Rabu, 03 November 2010

Tips and Techniques on Finding a Job Quickly

There are three ways on how you can get employed at the soonest possible time- that would be, knowing what you want, have an impressive resume, and don't get tired of handing your resumes.
Everything starts with yourself. So, you have to explore what you really want for a career move. Then, you can begin from that realization about what your next steps will be. This is especially important if you have different set of skills that can be applied to different areas and careers. If you can, apply for different job descriptions and only choose in the end which will be a better offer for you.
But mostly, it can be better if even at the beginning you have already decided which to choose and which direction to go to. This is because of the fact that you can focus your energy into achieving your goal in a single direction.
After you have made up your mind, you can now begin the formulation of your resume. You are supposed to follow the ideal steps in making a resume. It can be very simple if you see it in a good light. First, you just have to think of making your resume brief and organized, as much as possible. Make sure you have all the necessary information about yourself and your qualifications for that job. You contact information should be emphasized. Your objectives for applying should also be given importance.
Next, organize your qualifications, background, and experiences based on relevance to the job you are applying for. The content is very important but, the design and how you present your resume is also something worth your time deciding for. You should at least make it formal and eye-catching at the same time. Having an impressive resume can give you a shot at being called back for an interview.
Also include in your resume credible references and their contact information.
Then, you can now search for job opportunities. Never get tired of applying and giving your resumes even if you don't receive calls. If you believe that your resume was good enough, there is no need to revise it even if you are not called back.
Know the dates that the companies are accepting applications. It might be better if you are early in applying. Expect to have a lot of competition so you have to at least surely beat them with regards to your promptness of passing an application.
Some employers consider punctuality in application a good trait of a person. You might get noticed just by this trait.
Take note of the companies that you have already applied for. Have a way of noting down the information of those companies. You might still use this information for your future job searches.
Broaden your horizon by not limiting yourself to a personal application. The Internet is a very effective medium that you can use to get the attention of a probable employer.
Lastly, if it has been quite some time and you still haven't heard regarding the status of your application, do not be apprehensive in following it up.

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How to Land the Perfect Part-Time Job

I'm a stay-at-home dad. I'm part of the new breed of male whose "better half" works a full-time job while I raise the kid (note that "kid" isn't plural - yet). This division of duties didn't come about because we're some enlightened, "new age" couple - far from it. It came about because - like most couples in the same situation - economics reared their ugly, um...heads. My fiancée has a good paying job, and, at the time of our daughter's birth - I didn't.
Until about two weeks ago, that is. That's when I started a new part-time gig. When our daughter turned six months old, back in March of this year, I figured it was time to find something that would supplement my fiancée's income. It has taken some seven months to find worthwhile part-time work (this includes the two gigs that I quit because they absolutely sucked). Here are a few things that I learned:
  • It takes time. Sorry - like most worthwhile things in life, finding decent part-time work that pays more than eight crummy bucks an hour takes awhile. I also had to find work that would be compatible with my fiancée's work schedule, since we are trying to avoid shelling out precious dollars for day care if we can help it. This meant that I had to spend some time finding a part-time gig that offers decent pay. I almost went down the pizza delivery road (again). I didn't; but I still think delivering pizza or other meals can bring in decent part-time income - better than what most retail gigs pay.
  • Scan the web daily - and act fast. I have found that the four best websites for part-time job hunting to be SnagAJob.com, Backpage.com, Indeed.com, and good 'ol Craigslist. I haven't used the mega job search sites like Monster or HotJobs in years; when I did use them, I wasted time and resources on mind-numbing interviews that went nowhere. Especially where part-time work is concerned: avoid the megasites (my experience). As for the other four sites mentioned: once you see an interesting gig, jump on it immediately. Which leads to...
  • Have your "cover letter" and resume ready to go. Now. I put the term cover letter in parentheses here because your cover letter is about three or four sentences long and will be sent via e-mail. Forget the in-depth job hunting books that spend whole chapters on how to produce the perfect cover letter. You're looking for part-time work, not a career at Goldman Sachs. The good news: companies seeking your part-time services usually need you pretty quickly. They're less interested in whether or not you'll "see yourself as a critical component of our team in five years" (to use yet another tired, bullshit job interview cliché) and more interested in "will you show up on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. when our store opens". Which brings us to...
  • Be flexible. Probably the most critical piece of information that the employer looking to fill some part-time slots wants to know is: "can you work when we need you, at a moment's notice?" This doesn't mean you have to agree to your twenty-hour-a-week-gig becoming a full-time gig, but it does mean that the more flexible you are, the better. For some companies and positions, this is the only attribute that matters. Seriously.
  • Look for seasonal work. The obvious idea: retailers in the months before the Christmas season (that would be now). But don't forget Christmas tree lots, UPS or FedEx (they need warehouse workers), or even restaurants that do more business around the holidays. After New Year's, look for work as an associate for a tax preparation firm (just don't pay to be a tax preparer), or work at a ski resort (after the first "wave" of ski resort workers have quit to go back to school - it happens). Some people make a full-time avocation of being seasonal workers. Look up the term "snowbird".
  • Accept the gig now, quit later. It's easier to take a part-time gig, any part-time gig - and then bail on it after you decide it won't work for you. Now, let's say you quit after two weeks, or even two months. Don't be a dummy and list the gig on your next job application. It's easier to explain a gap in your employment history than to explain why you quit your last job after only a couple of weeks. To those who criticize this approach: companies have been putting those who work for them "on probation" for decades. There is absolutely nothing wrong with an employee doing the same thing. In fact, "test driving" employers should be encouraged. The worst employers would be forced to change how they treat their associates.
  • Quit sweating the "background check". Don't let the fact that "everyone does background checks these days" keep you from finding worthwhile part-time work. It's not a fact, for one thing. Yes, more companies do checks than ten years ago - but not all of them. Even the ones that do so may only check your criminal record, and nothing else. If you do have a criminal record, be upfront about it (they'll find it). Or look for work where having a felony in your past isn't a deal breaker. I'm not an expert on what kind of work this might be, but perhaps someone who's been there can leave some tips in the comments section below. For you employers out there: give someone who's messed up a chance. If they were found guilty of a non-violent crime, and paid their debt to society, they might surprise you with a stellar work ethic.
  • Watch for scams. The proliferation of scams in the job hunting world is at an all-time high as the sluggish economy drags on. When submitting a résumé, do not include your social security number. Even when submitting a job application online via a trusted company website - you may do well to punch in "999-99-9999" if an SS number is "required". It isn't required, unless you get hired. Never pay an upfront fee to anyone before getting "hired". ANY company that "requires" an upfront fee is running a scam, PERIOD. No exceptions. Run away. Avoid submitting applications either via websites or via e-mails to "companies" that don't list actual addresses that you can verify. If you only see a P.O. box number, be very suspicious.
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Writing a Cold Call Cover Letter

