Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Is Teamwork in Sales Important?

By Rennie Gould

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

Although sales is often thought of as a solitary profession, the development of teamwork is important for a number of reasons:
To provide for social interaction
To share knowledge & experience
To work on large customer opportunities
To utilise the full range of skills of each team member
To develop sales and customer strategy
To create opportunities for motivation and personal development
But throwing people together does not develop a team. Team development normally proceeds through specific stages that needs to be facilitated by sales management. 
First Team Development Stage - Forming
In the initial stages of team development, sales management needs to establish clear ground rules and responsibilities that give the team its sense of purpose.
These management actions will help to remove the inevitable confusion and anxiety that normally exists as team members first get to know each other.
Second Team Development Stage - Storming
In this second stage of team development, sales managers need to calm any disagreements and smooth out the jockeying for status and position that can occur.
Management therefore needs to spend time addressing any concerns or issues and to stress the advantages of teamwork in increasing overall sales performance and in providing opportunities for individual development. 
Third Development Stage - Norming
In this third stage of its development, the team has begun to settle down and to establish its way of working. Sales managers can now begin to exploit the increasing cohesiveness of the team and explain how it should move towards the achievement of specific objectives.
Fourth Team Development Stage - Performing
When a team has reached this stage in its development, it can handle even greater levels of pressure and performance and should be stretched for higher levels of achievement. 
Sales management at this stage of the team's development should push for even more opportunity and information sharing and should create even more important sales projects for the team to work on. 
Fifth Team Development Stage - Decaying
It is common for teams to lose their effectiveness over time. This is because individuals come and go and due to changes in the sales and customer environment.
Such changes provide management with the opportunity to reinvigorate the team with new members or to set it new tasks and objectives in order to renew team effectiveness. 
Good teamwork within sales can bring together all the talents within the group to maximise sales performance and to provide the motivational opportunities of personal development and social interaction.

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How Can I Motivate My Team to Produce More?

By Colin Dovey

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

There are two widely divergent schools of thought when it comes to comes to how work teams and the individuals in the team can be optimally motivated to give it their best shot, not just once or twice, but all the time, and consistently:
The contention that motivation must come from within
Here, we are regularly told that no manager on earth motivate his staff from above and get them to perform at an optimum level - they maintain that all motivation must ultimately come from within.
Output and performance is directly related to financial and tangible rewards
There is a strong culture in primarily sales-focused companies to reward their front-line sales executives by way of monetary incentives which can be directly related to their measured against their sales performance in the field.
Regrettably, these dollar-based incentives are usually made on an individual basis, with the star performer most often coming off best. On the face of it, one could assume that there is little inherently wrong with this approach. But what happens in practice belies this, as it often deteriorates into an every man for himself situation, and even a dog eat dog scenario.
The unintended consequences are often yet further disharmony and division permeating, first the sales staff bickering over whose territory is whose and this then trickles on to the support staff who can be justifiably peeved that they deserve a proportional slice of the cheesecake.
Beyond doubt is that every one likes to be at the receiving end of some form of recognition, especially extra cash. From a managerial perspective, it always makes good business sense to bolster a desired performance level with an appropriate reward. Across a wide spectrum of business models it is accepted that rewards play an important part in job performance, motivation and productivity.
The royal road to recognition of employee achievement, properly handled, can make your workplace a haven for high productivity, if you take the trouble to follow some simple guidelines which have been shown to work at the coal face.
The formula must be: Performance = Reward
  • The company incentive scheme can only be effective and have real meaning if employees can easily draw a parallel between what lands up in their back pocket related to actual job performance.
  • The criteria used for the assessment of rewards must always be totally transparent, and also easy to understand at every level. Length of service should not be a factor in an incentive-based reward scheme.The reward or bonus should be directly related to the financial benefit - the bottom line of the company
Ensure balance and congruence in the scheme by resorting to company-wide consultation
  • Establish a forum of innovatively minded managers, and then rope in past, and good performers to oversee incentive plans. Make sure the forum does not get bogged down, by ensuring that you periodically introduce new blood into the team.
  • Bottom line: Scheme benefits must reach every segment of the organisation, and a t every level across the board. You cannot afford to exclude anybody from top executives to the excavator operator. Ignore him at your peril, as he will dig the hole you fall into! Avoid paying strictly time-related benefits, such as the traditional end-of-year bonus. This type of incentive loses its impact when employees just expect it to be paid, irrespective of their level of performance.
  • Adopt a two-pronged payment approach by rewarding both individual and team performance. This will serve to ensure that you get a good team spirit, and then stellar individual performance.
  • Encourage managers to acknowledge staff and team performance in writing, and to document accomplishments in a specific way.
  • Insist on input from top managers to ensure that their participation will encourage their enthusiasm for any performance output.
Identify any rewards that your staff will prize
  • The saying goes, somewhat mischievously perhaps that everybody has their price. The fact is though, any incentive scheme must provide rewards that are valued by members of your staff. Some credible research has shown that they are generally in the following bracket, in order of importance:

