has budgetary constraints in marketing hence search engine optimisation is particularly beneficial. It has lower costs than traditional advertising mediums and as such can be used effectively by small businesses. It offers a cost effective method for small businesses to make their website known to a vast audience. Search engine optimisation commonly known as SEO has become crucial in the success of small businesses today. Many marketing studies have shown that online marketing is replacing traditional mediums as the primary source for customers to obtain information on a company's products and services.  Recent changes in consumer behaviour have made E-Commerce more important than traditional high street retail in many industries.
Search engine marketing has a special significance for small businesses as it allows a business to reduce its marketing and operating costs.  The cost benefits and return on investment is significant compared to traditional methods of marketing such as TV, radio or print mediums.  Search engine marketing also has a wider reach and can be equally effective whether you wish to market to a local or international customer base.
Search engines provide small businesses with an opportunity to compete with established businesses and they are not limited by a smaller bricks and mortar presence. Small businesses with an effective online marketing strategy have continued to grow and gain competitive advantage over others in their industry. This would not be possible using traditional marketing mediums which have much higher costs associated with it.
The ultimate goal of Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is to drive targeted traffic form search engines to the company's website. Websites that receive a high rank on search engines are able to grow and expand due to increased sales and leads achieved as a direct result of increased visibility on search results. A majority of the internet users use search engines to find products and services. Websites that rank high on search engines are able to receive highly targeted traffic from potential customers.
There is tough competition to rank high on search engines as only 10 websites can appear on the first page for a given search phrase.  Research shows that if a Web site does not rank on the first page of a search result, chances of generating any traffic to the website is reduced manifold. Therefore it is important for a business to have an ongoing strategy that can help it achieve a first page rank on major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Here are some search engine optimisation tips that a small business or company can use to improve its rank on search engines
  • A search engine friendly Web site. A website that has been designed with search engines in mind tends to rank higher on search engines. A search engine friendly website can get indexed by search engines with ease and as such it promotes better ranking of its pages. A professional web designer will always ensure that the website is designed with search engine guidelines. A number of techniques can ensure this. Any professional web designer should take these factors into account.
  • Well Organised structure of the website. The information on the website should be organised properly. Information should be categorised meaningfully and content should be appropriately categorised into different sub pages of the website. If users fail to find what they want immediately, they are likely to go to another site.
  • Positioning of keywords.  One of the first steps of an effective SEO campaign is to identify the right keywords.  Once this is done the keywords should be positioned strategically within the content of the website. The main keywords should be in the title, description and within the body, ideally once in the first sentence.
  • Strategic distribution of keywords on the website. This is a basic SEO technique. Position keywords or key phrases at the start and the end of the document as the beginning and end of a page are given more weight by search engines while searching.
  • Keyword relevancy and density within the web page content. It is important that the website relevancy to keywords is good. The overall website should be related to the main keywords the site is targeting. Keyword density refers to the number of times the keyword appears in the content of a particular web page. E.g. a density of around 2-5% is considered appropriate.
  • Keywords in anchor text of links.  Including your main keywords in anchor text of links is a very effective search engine optimisation technique.  Keywords should form a part of the link text where possible. Link text is the clickable word that is used to get to a page. Instead of using "Click here for more info" as your link text, use the main keywords instead. This improves the chances of the destination page ranking high for the keyword.