It is a simple truth that nearly three jobs out of four are never advertised. You will never know about them. If you really want to increase your chances of getting a job, you have to find a way to tap into this employment source. This is where the cold call cover letter comes into play.
However, these are often the most difficult type of letter to write. You have limited information about what kind of jobs the company may have, about its current staffing needs and about their needs. Nevertheless, there are certain things you can do to create a powerful cold call letter.
As with all types of cover letters, you must address this letter to a specific person. Never write to the generic "sir" or "madam". Don't send the letter to a Human Resources Department where it will likely never get read.
Make sure that the letter is tailored to the company. Mass mailings of form letters are rarely effective. Spend your time and energy doing some research on the company. Go to the internet or career center and find out whatever you can about the company. What do they do? What are they proud of? What are their current projects or directions? These questions will help you to craft a great letter.
In the introductory paragraph specify your area of expertise. Don't leave the reader guessing about what you can do or about what kind of job you are looking for. Show the employer that you are interested in working in a specific area in the company.
Communicate clearly the type of work that you want to do within the company. Even though you are not applying for a specific job, you still need to target your cold call letter to a particular type of job. If they like you, and if they don't have a specific job in your area, they may create one or they may offer you another job for which they think you are a good fit. Don't worry about not being considered just because a specific position is not available. After all, the purpose is to impress the company enough to get your foot in the door.
You really need to show the employer why you have a specific interest in working for them. This is where the research you have done really comes into play. Show the employer that you have a particular skill set that meets their current needs and that you can fit in the organization especially in its current direction.
Keep in mind that this letter must be designed to impress. After all, as far as you know, the company has no need to hire. You are asking them to take a look at you and maybe even to find a position for you. By no means should you think that you are asking for a favor.
The cold call cover letter should convince the company that it needs you-that you are the answer to their needs. Your letter needs to create enough interest to get them to call you and schedule an interview.

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How to Construct a CV for a New Job

When it comes to applying for a new job, your CV can be one of the most important parts of the whole process. It is the first thing any employer will see about you and will steer their opinion on you as a potential employee. If it's good your CV can get you an interview every time, if it's not up to scratch then you could find it difficult to get past the first step.
A CV is your introduction. It is what you're all about in a nutshell. Therefore you need to be succinct and make sure your best features are highlighted effectively.

So what needs to be included?
Career history - Whether this is your first full-time job or you're a seasoned professional, it is important that you demonstrate the kind of work that you have been doing previously. Therefore include the names of your past/current employers, the amount of time you've been there and an overview of the role and your responsibilities.
Employers like to see that you have the skillset that matches what they're looking for or that you have shown progression. With this in mind it can be beneficial to re-write or tweak your CV to match individual job applications. This way you can make sure that you are showing off your specific strengths and not just general ones that you might usually feature.
Always put your most recent role first and then work backwards though. Don't feel like you have to include all jobs either. Your new employers probably won't be too concerned about where you had a paper round.
Education history - Again, this is all about getting your most important and recent education up front. So if you have earned a career, don't bury it beneath your GCSEs. Equally, if you have done further education, you shouldn't feel the need to include all your school grades. Simplify them and show what you got and how you fared in the key subjects - English, Maths, Sciences.
Personal profile - Employers will want to understand a little bit more about you, so feature a short explanation of who you are, what you enjoy and just give an insight into your personality. This should be tailored to each application, although many things will remain constant of course.
All of this information should really be contained within one sheet of A4 - one side or two. If you find that you're getting carried away with describing yourself, get somebody to objectively review it and ensure they are critical. It's best to get some opinions from a friend or family member rather than going straight to an employer - it can save you a lot of wasted effort.
So keep it short and sweet, make sure layout is clear and in some form of chronological order - with the newest experience first. If there are any holes in your education or work experience make sure you say what you were doing during that period. Also, if you have done some voluntary work, gained experience away from work or are a member of any professional bodies, be sure to flag these up.