  • A good income, and the opportunity to advance within the organisation
  • Being paid on merit, emanating from inherent and acquired skills
  • The opportunity to work in a creative and challenging environment with concomitant financial rewards and incentives.
  • Being able to participate in meaningful decision-making, which encourages loyalty to the objectives of the organisation.
  • Attractive fringe benefits, including paid medical aid, pension and share options
Extra-curricular incentives
There are many creative ways of rewarding staff when related to excellence, which can further accelerate their performance, such as:
  • Tickets to sought-after sporting events, and,
  • Shares and access to the company gym
  • Wall plaques and certificates
  • A weekend in the company seaside cottage.
  • A visit to a Wine farm, including samples to take home
  • Team conferences at a game ranch.
  • Overseas research trip
  • An upmarket restaurant dinner.
You will discover that this sort of variety is appreciated by most staff (you always get the cynics) if it is awarded judiciously for due performance. Not just handed out like sweets.
Act quickly, don't ever dilly-dally
When performance results are made available (and make sure it is done without delay) respond with rewards as soon as possible. People will respond accordingly
Don't be shy about making it all public
Find a way to make a big deal out of excellent performance - but always keep it real: Artificial functions are always a major put-off. Sincerity will win the day in the form of a brief presentation during the day - not waiting for when people need to get home in the traffic, and to their families. Be flexible - it will pay YOU huge dividends.

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Leaders Are Created

By Joaquin Duenas

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Being a leader takes up time, dedication and inner exploration. Natural Born Leaders have certain qualities that properly developed will then create a great leader. Becoming a leader is a daily task, that takes time and experience, being exposed to different types of problems and challenges and having to deal with different individuals.
Athletes have a natural talent, not only to a single sport but in general to all physical activity. Athletes have to work hard, typically harder than most of us to bring out the best of them. Relying on their talent alone will not bring out the exceptional skills and they would only be average players. The same theory applies to leadership, everyday there are things to learn and gather knowledge from experiences. Personality, integrity, passion and setting the example are key elements to becoming a successful leader.
Leaders learn from other leaders, they learn by gaining experience from problem solving, they do not limit themselves and they are constantly looking to grow and for new challenges. Leaders learn from each other, they learn to distinguish success from failure and good actions from bad decisions. The golden rule to being a great leader is acknowledging his or her strengths and weaknesses and those of the people that conform his or her team.
Knowing the individuals will allow a leader to place the right person in the right task and successfully increase the chances of achieving positive results. What makes one person a better leader than others is entirely up to each individual, the tools are available, but it all depends on how each individual makes use of them. All individuals with hard work and dedication can master the necessary skills to become a successful and respected leader.
An individual must be passionate. Love and live the work they do. An individual that has a job to work from 8 to 5 and take home his paycheck will not succeed as a team leader; the person has to do it for the thrill and the satisfaction. Everyone needs a salary, individuals do not work for free, but there is a huge difference between working only for the money and working and enjoying what you do. Money will come if the individual works hard and honesty and sincerity are part of the way he or she does business. Hard and dedicated people, as long as they master the skills needed, will become successful leaders.
Resort Creative Solutions helps hotels, resorts, travel destinations and developers retool under-performing marketing programs to accelerate sales performance. We build brands; we make relationships; and emotionally connect them in engaging, entertaining and interactive ways. It's quite simple and profitable. Resort Creative Solutions' team is skilled in all areas of Executive Management. We have been successful in developing and streaming operations, implementing innovative training programs that work and building successful premier sales & marketing campaigns.