How to Get Golden Keywords For Marketing Research

By Brian G Armstrong

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Just about any of your internet marketing efforts begin with finding keywords that people are actually searching for that you can use to get traffic. One of the most solid ways to get visitors to your website is through the search engines.
Start your research by brainstorming a list of keyword phrases that match what your website will be about or what you believe people are searching for when you want them to find your website. I've found that using a spreadsheet is the best way to keep track of your keywords. If you don't currently own Microsoft Office, you can use Google Docs or OpenOffice.
Once you've found most of the broad keywords, organize them into groups or categories and then find other keyword phrases that make that original keyword phrase more specific and indicate people that are doing the search are more likely to buy vs. those that are simply looking. If you are trying to sell a Nikon camera, you may want to include a specific model type or feature of the camera people will be searching for. Every additional detail someone types in the search engine usually indicates individuals being much closer to making a purchase.
There are a couple of websites that can be used to determine how many searches are done on a monthly basis. Once you determine this, add this information to your spreadsheet. It will come in handy when you need to see which keywords are worth pursuing vs. those that will be a waste of time. The two websites that you'll be using are Google Adwords keyword tool and the freekeywords.wordtracker.com website. Both of these will give you keyword ideas and the number of monthly searches.
When you have data about how many searches get done on these keywords, you'll need to cross reference the competition. You'll need to know how many other websites there are on the internet that contain your keyword phrase. Google has in its index a lot of websites and you'll be able to get some data on how many pages Google has where your keyword phrases are being used.
There are some search parameters that you can use, especially with Google that will give you some indications of how much competition there really is for these keyword phrases. If you do searches with the allintitle or allinanchor options with your keyword phrases, you'll have an especially good idea of which of those keyword phrases you should go after with your website.
As far as what numbers you're looking for, go with a minimum search volume of 100 searches per day or 3000 searches per month. Of course, if you have a very specialized site, or something that doesn't require as much traffic, you may still be able to go for keyword phrases with less than 100, but make that your baseline. As far as competition, go for keyword phrases that have less than 10,000 allintitle or allinanchor. The higher the competition, the harder it will be to get your website ranked in the search engines.
Finding keywords is just the start. Once you have your keyword phrases, you'll need to place those strategically in your web pages including in the page title, h1 tags, and within the content of the page itself. Ideally, you'll have about a 3-5% keyword density. What this means is that you'll use your 2-3 word keyword phrase about 1-2 times for every 100 words. If you have a few paragraphs in your blog post or your web page, plan on about 1 keyword phrase per paragraph. If you use those keyword phrases in the right way, you'll be on your way to getting those top rankings.

Keyword Strategy for Your Business Website

By Colin Fenton

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

Keywords shouldn't always be what you think they should be. I know a company that sold stain repellent for furniture, they thought their keyword should be "Furniture Protection". That isn't a keyword, it's a slogan. If someone is walking by your storefront and they see that in the window then they'll know what you're about but if someone is on the internet using a search engine they're never going to find you that way. There are a number of keyword research services, both free and subscription based (such as Wordtracker) that will give you estimates of how many people are typing what words into search engines on an average day.
Once you can develop a list of keywords that are relevant to your business that people are actually spontaneously typing into search engines on their own, these keywords should be broken down into tiers. The keywords with the most hits should probably match up with your homepage, the keywords that are about 5-20 less popular may or may not warrant some sub-pages and then smaller keywords should be classified tier-3 and set aside for the time being. Any one page should be optimized for no more than 3 keyword phrases, optimally. The more keywords you try to optimize for, the harder it will be to get ranked well for any single one of them.
As mentioned, you only want to have at most 3 keyword phrases per page. That includes your homepage. It's not always the case, but often you will want the top 3 most typed keyword phrases to be the ones you optimize your homepage for. If there are more than 3 that are all around the same number of searches then you have a decision to make. Often a few of them might be directed at a subcategory of your business, so you might have one sub-page that will be far more popular than the other sub-pages. The other option is a second website. If it's just four (or... err... five) you CAN try to optimize your homepage for all of them, but that should be a last resort decision.
The 2nd tier keywords, as you may have already figured out, should be designated to sub-pages of your site. In this case, we're usually talking about pages that are linked to directly off your homepage. If not, make sure you have a good solid reason. You might even want to link to those sub-pages from your homepage using link text that contains one (or possibly two, depending on how natural it looks) of the keywords you're optimizing for. These links tell the search engines what's at the other end has something to do with the link text used, therefore giving the page relevance for the intended keyword.
Your 3rd tier of keywords won't go to waste, but usually you want these on pages that are two clicks off your homepage (in other words, linked directly from a tier-2 page). Just like the other pages you want the keywords in the HTML TITLE tag and used on the page at least once (and definitely not excessively) but that's pretty much all your need to do. The other keywords will likely need some help -- links from other websites, the obtaining of which will be covered in a later article -- but 3rd tier keywords are usually typed infrequently enough that there isn't much competition to rank highly for them.
If you do get a couple of good inbound links with your keywords to some of these pages, you will likely rank them far easier than the other pages of your site. Just be careful how much time you spend on them though because they are by definition low-volume keywords. Collectively they can bring in a ton of website traffic but individually they won't bring much.

