by rictownsend
As culture is developed based on traditions, beliefs, rituals, information and language (communication) to develop an organizational culture of empowerment you need to understand how all these factors come about. The primary issues are the development of a shared vision, full understanding by all involved of the mission, setting of clear goals and as I said in my last post, the setting of clearly understood boundaries for decision making, The outcome to be sought is of course an improved level of staff competency and the competency development of course needs to be focussed on satisfying both internal and external customers. Any competency development program adopted needs to include strong levels of support in the form of mentoring for development of operational skills, organizational cultural support and the encouragement of risk-taking.
Quote: ‘To empower employees, managers need to create a nurturing environment in which staff can learn, grow, improve, and function effectively.’ “Staff empowerment gives employees a sense of trust, importance and capability, thus creating a positive work environment.” (Ref “”)
Quote: “To feel empowered, employees must have a sense of self-determination, competence, meaning and influence. Employees’ sense of self-determination is the perception that they are free to make choices and that their actions are not [over] controlled by policies, systems or managerial dictates. Granting autonomy to employees helps them feel a sense of self-determination. The higher employees’ competence, the more they appreciate and thrive when given autonomy. As long as employees perceive that doing their job satisfies important needs of internal or external customers, they’ll see the meaningfulness of their work.” (Ref:
The article in also points out the basic requirements of being systematic and consistent and that any empowerment program needs to develop their competence and confidence.
Managers who want to empower their staff must either be be trainers themselves or at least provide some competence development input and know how to acquire the training required by their staff. Now you would think this would be a “no brainer” however in my experience mangers often neglect this duty and if we are looking at soft skill development, will actively reject it on the excuse that their staff/department is too busy to attend. Often then if new skills and knowledge are gained, when the employee gets back to work managers will still neglect to implement the ‘new ways’ of doing things. This is often because implementation of the operational changes desired/required will can be time consuming and and can be seen as risky to make . This is why the development of an organizational culture of empowerment that all managers buy into is so important. Managers must also become proficient in, as puts it, ” telling them what they will be learning and why, providing information and demonstrations, allowing opportunities for practice” and finally “providing feedback on performance”. Confidence obviously comes from successful performances (either their own or as observed in others) and from encouragement by those who are respected and and seen as mentors.
One final definition of empowerment:
Empowerment is the process of enabling, through the development of competence combined with the authorizing of an individual to think, behave, take action, and control work and decision making in autonomous ways. The payoff for the organization, a more effective and presumably customer oriented operation and for the employee a feeling of being self-empowered and being able to influence the outcome of their own future.
Empowerment is not something someone (a manger) bestows on the people who report to him,’ it is a personal development process undertaken in an atmosphere of mutual, trust, understanding, learning and shared responsibility. The organization’s management has the responsibility to create a work environment which helps foster the ability and desire of employees to act in empowered ways through the removal barriers that limit that ability.
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