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Job Search - Success is Not a Secret, it is a System

Once you have identified a job that you are interested in there are a dozen questions that you must be able to answer before you consider writing your Resume/CV, job application and cover letter. They all revolve around the principle of knowledge.
You must start with the right Attitude. You must have the Skills needed to do the job. You must have the Knowledge to approach getting the job in a systematic and results focused way. These three "must haves" form the acronym ASK.
Being offered a job that interests you is all about knowledge, from knowing yourself to knowing how to land the job. Using a system is at the heart of success. If you want a successful outcome then follow this simple step by step process.
KNOW YOURSELF. Many people go to the market not knowing the product being sold. The product is you. Who are you? What do you do? What have you done in the past? How did you do it? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? There are many tools for identifying these such as Strengths Finder from Gallup or simply visit your local book store to choose one that works for you. The simplest approach is to look back on your career to identify the roles you were really good at; the roles you enjoyed; and ask yourself if the job you are about to apply for successfully marries these two essential ingredients.
KNOW THE JOB. To know the job you are going for is of paramount importance. It never ceases to amaze me that people frequently turn up for interviews and do not know the requirements of the job for which they are being interviewed. You cannot expect to be successful if you have not gone to the trouble of finding out the specific requirements of the job. Make a phone call to the company and ask for a detailed job description before you commence your application.
KNOW THE COMPANY. It may seem obvious but many people do not check out the company before applying for the job. Detailed information can usually be obtained on the internet or from annual reports. You can also try to talk to someone that currently works for the company or to former employees. Is the company a fair employer? Does it reward innovation and hard work? Does it treat all employees equally? Is there scope for career growth within the company? Is the company successful?
KNOW HOW TO ANALYSE THE JOB ADVERTISEMENT. To analyse the advertisement or job specification you should ask 6 fundamental questions:
* What is being specifically stated?
* What is implied by stating it?
* What is not stated?
* What is implied by not stating it?
* What skills do you have?
* Which of those match those being asked for?
KNOW HOW TO WRITE WINNING LETTERS. What is the object of the letter of application? It is to get the company to read your Resume/CV. The letter of application should contain confirmation that you have all of the necessary skills and character traits what are contained in the advertisement and or the job description.
KNOW HOW TO FILL OUT APPLICATION FORMS. What is the objective of an Application form? It is to get the company to call you for an interview. Fill out all boxes and do not leave any blanks. If the question is not applicable, then simply put N/A in the box.
KNOW HOW TO WRITE YOUR RESUME/CV. What is the objective of the Resume or CV? It is to get the company to call you for interview. Thus your Resume/CV must feature an exact match with what was advertised and/or what is contained in the job description. This means at you must write a specific Resume/CV for every job that you apply for. Past performance is an indication of likely future performance. Therefore, your Resume/CV must be in the past tense, and contain a series of achievement action statements. e.g. Developed a unique system which increased sales by 10%.

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How to Land a Job Interview

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee

Getting a job in today's economy is tough, especially if you have been out of the mainstream workforce for many years as a work at home mom. These simple steps helped me land a job on my very first interview, and here is how you can do it, too.

1. Print out plenty of resumes
You might expect that when you apply for a job electronically the employer would have a printed copy of your resume on hand when you arrive for the interview, but this is not always the case. Because I hadn't been on a job interview for several years, it was in my nature to bring a few copies of my resume to the interview and thank goodness! There were three executives who met with me separately, and two of them asked for hard copies of my resume. It felt great to be prepared.

2. Practice common job interview questions
There are basic questions that almost every job interviewer will ask such as: Why do you want this job? What do you feel you can bring to this position? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Tell me about each position on your resume. By knowing the answers to these basic questions in advance, I was able to also apply them to all the other questions and present a well-constructed picture of the kind of employee the company would be hiring by giving the job to me.

3. Watch some television or a movie
The evening before an interview it's important not to get stressed out or stray too far from your normal routine. This will ensure that you look and feel your best during the interview. One way to do this is to escape reality for a short time by watching a favorite television program or a movie where you can lose yourself for a while and not worry about your upcoming interview.

4. Get some rest
You may find yourself tossing and turning the night before an interview, thinking about what you are going to be asked and how you are going to answer. I find that a noise machine helps when trying to relax and fall asleep fast. There are also CDs and downloadable ocean sounds, like Smart Noise sounds of nature, which you can use to help you sleep.

5. Be yourself
No matter what happens during the interview, always be yourself and be honest with your answers. Even though it may seem like the interview is not going that well, you will be surprised at how many employers will put on a straight face during the interview process even if they really like you. Just relax, be confident, and be yourself and you will be able to find a job in no time.