Benefits of SEO Training

By Shwetz Batra

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

Today, internet means everything for all of us. Number of internet users is increasing all over the world. In true sense, internet has redefined human life. Even for business making, financial transaction, knowledge sharing, education & almost all spheres, every way & every process requires use of internet. Scope of internet marketing for all businesses is ever expanding. It's no surprise to see brands being advertised through digital marketing over internet.
Traditional marketing of products, services through physical media, trade shows is still in practice but they all have limitation of attracting number of inclined users, or simply call them potential buyers. With the increasing numbers of online customers, Search Engine Optimization is becoming one of the fastest growing marketing methodologies. As more businesses turn to the Internet to sell their services and products, it becomes very important for them to market themselves properly on the World Wide Web. Let us investigate how SEO can be the turn key factor for marketing of business products website.
Whenever, an online user, wanting to buy a product or service, tries to search the product through internet. It is this fact; many internet marketing companies have captured & have introduced "search engine optimization (SEO)" SEO is the process and practice of optimizing your website so that it ranks well on search engine results pages (or SERPs). When someone types a word or phrase into search engines (like Google, Yahoo) looking for your product, you want to appear on the first or second page of the search results.
The modern business scenario is highly competitive and advanced, and a well-organized and conspicuous website is mandatory for successful business dealings. Nowadays most people depend on search engines for various needs, and search engines provide a number of search results of websites. It is obvious then, that a low ranked website offers little or practically no exposure. On this ground, no one can deny the facts about SEO & its benefits. Furthermore, Social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access, opening doors for organizations to increase their brand awareness and facilitate conversations with the customer.
Search engine optimization is a practical and effective solution for increasing traffic to your website and thereby making your business conspicuous online. One of the major benefits of SEO service is that it helps to create your websites favorable to both visitors to your site, and the search engines.

Get Ranked Through Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

By Joaquin Costa

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Do you have a newly created website that you want to promote? Then SEO or the Search Engine Optimization is all you need. SEO can help lure a bigger traffic to your site. and traffic in this context means the number of people visiting the web pages you've created. Internet has already become a major part of most people's lives. This is the most popular means of communication nowadays since it is cheaper as compared to telephones or mobile phones. It is also considered a great factor in business, whether traditional or online. Many businessmen have proven the effectiveness of employing Internet into their business.
SEO can pull your website up the ranks as long as you make use of use the right keywords. Keywords are the words that Internet users type in browsers like Google when they are looking for a certain topic. In order for you to achieve a high rank in search engines, you first have to look for an SEO package that has a reasonable price. You will find several reasonably priced SEO package in the market today, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they all offer similar benefits. Choose a package that can meet your demands. There are a lot of SEO providers out there that knows exactly what their subscribers need and they deliver them the way you expect them to be.
Once you've selected an SEO provider, the next step is to jot down keywords that you think can lead Internet users to your site. Make sure that the keywords you choose are common but at the same time unique, which means that they must instantly pop up in the minds of searchers, but must not be overused by other website owners as well.
The next step will now be concerning the titles of your web pages. Create strong and striking titles and words that most users will likely type in search engines.
You may also use tags as well as meta tags for they can help boost your website even more. Many ignore the relevance of tags; they do not realize that it plays a vital part in SEO. Good SEO providers usually maximize the use of this strategy, and they have proven its worth. A good provider, likewise, sees to it that your contents are filled with keywords.
It's not difficult to find a good and reasonably priced SEO provider. You will find several providers on the Internet and even in magazines and newspapers. But before you finally decide to subscribe, you have to be sure that the provider is well experienced in this field and is reputable.

SEO Optimization Services

By John Halasz

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Website owners use SEO optimization services to increase targeted traffic to their website. E-Commerce has opened up a host of opportunities for business owners who want to establish an online presence and make their names known. If you are one such business owner, you will be interested in the information in this article. There are many techniques designed to help drive traffic to your site and ultimately encourage customers to buy whatever it is you are selling. Articles, press releases, classified ads, and video marketing are among the different ways SEO optimization services can market your website.
SEO optimization services make use of article marketing. SEO articles are a great way to get the word out and allow you to showcase your knowledge in your field of expertise. Since you do not have the advantage of face-to-face contact with your potential customers over the Internet, you need a way to let them know you are well-informed, competent, and that they really should buy from you. Articles provide a great avenue for doing just that. When you write, keep the content informative and factual. Don't be afraid to impart your knowledge to others as it may just send them to your site. It will also show them you have a vested interest in your business and in your customers.
Press releases are also another great way SEO optimization services promote your business. There are many places to post optimized press releases, which should be eye-catching and interesting. Remember, optimized press releases are most often used to advertise an event or newsworthy business event, so you will probably need fewer press releases than SEO articles.
Classified ads are another effective way seo optimization services can advertise your products and services. While they are not all free, there are many places on the Internet where you can post classified ads for free. The ad just needs to be written and the time spent to post. Take advantage of this and post ads that were designed with selling in mind. Remember to be persuasive without being pushy so as to gently urge others to go to your site and take advantage of what you have to offer right away. If you need help writing classified ads, you can hire an SEO copywriting service.
Create your own YouTube video. YouTube has become a wildly popular medium for posting videos of all sorts in a variety of categories. It's free to post and free for others to access. SEO optimization services can create and post optimized YouTube videos, which advertise your business. Put together a video that advertises your business as a whole. Tutorials in your industry work well because people actively search videos to learn something new. Either before, during, or after the video, you can mention your business. Make sure the content is engaging. This means taking full advantage of the opportunity to use informative audio along with stimulating visuals to grab the attention of others and hold it. Post it on YouTube along with a direct link to your site and see what a difference it can make.