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Team Building Event on a Limited Budget

By Kim M Hesse

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

Our client had 80 guests in Melbourne for a three day conference and on the second evening they wanted to host a team building event. We were on a very limited budget and while brainstorming cost effective team building ideas we came up with a pizza making competition.
This event provided us with the opportunity to take guests out of the hotel and place them in new and exciting surroundings.
Step one was to find the perfect venue. When working on a budget use your venue to set the scene. We found a rustic underground restaurant with a wood fired oven.
Being a weeknight we were able to hire the entire basement level at a great price. Note - Venues always want to fill their function space on a weeknight, you should be able to negotiate a better rate on a weeknight as opposed to a Friday or Saturday evening.
To start the evening off, we had the executive chef demonstrate the art of pizza making. The group were then split into teams and given the task of creating their own pizza's. This was a great way to provide a team building activity but also save money as they ate the pizza's they had made. Of course we supplied some professionally made pizza's as well!
In regard to themeing the venue, with not too much expense we transformed the space into a Little Italy. We utilised the venues free white table cloths and simply hired in red and white check table cloths to be placed over the white cloths provided by the venue.
We brought white candles from the reject shop and melted them onto empty wine bottle provided free of charge by the venue. Add some artificial grapes, again from the reject shop and presto a budget friendly and easy table decoration!
Lighting is also a great way to create effect without the expense. Here in little Italy we hired mini up-lights, when chatting to an audio visual supplier you can also ask for parcan lights. The lights were only $5 each and you get to choose what colour gel (in other words a thick cellophane cover) you would like. We chose gels in red and green placing them around the room to light the walls for a warm effect.
Our guests had a fantastic evening and as well as pizza making there was plenty of dough throwing!
Good Luck and Happy Eventing.
Kim Hesse - Managing Director of Venues 2 Events is an event manager at heart and has a crazy passion for the exciting world of events!
Venues 2 Events is a special event management company as well as an on-line venue directory. The last four years has seen Kim transform Venues 2 Events into an Industry Leader and resource for finding reputable venues across Australia. Kim believes in this Industry and hopes to share some of her passion and knowledge with you!

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Activity for Better Communication: Team Building Activities

By Tom Harry

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

As more and more people spend at least half a day at work, team bonding and Team Building has become the need of the hour. More and more people are realizing the importance of Team Building. Most people spend more than 9 to 10 hours at work and they need to release their stress. Most projects and task involves a strong and bonded team that can perform well. Most teams end up with below par performances largely due to either lack of communication or co-ordination, this is where most big companies face problems. Proper Communication and co-ordination is the key to a well-managed company. Hence, more and more companies are investing in Team Building Activities like team parties, picnics and other such activities to keep the environment friendly and stress free.
Team Building Activities need to be fun, but at the same time, they need to impart wisdom to your team. Your team should get to learn and understand the importance of unity and integrity. Team Building Activity must have a clear objective. The objective can be anything from communication to co-ordination or even efficiency. With every team building activity, your employees/subordinates must progress as a stronger team that performs with much more efficiency. You must organize Activities that will help them overcome their weakness.
There are many Team Building Activities. However, you need only those activities that will make your team stronger. Here's how you start developing better communication between your employees/subordinates
Start with analyzing what are the pros and cons of your team. You do not require wasting your precious time on activities that will help improve their plus points.
The objective is to concentrate on the negative aspects. Most Teams face communication problems. The activity given below is easy and can be organized every week:-
The basic problem with communication is that most people are embarrassed to talk about their problems with others and at the same time it is very embarrassing for that one person to listen to his negative aspects.
Hence, the first step is to create an environment where nobody is scared to talk or communicate. You can have people write name or names of their team members with whom they are facing communication problems.
Now, collect the chits and play this game. Make all the other members talk about why two people in your team are facing a communication problem. As the other members talk, the two prospective members cannot utter a word and will simply sit and listen.
The other members of your team will also give a solution to how they can communicate better.
This game could be played every week with multiple team members and will help resolve many work related issues. You will also see an improvement in your team building and how everyone is making an effort to create a friendly and stress free environment. This activity will also help everyone learn about each other and know each other better.