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Employment Interviewing: Ask For The Job

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee

We walk into an interview with the unspoken assumption that the employer knows we want the job. Except for practice interviewing or cold calling, we put out the time and energy for an interview because we think the position is worthwhile and will be a good fit.
The employer may be interviewing many people for one position and has to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate in a very short period of time. Quickly jotted interview notes reveal doubts about certain applicants and positive aspects of others. Whatever position is involved, from unskilled work to professional or managerial posts, employers overwhelmingly seek one major attribute: they seek to hire someone who really wants the position.
If you are unemployed (head hunter or promotional positions provide a little more bargaining room), you need to make it crystal clear that you want the job, that you are committed to do whatever it takes, and that you are eager for the chance to perform, to please, and to exceed all expectations that have been outlined.
Often, applicants are afraid to seem too eager, thinking that the employer will think that they are desperate and consequently that the salary offered will be lower. They play coy, stating that they need to think about it, that they have other irons in the fire, or that they are weighing different job offers. A lack of enthusiasm when pay and benefits are mentioned, or a lackluster response to the position's details, rarely results in a positive response.
Hiring managers or company owners believe that what they are offering is a gift that anyone with sense would snap up in an instant. If the applicant seems ambivalent about the offer, it subconsciously suggests that maybe this position isn't good enough. The manager/interviewer vaguely senses that their own choice in working for this company may be regarded as a mistake.
Ask directly for the job, even if you're unsure about it. Display unabashed enthusiasm for this position, with this company, at this time, and make it clear to the interviewer that you want to start right away, eager to prove your skills and competence.
More than one hiring decision has been determined by who seemed to want the job the most - a classic marker of those who will work hard and produce. If you decide later that it's not for you, you can always decline but at least you gave yourself a choice.

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Job Seeking Secrets: Recycle Your Job Search

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee

If you have been out of work for quite a while, you have undoubtedly pursued a standard job search campaign: the unemployment office, newspaper classifieds, job fairs, online resources, agencies, networking, and cold calling.
Just because something didn't work the first time, don't totally give up. A good salesman knows that even the best product is seldom purchased on the first pitch. Studies have shown that an offer needs to be presented an average of 5 to 8 times before the sale is closed.
Go back through your notes, see what you've done and who you've contacted, then take a deep breath and start over with a fresh eye.
1. The unemployment office.
When was the last time you checked out all the listings? Chances are that you are receiving your check by mail and have been too busy going in other directions. Despite continued layoffs and geographic pockets of job blight, there are more openings emerging now than at any time within the past 3 years. Walk in with a "fresh new year" attitude and check out every possibility you see. Keep your eyes open for new job titles and descriptions that offer a chance to change your line of work or move into a different industry that is starting to expand.
2. Newspaper classifieds.
You may have been checking these every Sunday. In that case, you are probably feeling frustrated by the continuing ads for positions that you applied for long ago and never heard anything. Re-apply as people and circumstances may have changed. You may also have fallen into the rut of just checking certain sections which seem to contain the jobs for which you feel qualified. Take the time once in a while to go through ALL the listings. Sometimes employers and classified ad takers place positions under categories you may never have considered. Areas such as customer service, training, general, and management often contain a wide array of positions that might be suitable but which you may have missed by skipping over those sections.
3. Job fairs.
These tend to be more readily available in metropolitan areas so if you live in a rural location your choices may be limited. If there are any such fairs planned within your commute distance, try to attend as they are usually free to applicants. Even if the theme of the fair is not really directly related to your experience (medical, sales, finance, engineering, etc.) talking with employer representatives often reveals the availability of other positions within their company for which you might fruitfully apply. Be friendly, personable, and businesslike, and the Rep may allow you to use their name on an application - a move that may vault your paperwork to the top of the stack. A brief remark at an interview that "I had a long talk with Jim Jones of your company at last week's job fair and he suggested I contact you," goes a long way in creating that receptive atmosphere you seek.
4. Online resources.
You may have registered at Monster.com or other similar job seekers' sites. Try a different approach by typing your industry or occupation directly into a search engine. You will then be able to access many, perhaps hundreds, of corporate web sites. The majority of such sites have a section on employment opportunities. Check them out and apply online or submit your resume and cover letter by e-mail. Even if the positions listed are only a marginal fit for you, the company may have other openings that have not yet been listed and you will be the first in line, always an enviable position.
5. Agencies.
Typically, when you register with an agency, they immediately try to find you a position as that is how they make an income. After a period of time without successful placement, you drop down their priority list as new applicants appear who look more promising. If you haven't heard from your agency rep for some time, call and remind them that you are still available and still actively seeking work. If you only registered with 2 or 3 agencies, seek out others where YOU will be the new applicant loaded with potential.
6. Networking.
You may have given up on your contacts who have failed to identify suitable openings. If it has been a period of time since you called them, make an effort to touch base now and remind them that you're still looking. They have probably forgotten all about you and their mild guilt may push them into looking more intensively.
If you've maintained regular contact with your network, keep doing it. However, you can't increase the frequency of calls to the point of being a pest and if any of the people on your list are not returning your telephone messages, it's a signal that you've pushed too hard and need to back off a little, especially if the person is someone with whom you want to enjoy a continuing relationship.
Be sure to call back to companies or people who indicated that "something might be coming up" when you last called. If you have any friends at the last place you worked, call them and see what is going on. They may be able to fill you in on coworkers who have left to go to work elsewhere and their new companies may well be worth checking out.
7. Cold calling.
While often a frustrating and ego-shredding exercise, walking cold into employer's offices can sometimes net a great result -- an unadvertised open position. At the very least, it gets you out of the house, forces you into business attire and a work mentality, and creates a sense of being able to take active steps to improve your situation. Any action is more productive than crawling into your little hole, bemoaning your fate, and mentally beating up on yourself.