Using Keywords for SEO

By B K Homer

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Using keywords for SEO is very important. If you are trying to get ranked high in Google or other search engines you must know how to use keywords whether you are looking to improve organic rankings or you are using PPC. Search engines are all about relevancy and the more relevant your keywords are to the site you are using them on the better rankings you will get in search engines, generally referred to as SERP's.
Google, like all other companies wants to offer the best product it can to it's customers. They do this by using their algorithms to determine relevancy for keywords. Look at it like answering questions, whether someone using Google is asking a literal question or they are just looking for something they are still at least indirectly asking a question. For example a search for "Super Nintendo video games". This person is most likely looking for just that, and so the "question" they want answered is show me some super Nintendo video games. Google's reply (in the form of search results) is what it best feels answers that question and so if YOU as the marketer using keywords for SEO can best provide an answer to that question in the form of what content is on your website you will get a high ranking for that search term.
Now the problem with above search term is that it's pretty vague right? So being specific is also very important. If the keyword somebody searched for was "I want to buy Mario Kart for SNES" and you sold mario kart for SNES on your website this would be extremely relevant and specific and you should consider using it. It should be noted though that if nobody is searching for the keywords you're targeting even if they are relevant it won't help you get any traffic. This is where using the Google keyword tool comes in handy.
the Google keyword tool is a great way to research keywords for your website. You can see results for how many searches a keyword is receiving as well as tons of other keywords that are similar to the one you searched for. There are also some tools that you will be able to find access to at the link below. One tool in particular allows you to see exactly how many other websites are using the exact keyword you are targeting. This can be very helpful for finding excellent keywords.
The bottom line with using keywords for SEO is that relevancy rules everything else. Regardless of the keywords you're using to promote your site it has to be relevant. Google and all other search engines will punish your site and put it deep in the SERP's if you are not relevant.

3 Tips For An SEO Article Writer

By Michael Cantrell

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

One of the most lucrative markets in freelance writing is to be an SEO article writer. Search engine optimization is essential to many businesses around the world both online and off, that are trying to market their services or product over the Internet. These companies will hire an SEO article writer to help them write highly optimized content that will help them to achieve a higher rank in the search engines.
One of the first tips that is essential to become a successful SEO article writer is keyword research. Keywords are words or phrases that will be placed through out the body of the article in order to optimize it for the search engines. Most clients who hire an SEO article writer already have the keywords that you need to place in the article, but there are the occasions when you run across someone with know keyword research background. Although it may sound intimidating, keyword research is very simple to perform. Simply write a few words and phrases that are related to the business or subject of the articles and run them through a search engine like Google. Place quotes around the word or phrase and hit enter. You should never use a keyword that generates more than 5,000 search results, as this is way too much competition, and your article won't make to the front page. If you get more than 5,000 results, simply make your keyword less general and more targeted.
Another helpful tip for an SEO article writer is to write in your own unique voice. Even though you may have to work the same keyword phrase through the article body repeatedly doesn't mean that you can't still make it interesting. Most readers won't finish reading an article if they don't feel a connection with the writer. You have to write like you speak, as if talking to your best friend. This will help your articles to be informative as well as interesting and unique.
Another helpful hint to learn for an SEO article writer is to have an understanding of keyword density. This is the most crucial aspect of SEO article writing, and if done wrong, can have a negative effect rather than a positive. You want to make sure that you don't overuse the keyword as this will appear to look like spam which will get your article removed and cause you to lose business.
These are just a couple of useful tips for an SEO article writer that will help build a successful career.