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Why Team Building Is Out and Team Growing Is In

By Karen Schmidt

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

The old model of "building" a great team is outdated.
The concept of growing a team instead of building a team has been around a long time. It seems to have started with Frederick P Brooks in his book "The mythical man-month" written over 30 years ago. He believed that the "building metaphor has outlived its usefulness" and that "the conceptual structures we construct today are too complicated to be accurately specified in advance and too complex to be built faultlessly, then we must take a radically different approach".
So why do we persist with the term "team building"? I believe it's because it's easier for many technical managers to deal with inanimate objects than it is to deal with people. Building involves taking materials and logically turning them into something productive. You can determine in advance what you want to achieve and, with the right skills and equipment, reproduce an exact replica of a blueprint.
People aren't like that. Just because someone has the skills to perform a role doesn't mean they will perform it. Just because a reporting structure should work doesn't mean it will. Just because you give someone the title of manager doesn't mean they can manage. Things get in the way. Things like personalities, past experiences and perceptions.
We have moved on from the industrial age and are now in the information age. People are at the heart of most organisations. Today, most successful businesses are all about intellectual capital not capital works. So stop treating people like pieces of wood you can build into a structure and start treating them like living beings that will naturally grow if given the right conditions.
Like a good garden, what makes a good team comes down to intangibles and most technical managers aren't good at dealing with them. They want the black and white, right and wrong, one size fits all solution. Gardeners know that doesn't work. They know you can put five plants in the same garden bed, four will thrive and one will die. Often there is no logic to it, just like with people. You can do all the right things... give them good soil, water them, give them regular fertiliser and protect them from pests and they will still die! That's nature. Just like you can't command a plant to grow faster, you can't command a person to work harder.
So let's stop talking about team building and start talking about team growing. Let's look at what we can do to let people naturally develop rather than force them to fit neatly into a predetermined size and shape.
As a keen gardener and someone who advises managers on employee engagement, I can see that there are many similarities between creating a thriving garden and creating a thriving organisation. Whether you have one pot plant sitting on your desk (one employee) or a plot of land that would rival the botanic gardens (many employees) the basic rules are the same. Get it right and your plants will thrive (your people will grow). Get it wrong and you will be left with a dead and dying garden (high turnover or, even worse, high disenagement). Gardening can be a rewarding pursuit. There is nothing better than seeing plants grow and it's the same with people. It can also be hard work and involve a long gap between effort and result. The similarities to managing people are obvious.
So learn some lessons about leadership from mother nature. Here are my top 10 to get you started.
  1. You can't have engaged leaders in a poor culture... you can't grow plants in bad soil
  2. We pick people for leadership roles for the wrong reasons... wrong plant in wrong location simply because we like the look of it
  3. New leaders need assistance and support... plants need help to get established too
  4. A leader in the wrong position can do damage... the wrong plant can potentially become a weed
  5. Bad habits from leaders rub off on their people... like pests and disease moving from plant to plant
  6. The right leaders provide staff with shelter from the organisational elements... like a tree shading smaller plants
  7. You need to remove the barriers to help leaders grow... plants grow better when you give them space
  8. Sometimes leaders outgrow their role and need to move on... sometimes plants need to be relocated to thrive
  9. You always need to be cultivating new leaders... you need plants in all stages of development to keep your garden healthy
  10. If leaders aren't growing they are dying... the law of nature, especially when it comes to plants
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Team Building Activities - Increase Employee Motivation