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How to Help Out an Unemployed Friend

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee

Losing a job is the third most stressful life event according to Answers.com. Numbers 5 and 8 are "work" and "commuting". For this survey we see that losing your job is not entirely the worst thing in the world, but it does seem so at the time. In today's economic climate everybody knows someone who has lost their job. Those who haven't may experience survivor's guilt. One way of alleviating this feeling is offering your friend or relative help, but what, specifically, can you do? You can help your unemployed friend with his/her job search and just by being a good friend.

Here are several suggestions:
Help Your Friend with the Job Search
1. Accompany them to the Unemployment Office and anywhere else they may need extra support.
2. Introduce them to your network. Recommend some friends or acquaintances that may be able to help. Talk them up to everyone you know who may be able to aid in their job search.
3. Offer technological assistance. Many people still aren't computer literate or aren't familiar with social or professional networking sites (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Monster.com). Help them update their résumé, and then collaborate with them to think up new and different work options suited to their talents.
4. Give them a pep talk. This too, shall pass and they may come out even better than they went in. Often, when one door closes another one opens and the opportunity would have been missed if you're at work.
5. Suggest checking temporary-agency opportunities and contract work. This is not for everyone, but can definitely help in a pinch.
Help Your Friend on a Personal Note
1. Share a meal. Take them out for lunch or dinner, or have them to your home for a home-cooked meal (but keep it simple, it's not a celebration).
2. Encourage them to take full advantage of their "time off" by dividing their time between the job hunt and things they might not have time to do if they were employed (for example, like catching a movie, taking a walk, or taking nap in the afternoon).
3. Offer a trade. Suggest ways your friend can help you (baby-sitting, doing mid-day, around-the-house projects) in exchange for a gift card they need. Or offer free babysitting so they can get out of the house.
4. Have fun. Invite your friend to accompany you to a sporting event, a movie, or something else you both enjoy; it doesn't have to cost money.
However, the focus doesn't always have to be your friend's employment or job search status. In fact, if you talk about work too much, it could come across as nagging. Unemployed people, especially those involuntarily unemployed, may be embarrassed over their circumstances. They may end up isolating themselves because of this. Make an effort to stay in touch. Give them a call; drop them an e-mail; stay connected.

Job Description of Railroad Conductor

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee

Railroad conductors coordinate all related activities of passenger train crews or freight. They review schedules, waybills, switching orders, and shipping records of freight trains in order to know the loading and loading information about their cargo. They distribute tonnage within all the freight trains assigned to them. They are also responsible for the operation of freight cars within terminals and rail yards that employ remote control technology. In passenger trains, railroad conductors make sure that all passengers are safe and comfortable while they continue to collect fares and tickets. They also coordinate all crew activities and make important announcements as needed by the passengers.

Railroad conductors meet with the systems engineers to talk about any possible concerns and issues about the train - route, schedule and cargo - before the trains actually leave a yard or terminal. They discuss issues that affect the train's operations to come up with the best and alternative routes in case there are problems in the rails. Engineers and conductors coordinate with workers on other trains and traffic-control center workers regarding delays, stops and the trains' location in rail yards. They are responsible for providing instructions and directions to railroad workers such as coupling cars, switching tracks, routing for outbound and inbound traffic. They also direct railroad engineers in facilitating train configuration.

Railroad conductors relay information and issues about equipment on board the trains or the rails with the use of electronic monitoring devices or dispatch. Depending on the issues involved, they may order the defective car to be removed from the train and have it repaired at the nearest stop or station. They may also coordinate with the dispatcher and engineer about alternative routes if there are obstructions or defects found in the rails.

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How to Write A Good Job Application Letter

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee

A person's necessity is to have a job application letter if you are looking to get a job. The chances of you landing the job are much higher, if your job application letter really brings out your strengths and deletes any fear of weakness the employer might have. Whether or not you get called in for an interview depends solely on the quality of your job application letter. I will now give you three basic steps on how to write your letter to get the employers calling you and not letting you harass them for it.

1. The introduction is a crucial part of a job application letter, so you will make it a high priority to getting it written as appealing as possible. You should always include the position you are trying out for in the introduction, so that the employer knows what you're on about. Foremost you should mention that you have enclosed your resume alongside your application letter. Although you might have a lot of work experience, you should only emphasize the experience that you have, which is relevant to the job position you are applying for. Of course you should also write all the experience you possess, but the employer would rather see that you are well versed in the project at hand. If this job was proposed to you by someone in that company you should mention it at the beginning of the application letter. (Be sure to have that someone's permission prior to writing this letter.)

2. The next phase is to write the body of the job application letter. This should be a well thought out part of the entire letter, where one should use a lot of energy and consciousness along with using a lot of action verbs. One should be very active while doing this. Again I highly recommend you highlight the experience alongside the skills necessary for the job position at hand. It is extremely important to verify everything you claim regarding the work. Don't believe for just one second that they will believe everything you say, so you should use references from other employers to prove your right. In order to get the interview, you must absolutely convince the employer that you are by far the most suitable for this job posting.