Choosing the Brightest Expert Freelance Online Article Writer

By Sev Cabrera

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

Finding freelance article writers online can be time consuming and frustrating at times. But if you know that right 'what to do's" in the online world this could be made it to a much simpler task. With article writers now roaming the online world all eager to find writing jobs online it gives you a lot of choices to choose from. Well there are so many online writers because, some of they are attracted to the money article writers are paid with (which is a lot if you are a good writer) and also, there are good writers out there that truly have the talent and the heart of writing that is why they choose article writing as their career.
So how do you pick an efficient and good online article content writer? First off, you need to find a good site where article writers post their online applications. There are so many online and you might want to visit each one. Then conduct an online interview, chat to each one and gauge their writing potential, their grammar, and their lingo, take notice of each aspect and note them.
After that, choose the best of the best in your list, this method will weed out the lousy ones which just wont be valuable in your business. So now that you have your cream of the crop, there is still one thing you need to do, you have to choose one or two writers that will be your freelance writer. Have them write up a good article about something weird, an article that will baffle even you who asked for it. Its going to be a challenge for them and only the best of them all can produce the one that you like and suit your taste. And that is it. You hire that expert online article writer right away.
With the above tips to help you choose, finding a good online article won't be as hard as it should be. You won't even have to worry that you will have to ditch that writer off because through your good screening process, you can be sure that the one you hired is an expert and a good pick.
If you are looking to dramatically increase your online business with a fresh new influx of buyers then visit my site and get your hands on your free video series unlocking web traffic secrets. Visit us today for your very own web traffic videos and dominate the SEO market business now.

Tips On Hiring A Great Freelance Writer

By Debbie Panell

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Do an Internet search on "hiring a freelance writer" or anything similar, and you will find millions of links to job boards, freelance writer sites, message boards and all sorts of other trails to lead you to various sources. You will find freelance writers, no doubt about that, but what kind of writer are they? Are they fluent in English (American English is very different than British English), do they do the work themselves or outsource it? Do they charge per piece or per word? What is their turnaround time? How do they handle revisions?
These are things you may not have considered, other than price.
Most people and companies that hire freelance writers have learned these lessons the hard way. So, in an effort to save you some money, as well as time, I am going to give you some pointers!
* When you contact a freelance writer for the first time, or post a project on a job board, give the details of what you are looking for! One writer may be terrific at SEO and keyword content, but if you want more of an opinion or humor piece this writer may not be ideal for you! If you give the details (topic, keywords, length) upfront, the writer will be able to assess your needs and quote you a price accordingly. I turn down projects on a regular basis - not because I like turning down money, but rather because if it is a topic totally foreign to me, or one I think will be better written by a specialist in that area, I will tell you. I would rather refer you to another writer and be remembered as the writer who was professional and you want to come back to do a different project with in the future, then take the project and do a horrible job, earn a lousy reputation and have a dissatisfied customer!
* How do you intend to pay your freelance writer? I, along with most freelancers, prefer Paypal. Many established, reputable writers will require a deposit. Don't let this scare you. My deposit has been as low as $5 and as high as $2000. I am most likely to charge a deposit if I have not worked with you in the past, if it is a large project or if you failed to pay me for a previous job (in which case the total amount is due upfront). If you are a company which pays only by check, make sure you give the company contact information to the writer you choose to hire.
* Should you pay by the word or by the piece? It depends on the individual writer. I do both, depending on the client and my mood. Most of my work though, is by the word - and I charge between 10 cents and 30 cents per word. This is not uncommon for a quality freelance writer who is experienced, educated and takes pride in their work. If you have a budget, give a word limit (which you should anyways, otherwise you'll either end up with a thesis or a five sentence article!)
* Why should you pay $50 for an article, when you can buy one for $1.50? Once you have purchased a $1.50 article, you will have your answer. Quite often, super low rates are a sign of overseas outsourcing (meaning your article will sound as though its been written by a foreigner and the grammar, while perhaps technically correct, feels "weird") or it is a new freelance writer who has no clue what they are doing. I can say that, because I've been there. You want a writer who knows what they are doing, knows how to provide superior customer service and meet a deadline and knows how to write clearly.
* Ask about revisions! Many writers charge a fee for any revisions you request. I do not, unless you want a totally new piece written. But if the changes you want made are relatively simple, and are not going to take all day, they are included in my price.
* RIGHTS! Unless you SPECIFICALLY state in a contract that you as the buyer retain all copyright to the work, the writer is allowed to sell the work to someone else. If this is important to you, make sure you specify rights privileges in your contract!