By Meadows Leland
Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

In the corporate world, the most pressing problem is employee attrition. People are switching their jobs very rapidly. From a company's point of view, this is rather detrimental to progress. This is because over a period of time, you tend to invest a lot in terms of training and tacit knowledge in an employee. Thus, when he leaves your company, you lose a valuable resource. Also the problem arrives when you need to hire new employees to replace the older ones. They will have to be hired, selected, trained and then assigned to various responsibilities. All these things have a cost attached to them. This is the reason why companies these days are trying very hard to increase the motivation levels among employees, and to inculcate in them a sense of loyalty and belongingness towards the company.
Corporate events for team building
Corporate events are all about this these days. If your company is planning to organise some, you must ensure that they are conducted extremely smoothly, without any glitches. This is the reason why you must consider hiring the services of a good event management company. These companies are professionals in organising various corporate team building events. These events give your employees a break from the hard work they have to do routinely. They also teach employees the value of working as a team, and inculcate in them a sense of loyalty and trust for the company.
Team building activities
Team building exercises organised by these companies aim at inculcating among the teams a sense of commitment and understanding. These exercises help members of a team break the ice between them, and understand each other better. They also help employees understand the value of working as a team, and what can happen if people give their individual egos and needs more importance. This is accomplished with some amazingly creative team building challenges, like obstacle courses which teams have to accomplish together. Only when they work together and synergise, they will be able to win. It is a lot of fun, and your employees will enjoy every minute while they learn a lot.
Fun team building games and parties
Team building games, which mainly aim towards ice breaking and try to teach employees the importance of effective communication, are very well loved by all kinds of employees. Your employees will be asked to play simple games and perform group activities which will require them to work together. Some examples for this include developing a collage. A corporate team building exercise like this is extremely effective, because of its innovative and non-pressurising, non-boring style.
The most loved are themed parties. Simple themes may be given to employees, which are hilarious and fun. These parties help employees become more comfortable with their superiors, and enjoy some light moments. These activity days will be extremely well loved by your employees, and they will look forward to it each year. With such innovative team building ideas, you can improve the productivity of your employees very greatly.

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How To Quit Your Job Fast And Make More Money By Not Working

Imagine not having to wake up every morning to the alarm and rushing to get to work everyday. How nice would it be to quit your job fast and make more money by not having to work?
Did you know there are over 120 people every 15 seconds that quit there job and start working from home? It's very possible and you can experience this satisfaction too...
The easiest way to do this is by taking advantage of all the options and global reach the internet allows us to have.
Just about anything can be sold online for profit, and most of these ventures don't take any money to start:
Here are three online home businesses that will allow you to quit you job fast:
1. Sell how-to information products like ebooks.
This is super easy to do, and everybody has a skill or knows how to do something that someone else would pay money to learn.
Everything from how to sell hot dogs in their local town, how to putt golf better, how to talk to women and everything in between.
People pay to learn, so put your expertise down in ebook version and sell of off a website.
2. Create a blog on a popular topic and sell ads.
This is very easy to do now-a-days because of the Google Advertising network. You sign up for free with them and they give you a piece of code to put on your website.
People then click on the ads and you get paid over half of the profit per every click.
That can be anywhere from .25 cents to $3.00...
Imagine hundreds of clicks everyday? You'll never have to work again.
3. Learn a skill and sell it on a consultative basis.
Marketers and entrepreneurs will pay serious dime for people who know how to do stuff. Anywhere from $6.00 to $400 an hour.
Here are some of the valuable skills that will allow you to command this money hourly:
-Article Marketing
-Video Marketing
-Web Design
-Pay Per Click
-Social Media Marketing
-Data Entry
Learn one and master it, then find places online for people advertising that they need help in this area and offer your services to them and in no time you can be rolling it in from home without that ugly boss.
Who says quitting your job and making more money by not working is just a dream. Put these simple steps into action and in no time you can have exactly what you want.