3. The last part of the job application letter is a computer part. Although the body is very important, this is where you make the sale, if we would to compare it to product selling. You should always request an interview or even talk like you already have it, and with this you should also ask for a time and place of your meeting. In this conclusion part you must state the interest in the job posting again. You should make it as easy as possible for the employer to contact you and give you the information regarding the meeting place.

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Hotel and Travel Jobs

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee

Hospitality can said to be the relationship between the guest and the host where the host keeps the guests entertained and also caters to their needs to keep them happy for a cost.
The word that comes to mind when hospitality is considered is only luxurious, that's because each and every one wants their experience in hotelling and travelling to be excellent and lavishing. The hotel and travel jobs have become the most sought after job categories now days. In hotel and travel industry the customer always seek comfort and luxury. Once he gets these two as per his expectation, he can be charged more than normal which makes these industries really profit making mines.

Hotel Jobs...
Hospitality refers to the relation which is built up between a guest and their host and it also refers to the act of being hospitable, that is taking care and entertaining the guest, visitors or strangers with full due respect. Hospitality mainly refers to those jobs in the sectors of hotels, restaurants, casinos, catering, resorts, spas etc and other businesses dealing with tourists. We will talk about hotel jobs here which are abundant as it is a booming industry. The total net worth of this industry could now be estimated to be whooping 61 billion dollars a year and is increasing at a fast pace. To get a job in this industry what a person needs is a degree in hospitality management, well which is just a basic degree to enter. Moreover, what a person requires is that it has to be in his nature that he is hospitable and polite to everyone. The salaries in this industry can start from meager and go up to millions (and these days it is really earned by various chefs working in hotels). Restaurants have also b
ecome an important part in the hotel industry, world class restaurants are setting up their chains in major cities of the world. A hotel is also incomplete without a good place to eat. The hotels in various countries are graded on the basis of the quality of services provided by them. The important grades of the hotels are the 3 and the 5 star. In recent times another category has been added to these which is a 7 star, which has been obtained only by a Dubai based hotel.

Travel Sector jobs...
Travelling can said to be an exquisite pleasure which can be experienced by a person from going to one place to the other and people in the travel industry can be said to make those journeys memorable. The main source of travel industry in these days can said to be aviation, cruise, tour operator dealing with holidaying etc. The aviation industry also influences the travelling patterns of the tourist. The cheap and easily available tickets, number of airlines and the frequency of the flights is increasing the number of tourists. Travelling can be of various modes but it is essential for your host to make it comfortable and fun. One major benefit of the job in travel industry is that a person gets a lot of chances to visit various beautiful tourist places for free and get paid for it. The jobs in this industry are lucrative, enjoyable and gives chance to interact with lot of people. The most suitable person for travelling kind of jobs is one who is physically fit, knows more languages as foreign tourists are
the main source of money, and like as in hospitality industry be polite to his customers and importantly an extrovert. He should also have the knowledge about the area where his guest will be travelling.
Hospitality Industry's worth is in billions so it is a good chance to take advantage of it. Many youngsters are now looking here for their career prospects and making good use of its boom time. To be a part of this industry all one needs to be is presentable, appealing, polite, sweet natured, friendly, extrovert and of course hard working. The work force of hospitality industry is usually young; they age from between 25 to 40. This is because this is the most active part of their life and they put in their hardest efforts during their working period. This industry depends heavily on the tourist inflow in the country and the money they have brought to spend there.

The main components of the hospitality industry are hotels, diners, spas, motels etc. hotelling being the most important one as it generates the maximum revenues, is the most sought after for jobs.
professionals complete a basic course in hospitality management to be a part of this industry and there are other professional courses which are needed to be done to get lucrative jobs. The individual hoteliers also make the job seekers go through their special training programs before they actually get there jobs.

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Booming Career in Hotel Industry

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee

Career in hospitality is booming at high peaks in every part of the world. That is the only reason for various opening in hotels and jobs in hospitality industry. One can get higher paying hospitality job that will change their career skills to a higher level. A student who has mastered the studies of hotel management can land up in hotels for jobs. There are various courses provided by many universities in colleges for excelling the course of hotel management so that a student can earn heavily. One of the most important things that are mainly used in the hospitality job is perfect communication skills, which are considered at the top most level. If you are communicating well with everyone, then you can enter into the business of hotel industry with good and efficient hospitality job.

Hotel industry jobs require good communication and customer service skills to generate more and more business where you work. Customers are the ultimate source of generating business and it is possible if the clients are happy and satisfied with the services. Catering jobs are also a division of hotel management jobs that are different from the normal hospitality job in which one can make more money. Catering jobs are done on the booking basis and one can start their own business of catering business with more ways of earning profits. These jobs are for experienced employees who have the basic experience in the hotel industry as compared to the normal employers working in hotels.

Another field is working in restaurants that can be combined with the hospitality jobs including administrative and hospitality services. Restaurant and hospitality management can work hand in hand with high salary expectations. Restaurants job are high in demand as there are many of them opening up everywhere to get maximum profits and business. Those who are interested in making their career in hospitality, catering and restaurant industry can start up with diploma courses from good colleges and universities that provide campus placements in the industry.