How to Outsource - 3 Big Outsourcing Tips

By Alan Saltz

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Wondering how to outsource work to a freelancer and how to find freelancers, either in the United States or abroad?
You're not alone.
Outsourcing work to freelance workers, or virtual workers as some refer to it, doesn't seem like an easy thing to. Especially the first time you do it.
For most people wondering how to outsource, a lot of questions come to mind:
  1. What kind of work do I outsource?
  2. Who should I hire?
  3. Where do I find freelancers?
  4. How do I hire a freelance worker?
  5. How do I communicate with my freelancer?
  6. How do I make sure my projects are being done correctly?
  7. How do I know what I'm paying for?
  8. How do I pay a freelancer?
It was questions like these that prevented me from outsourcing for a long time. I really wish they hadn't. Now that I know how to outsource and have actually gone through the process, I can see tremendous value in it - in the form of significant time and cost savings. It's also not nearly as difficult as I anticipated.
Here are 3 helpful tips to help you find freelancers and get started outsourcing.
1. Look to ONLINE freelance hubs.
I used to think that job boards and classified sites like Craigslist were the best places to find freelancers. I was wrong. I discovered that these were great ways to get lots of resumes... but ultimately I had no idea who these people were, or what I was getting myself into. People who looked great on paper proved to be awful in reality. It was an expensive mistake.
Then finally I came across what I'll call "freelance hubs" - websites like oDesk and Scriptlance - whose SOLE purpose is to unite employers with freelancers all over the world.
These websites have thousands of programmers, writers, web developers, artists, and other freelance workers ready to take on projects. Beyond just a resume, you can see the projects they've taken on, how many hours they've logged, tests they've taken, language proficiency, and (perhaps best of all) REVIEWS from other companies who have hired them.
So before you outsource work, you can have a high level of confidence in the workers you choose.
That's a lot of benefit.
It's also great that these sites can help you learn how to outsource effectively, by streamlining steps in the process such as hiring, team management, and payment.
2. Start SMALL.
Seriously, outsourcing is much less difficult than it may seem.
What IS overwhelming is trying to outsource a major project, with lots of moving pieces, before you've gone through the process once. Besides, every freelance worker is different. So it pays to see how well you work with someone, and how they run projects, before you worry about figuring everything out yourself. The smaller the project you start with, the less pressure you'll feel to micromanage and the more relaxed you'll be. It's a great "learn as you go" experience.
3. Have a Well DEFINED Project.
Before you get started, make sure you have your project well planned out. Know what you want to do. Know the skills that are necessary to complete that task. Know the scope of the project and the time you expect it to take.
The better you know what you want, the easier it is to find someone to complete the task, and the easier it is to communicate what you want done. A well-defined project also meshes your expectations with your freelancer's, paving the way to a smooth and successful completion.
Also, by the time you have a larger project to outsource, many of your initial questions will be answered already. For example, you may already have a worker you trust, you'll know the best way to communicate, you'll know how payments are made, etc.
Outsourcing may seem like a difficult task, but it really does get easier as you go through the steps. When you start small, you reduce the risk of wasting time and money, and you improve your chances of finding someone you can work with for a long time to come.