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Top Paying Data Entry Work To Choose From

By Diane Cruz

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

 To find work from home is a desire many have, however, it's not as easy for a lot of people as it would seem. Because of so many scams spread throughout the internet, this has made it extremely difficult for one to find genuine work. It has become much like finding a needle in a hay stack. Most people must go through many trial and error and lose some out of pocket cash in order to find anything that actually works. Even some programs that aren't necessarily scams maybe simply entail too much work for too little pay. It's especially difficult for newcomers that are not familiar with the various programs available and what they have to offer. It's always good to do research but most people just don't know where or how to start.
A good way to do this is to simply figure out what it is you like to do and what you're good at. Then begin your search from there. Mos people don't do this, they simply type in the search term "work from home" and assume this will narrow it down. A good place to start is online data entry as these jobs are fairly easy to do and most non traditional home typing jobs don't require any experience to start. I'm not talking about professional document typing, I'm referring to programs such as article marketing or ad submission jobs. These jobs are much easier to obtain and one does not need to have extensive experience with fast typing and grammatical skills. These are also among the highest paying jobs there are online.
Ad submission jobs simply entail placing ads for web businesses in order to help promote their products and services they offer. Because marketing is an extremely lucrative business, these offer the most income for less grueling work then some other programs online. These jobs are especially great and beneficial for stay at home moms, dads and students. Basically anyone who needs to work from their home. With this type of work it is not uncommon for one to earn $200-$500 a day with time and effort. These are not your typical get rich schemes, these are real jobs that do require work to be successful. Just about anyone can do this from anywhere around the globe who needs to makes extra money. It can easily be done to supplement ones income, or can be done long term as a career. Most programs that offer these jobs provide one on one training with step by step training manuals and directions. They usually come with a one time admission fee, however, they're much worth it for what you get in return.
Ad posting jobs are the cream of the crop when it comes to choosing something to do from home, however, one still has to be careful when choosing the right company. There are many fake so called training programs out there that are run by criminal hoping to collect admission fees from unsuspecting victims. Always do your research on a company before embarking on any business endeavor and you can have yourself a very lucrative career in data entry.

Recommended Jobs In Data Entry

By Diane Cruz

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

Home typing jobs have become increasingly popular due to lack of experience one needs to obtain these jobs. The data entry field is no longer limited to your traditional work. This field has become extremely expansive to fit the conditions to which many have been afforded. One no longer needs to have impeccable grammar and typing skills to land a job like this, nor do they need to have any type of degree. The various available jobs in this field were born to cater to newbies and people who lack skills that most jobs require. Ad submission jobs are one of many that are high paying and offered around the globe internationally. These jobs involve simple marketing to where one simply posts online ads in order to generates sales for various companies on the web. These are commission based jobs in which are extremely lucrative and fairly easy to learn. The requirements are as little as computer access and the basic ability to follow instructions. Many people are doing these jobs successfully all over the world and there are literally thousands upon thousands of companies that are hiring non-traditional home typists.
Ad submission jobs creates the opportunity for many to become financially stable through online work as a self employed person. These jobs are especially great for stay at home moms, dads and students as well. They offer lots of freedom and flexibility for one to have extra time to spend with family and friends while comfortably being able to work at home. Many people are doing this globally and it has become one of the most sought after jobs in this millennium. These jobs can be done simply to supplement ones existing income or as a long term, full time job. There are no schedules to meet as one can choose there own hours to work as this is considered self-employment.
Ad submission jobs have become highly controversial within the past few years simply because many people mistake them for your typical get rich scheme. These jobs are not meant to become rich, however, one can make a nice and consistent income doing this. The great thing about these jobs is they have been riding well, even through the recent recession. The economy has not put a damper on the success these jobs bring. Out of all the many online programs out there in the data entry field, this is definitely the one I recommend the most.