There are many that one can opt in this industry that is providing employment for everyone. Hotel jobs have various verticals in which one can work like reception jobs, waiters, management and administrative department, accounts, operations, hospitality and front office and back office jobs. Cooks, chefs and waiters who prepare and serve the food are part of the restaurant services that a hotel provides and one can easily get job in that department. Hotel industry is booming high and an entry level professional can start his career with this field that gives the best options for growth and moneymaking.

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The Dream Job Seeker in You

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee

Remember when you were a just a geeky high school student, and everyone would ask you, what do you want to be when you grow up? Your answers were occupations like, a baseball player, an astronaut, a veterinarian, even President of the United States. Then we all grew up to work in cubicles and stare at computer screens. Not exactly your dream job. However it's not too late and it's not impossible to still reach for your dream job. But it's going to take some work. Maybe you're dream job has changed, or maybe you're still trying to figure out exactly what that dream job is. Either way, here are some tips for the dream job seeker in you.
First of all, if you're not sure exactly what your dream job is, I suggest you start making a list of what you love to do. From there, number each of them. Ask yourself, how well do you love to do each item on your list? Next, you're going to need to put them in order. Then take the list and think about corresponding professions. While you may love to watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians, it probably isn't going to turn into a full time profession. Try to focus on something that you can really see yourself earning a living at and loving.
This next step is the tough question. Is it realistic for you?
Playing in the NBA with Kobe Bryant is going to be tough to pull off. (Although for some, this dream will definitely come true.) However, being a sports writer that covers the Lakers might be something you'd be good at and is actually attainable. Once you've decided what's realistic and what isn't, you'll need to decide what you need to do to get there. Does this job require a degree? Do you need to get more experience in your related field? If you're not sure exactly how one becomes *insert dream profession here*... you'll need to start your research.
Researching your dream job can start as simply as putting in a search term in Google. It may mean you need to hit up your local book store or library. Something else you may want to consider is finding a career counselor to refer you to someone in the industry you can talk to. Drawing off of someone's personal experiences is priceless. There are career counselors at most schools. If you've been out of school for a while, try organizations like S.C.O.R.E. for entrepreneurs. Or look up your local career counseling center. There are tons located all over the U.S. Once again, there are lots of great resources out there, you just need to find them and take advantage of what they have to offer.

This next step is easy. After your research is done, find someone successful in the same field you want to emulate. Perhaps they have the dream resume to your dream career. If you're thinking of fashion, it could be Marc Jacobs, or for business, it could be Rob Drydek (yep, he's a crazy good businessman). You don't need to meet this person, you don't need to ever speak to them and you don't need to be "just like them". Remember this is YOUR dream job, not someone else's. What you need to do is find out how they got to where they are, and set similar goals that pertain to you. And yes, the next step is to write them down and keep track of your progress.
The last thing to remember is to not be your own dream killer. If you tell yourself, it's an unachievable dream, it's going to be. Always stay positive, and stay focused.

The Transportation Security Officer Career

Transportation security officers (TSOs), also known as airport security screeners, are charged with ensuring that there is safety in the US transport system. A security officer monitors and enforces security at all transport terminals while minimizing the level of interruption such checks have on the free movement of goods, services and people. The TSOs are in greater focus today than ever before especially in the light of the high state of alert in the transportation system following the 9/11 terrorist attack. The TSO is at the centre of the strategies employed by the government to prevent the recurrence of a similar incident.

Virtually all airports in the US now have transportation security officers. This is because of a recent trend in terrorist tactics of targeting aircrafts and airports due to the large number of people who pass through airports each day as well as the level of fear that crashing an aircraft would instill in the general public.
The airport security screener thus implements several techniques to make sure that passengers, cargo or baggage at the airport do not have objects that will pose danger to the lives and security of the other passengers whether at the airport or on board the aircraft. This is achieved by screening passengers and their baggage using metal detector wands, patting down passengers, electronic imaging and x-ray equipment. Tickets are also reviewed to determine their authenticity.
Considering the relatively intrusive methods that the airport security screener sometimes has to use to check passengers and airport visitors for harmful items, he or she must maintain good customer relationship by being courteous and calmly answering the questions. The transportation security officer should also be empowered to make quick and sound decisions that will resolve any security incident or dispute that threatens to spiral out of control.
Physical strength is important too since the security officer will sometimes be required to lift luggage weighing 70 pounds and even more. Note that the transportation security officer's work demands that he or she stand up for about 3 hours continuously. The security officer must be patient but at the same time maintain a keen awareness of their environment. This is quite challenging given the chaotic, fast paced and emotionally straining environment that an airport is.

Once a person meets the basic requirements and is accepted in the TSO training program, they must be prepared to undergo a thorough training schedule that lasts for about 200 hours in total. Even after the transportation security officer completes the training and is deployed, the ever evolving nature of security threats to the transport system mean that he or she has to regularly attend refresher courses to make sure they are at par with current threats as well as the techniques and technology that can be used to counter the threat.

For those looking for immediate work, this is one of the professions they can get into. It does not require extensive educational requirements as some careers in the criminal just field. You just need to do a little more research on the internet to get started.
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The Transportation Inspector Job Description

Transportation Inspectors are responsible for inspecting and monitoring transportation equipment and vehicles to make sure that they comply with existing standards and regulations for vehicle safety. In inspecting vehicles, they look for signs of mechanical malfunctions, damage or abuse. They look for broken parts that need to be replaced. They examine each unit and conduct testing with the use of proper diagnostic tools and equipment. After undergoing repairs, they inspect vehicles and equipment to make sure that all repair works required were carried out properly.