Outsourcing Medical Transcription - Cost Effective and Fast

By Tono Ruggeri

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

The present practices in both big and small businesses are all aimed to providing a new method that makes jobs a lot easier to accomplish. The present global financial meltdown is alarming to different types of businesses and it is the goal of many to come up with ways that are less expensive without sacrificing the quality of work results. Outsourcing projects appear to be a gift for a wide variety of sectors in the society. Outsourcing medical transcription is one of the most popular practices and the healthcare sector acknowledges the advantages it can provide. Medical transcription pertains to transcribing the voice reports received by the doctors or other healthcare professionals, which are typically written files in text format. The transcriptionists are not required to be physically present in your office and still you would be able to gain from the benefits that they can provide. There are many reasons as to why even the topnotch healthcare providers approve of this method of transcribing medical records.
Outsourcing medical transcription has been well-acknowledged due to a lot of valuable rationale. One reason is related to the amount of time when it comes to completing assigned transcripts. For a lot of healthcare industries, outsourcing greatly reduces the amount of time resulting to a more effective and less lengthy practice of maintaining medical record documents. When compared with in-house transcription outsourcing is an effective solution that allows medical care providers a more convenient method that would not push them to spend a long time and costs at the same time. If you compare the cost that you would spend on recruiting and training in-house transcriptions, outsourcing it from other companies most are located abroad provides a more affordable option that is certainly notable to try.
When you settle for in-house transcription options, you will be obligated to provide or at least rent a building or office space as well as have enough supply of dictation equipments so as to ensure that transcription would materialize. The ultimate and basic reason why many medical care providers choose to outsource from other companies across the globe is due to the great reduction on the operating costs. The money that they would save can be utilized for other essential purposes for the improvement and harmonious operations.
More importantly, companies that offer medical transcription outsourcing services ensure strict compliance with HIPAA procedures and processes. This is a nationwide practice that is dedicated to making medical record information confidential and wholly secure. Transcriptionists are obligated to sign a HIPPA compliant agreement and any violations would mean penalties and legal obligation. In accordance with this, medical care providers are ensured that all medical transcript documents are transferred by means of a highly secure file transfer facility.
Medical transcription service providers that accept outsourcing projects ensure that the other end would get nice and clear reports that would be an important motivating factor for you to move on with other significant aspects of your business. They are committed to providing this, at very cost-effective rates. Additionally, companies that offer this makes sure that they meet up the required and preset turn-around time so as not to disappoint their client medical care provider.
With all of these reasons and a whole lot more, indeed outsourcing medical transcription services is a valuable solution for faster and more effective transcribing services minus enduring the hassle and demands of training an in-house pool of medical transcriptionist.

Costs Involved in Outsourcing Technical Support

By Mike Royston

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy   

There is a great new about the outsourcing in these days. It has turned as a highly important part in any industries, granting workers from different parts of the worlds to cooperate on project and complete any task that has taken years to accomplish. Now everything can be outsourced like payroll or accounting works or computer programming etc. The offshore assistant can give you quality work with fewer budgets than paying for salaried employees in the firm.
Saving Money
The outstanding and the obvious benefit of outsourcing is nothing but many monetary profits itself. Based on the structure and the scope of the company, outsourcing is the best option for a company to cut down the unnecessary expenditure and survive in the present global economy.
Outsourcing can perform much great things than the monetary benefits. It also stabilizes the economical efficiency of the company by diminishing the hazard task that consumes the precious time and recourses. Instead of devoting your entire departments for a specific task, company can outsource that particular task to offshore industry selecting smaller group of employees who are really skilled and make more profit than performing in the in-house office.
Outsourcing not only take out the excess of building operations and employment but also eliminate the additional expenses of training the fresher, increase the efficiency of the employees and it really requires thousands of dollars. An outsourcing company can assist you with the proficient skilled people that are really suit for your requirements and forget about the common worries like turnover or disputes.
Production Speed
Because of the higher cost that needs to maintain a large staff of employment at all times is very hard to compete with other markets business sectors. The modern companies need to make quick productions and shipping the products without losing the quality of products.. Here comes the importance of outsourcing company. Outsourcing company will allow you to maintain perfect structure and also give the chance to outsource additional projects and pay attention on core projects and it will help you to make more proficient in the process.