Transportation inspectors are in tasked with preparing reports on inspection done and the consequential actions taken as a result of inspection or investigation. They issue notices and make recommendations for corrective actions depending on the results. They actively investigate complaints and reports regarding any violation involving safety standards and regulations. They examine vehicle operating rules, qualification guidelines for operators, and training and testing programs for carriers to make sure they are complying with safety standards and regulations. When carriers request for waiver of federal standards, transportation inspectors investigate and formulate recommendations. They review shipping papers, logs of commercial vehicles, records of drivers and equipment in order to identify any problems or issues, and to make sure that they comply with regulatory requirements. When the need arises, they investigate violations or incidents where there were accidents, delays or failure of equipment or systems. They are responsible for negotiating with authorities to identify and eliminate existing hazards in routes normally taken by vehicles of the carrier. They are also involved in evaluating new packaging methods for hazardous materials, including testing, shipping transporting to make sure that the public is adequately protected.

The Ship Engineer Job Description

Ship engineers are responsible for supervising and coordinating activities performed by the crew including the operation and maintenance of engines, deck machinery, boilers, and the sanitary, electrical and refrigeration systems. To ensure that international shipping laws and regulations are complied with, they monitor the pollution control processes and lifesaving equipment aboard, making sure that they are available, can be used and in good working condition. They must use available information and their individual judgment to find out if the prevailing situations in the ship comply with existing standards, laws and regulations. Once the vessel is underway, they are responsible for monitoring the engine, machinery and equipment. They are required to report all abnormalities and other important issues to the appropriate staff aboard the ship.

Ship engineers also have the task of maintaining electrical power that supply heating, ventilation, water, refrigeration and the sewerage systems requirements. They maintain a record of all orders for speed and directional changes, including all activities of the engineering department. They take note of gauge readings and test results in bellbooks and logs. As with the rest of the crew, they are also required to participate in emergency drill aboard. Engineers have the responsibility of starting the engines that propel it towards its destination. They are tasked with regulating engine and power transmissions for controlling speed as directed by the captain or bridge computers. In order to determine the cause of malfunctions, they monitor and test the engines' operations and other equipment such as electric motors, winches, pumps and other important electrical and mechanical components.

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Arts Directors Job Description

Art Directors unify and integrate the vision of various artists such as photographers and illustrators, involved in the creation and development of parts of a scene or a piece of art. They are responsible for the general visual appearance of scene, communicating the visual message, stimulating the right moods, presenting contrasting features, and psychologically appealing to the audience. Art directors are there to make decisions that affect the overall presentation - they call the shots regarding which visual elements to employ, what artistic style to follow and when to engage motion in the presentation. They are behind every video, magazine cover, website or advertisements. It's their ideas that make people remember what they have seen, felt or imagined while viewing a presentation.

Art directors are responsible for creating the specific look and feel of the project they are working on, be it an entire magazine, a specific product advertisement or a video scene. They create visual concepts that unify the inputs of all other artists involved into one recognizable theme or look. They can be found working in different media such as advertising, magazines or in book publishing, with each sector providing different opportunities for their artistic expression and development. Wherever they are, they work as experts, deciding how best to present an idea and turn it into an organized, appealing and eye-catching presentation. They put together the works of others in design, artwork, copywriting and layout. Art directors are in charge of reviewing and approving art materials and copy materials for the project in order to find out if they conform to specifications as required by the client. They are responsible for presenting the final design and layout to clients.

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Automotive Mechanic Job Description

 Automotive Mechanics are responsible for repairing and maintaining all types of motor vehicles, such as motorcycles, small passenger cars, large diesel buses and trucks or tractors. The automobile is made up of many parts that some mechanics so that some of them choose to specialize in specific repair works like auto body repair, engine work, or electronic systems. General automotive mechanics usually do preventive maintenance like rotating tires, changing oil filters, replenishing fluids, and diagnosing engine problems. They troubleshoot automobiles that don't run properly, following guidelines formulated by the manufacturers, diagnosing, repairing or replacing defective parts.
The job of automotive mechanics used to be simple but because of the high level of technology involved in modern transportation, their job has also evolved. Vehicles today use computers and integrated electronic systems to regulate almost all aspects of vehicle operations, from fuel supply system to climate control within the vehicle. Because of this, in addition to traditional skills and tools that they need to practice their profession, they now need to know how to use computers in computerized shops, working with the vehicles' electronic and computerized system. On board computers tell the automotive mechanics whether the vehicle is performing well or not. They use sophisticated diagnostic tools and equipment to tell them what is causing the problem and how to correct it, or replace the defective part when found. They follow a checklist of items to inspect to ensure that every part that is essential to the vehicle's operation is functioning properly. Parts include hoses, belts, plugs, and fuel and brake systems.

Automotive mechanics must undergo special certification process so they can learn new technologies in maintaining and repairing not only engines but every part of the automobile that can break down. There are mechanics who choose to be certified on specific brands or makes of vehicles.

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