Offset Printing Vs Digital Printing

By Noah Salzman

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy   

Most commercial printers these days offer both offset printing and digital printing, but which is better and what are the differences that are significant to the print buyer?
In almost all cases, there is a clear and obvious choice which method is best suited for the production of an order, and any professional commercial printing sales representative should be able to know immediately which way to go.
Let me begin by stating that the quality of the print impression is not one of the deciding factors. Before commercial printers had invested in digital equipment they would point out that digital imaging quality was inferior to offset imaging quality, and perhaps there was a time when this was true, but not today. Over the last decade, the technical advancements in digital printing has brought it to the point where even people working in the trade can not tell the difference between a digitally printed sheet or one that was offset printed. The print buyer or average consumer looking at the printed item certainly has no clue which of the two methods was used.
So what are the deciding factors? The first and most significant issue is the quantity of the run. Offset printing requires plates and set up time which is the same whether the print run is one hundred or one million, and there is a fixed cost for that. Digital printing does not require plates or significant set up time and can produce a quality impression from the first output sheet. However, digital printing is slow and there is no economy of scale. The one hundredth sheet or the one thousandth sheet, costs the same as the first sheet. In offset printing the press can run at incredible speed. In some cases the press can print more than 4 sheets a second which is approximately 6 times faster than a digital press, and that's not taking into consideration the huge difference in the size of the sheet, but we'll talk about that in another paragraph. Therefore, in offset printing, you amortize the fixed costs of plates and set up into your run (the number of sheets being printed), and the unit cost reduces with every additional sheet being printed. In general, the number of impressions where the two methods cost the same is one thousand. Above that number offset will be more cost-effective, and below that number digital will be less expensive. So the trick here is to determine the required quantity. Usually, if a client needs 5,000 of an item he won't be ordering 500, and vice versa.
The size of the press sheet is also a main determining factor. At present the largest digital print image is 12in. x 18in., so any item larger than that automatically has to be printed offset. There is one exception. If you are only printing a few copies of a large image, it can be done in large format digital, but at $6.00 a square foot, at around 20 units offset printing will become less expensive. As well, if you want to print (for example) 8 - 8 1/2 x 11 pages, this would fit onto one set of plates of a 40in. offset press and would be more efficient than digital unless, of course, the quantity was very small - under 300. So, as you can see, the decision becomes a function of size and quantity, but an experienced estimator can usually tell at a glance which method would work best.
As a footnote I would like to mention that Fuji is unveiling the first 28in. digital printing press later this month at the Graph Expo in Chicago.

Remedy to Convert the Disadvantages of Call Center Outsourcing Into Advantages

By Morris Jane

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

Gone are the days when outsourcing was considered as unneeded complication and something unwanted and unwelcome guests in business premises. With the time, economies and markets, business owners have not only softened their approach towards call centre outsourcing but also made them a significant extension of their business given the profits and cost control associated to BPO services.
Some main advantages that are associated with offshore call centre services
1) Concentration on Core issues: Your team does not have to spend time on time consuming issues like taking calls or telemarketing. Instead, they can focus on core functional issues of a business.
2) Best Minds working for you: Call centers are platforms that ensure that best minds, best of technology and best of resources are available for you.
3) High Quality in Lower Costs: Lower costs of call centers do not intend lower quality. You get world class services on offshore rates.
4) Data Management and Security: Thanks to the rigorous data safety management your company does not get lost on data and information. Every piece of information you confide with them remains secured and valid.
5) Margins Saving: You cut costs considerably. With call centre outsourcing, you can save up to 40 to 60 percent on operational costs like administrative, recruitment expenses across all levels of business.
6) Streamlined and Tighter Work Operations: Your work operations are managed properly thanks to the proper application and software like CRM deployed.
7) Embracing New Technologies: Today when new technologies are emerging on daily basis, call centre offers you opportunities to deploy new technologies like Cisco for your business resulting in advancement of your business and saved costs.
1) Distance: Distance is what makes business owners distant to outsourcing.
2) Costs: For the starters, the margin falls short than expected. That happens mainly because of misunderstanding, lack of proper communication or mismanagement.
3) Tall Tales and Lies: Sometimes, call centre owners offers something they do not specialize or present themselves they are not. That irks off most of business.
4) Lack of Professionalism and Finances: This is a situation when call centers lack of necessitate funds to run an operation smoothly or have to leave in mid-way. Sometimes, due to incapable HR policies or high attrition rates, they employ agents that lack basic skills of being an agent.
The Remedy:
What we need to understand that these disadvantages can happen with onshore and near-shore call centers as well. Fear of deals would go wrong have not stopped you from working then why should it be the case with outsourcing? However, experts insist that you outsource safe and risk free. When you outsource, you are not suppose to send all your work to third party service provider and go to vacation. Instead, outsource something that is consuming most of the working time of your in-house team and wreaking havoc on financial front like call answering, telemarketing, appointment scheduling, credit card processing or finance and admin outsourcing. This would not only be cost saving but also, productive.
You need to develop mutual trust and understanding with your call center outsourcing and call center service provider as you would do with any of your on-shore partner. They are operating at distance that does not mean that they do not understand the analytics of market or mathematics of business. You just need to be patient and understanding with them.
Morris Jane is associated with Vcare Corporation and working as a Sr. Marketing Manager. Vcare encompasses the range of varied support services such as call centre outsourcing services, F&A Outsourcing services, email/chat support, research wings, outbound, inbound call center services, back office support, Software Development, IVR Services and Infrastructure Management solutions.