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How Do I Know If a Data Entry Site Is Really Genuine?

By Karen Little

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy  

There are many data entry websites out there. If you just do a basic search on the web for data entry you will find literally hundreds of thousands of websites. This makes it very difficult to know which ones are scams and which ones are legit. Especially if one is not experienced in this field or is a newbie to the internet.
Data entry can be a very lucrative business if you find the right program. A good program will have a good support team and training program along with easy to follow directions and up to date information. If one doesn't have this though, this doesn't necessarily mean it's a scam.
There are several different ways to spot a data entry scam so I have listed a few good ways below.
1. If a website does not have some type of contact form on the site, phone number or an email to where they could be contacted this is definitely not a good sign and I would look elsewhere.
2. If a website has been online for a short period of time or less then a year I wold be a little weary. A good company should be online for at least 2 years. Scam artists usually have fly by night websites that don't last too long so they can cover their tracks so this is something to think about.
3. Run a simple Google search for the company and see what comes up. If they have had a lot of complaints against them in the past it will definitely show up there.
4. If the website promises riches or fast wealth in a fast amount of time then I would be weary. Check to see if they have a disclaimer. A good disclaimer will not promise any amount of riches because it is against the law to do so that means they are following the FTC guidelines and that is a good sign.
These are just a few ways to spot a scam but these 4 things can be very helpful.
for a legitimate data entry job you might want to check out Typist Jobs. They have been around for a long time and pass all 4 of the scam signs we've listed above.

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How To Avoid Fake Data Entry Employers

By Diane Cruz
Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy   

Making money from home is what most everyone dreams of. There are so many benefits to working from home, however, due to so many scams, many people are simply scared to purse anything online anymore. Although scams have gone on the rise within the past few years, there still are many legitimate jobs online such as data entry.
Data entry typing jobs have become the cream of the crop when it comes to preferred online work. It's mainly because these jobs are not only enjoyable, but they are fairly simple to do. Out of all the many programs available online, ad submission jobs have become the most lucrative. These jobs entail posting ads online to promote web companies and their products. They are particularly great for stay at home moms, dads and students as well. They offer lots of flexibility and one can choose to do as much or as little work as they wish. It's also a great way to cut down bills such as gas and child care expenses. As everyone knows, these bills can get quite expensive. With this type of work one is not employed, they are considered self-employed which means they will be responsible for their own taxes at tax time. Unlike traditional jobs, there is no prior experience required to land a job like this, because training is offered. The requirements are so minimal, basically anyone from anywhere around the world can participate in a program like this. Although contrary to popular belief, these are not a get rich scheme. However, it is not uncommon for one to be able to earn $200-$500 a day with time and effort.
Although these jobs are great, one still has to be very weary of online scams. It's best to do your research on any company you wish to work for prior to. Even the nicest looking websites can be hiding deception. There are several different types of scams concerning data entry. One that most people do not consider is someone who poses as being with a legitimate company. Therefore, if you were to run a check on the company and find out they were legit, you probably wouldn't think twice of paying someone that sent you the offer through an email. Then once you pay, you find out you just paid a total fraudster that had no relation to the website whatsoever. This has been happening much more frequently as the guys figured out that you can easily check out a business nowadays, however, how would you know if he were with the actual business or not? Well there are a few simple ways to avoid this scam. First of all, always make sure that the email address used to solicit payment matches the company in question. If they are using a free email address such as yahoo or gmail, this should instantly become a red flag. Just noticing small things like this can save you a lot of frustration. Also make sure the name on the email matches the name on the website. One other thing you can do is email the company from the actual websites contact form and make sure they are the one to whom you've been corresponding with.
Data entry is by far one of the most lucrative jobs online, just always make sure to do your research before handing over your hard earned money to a potential scam artist or fake employer.

Employee Time Clock Software - 4 Money Saving Benefits

By Jeffery Morrow

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy    

A traditional timesheet allows employees to record when they start and end specific tasks. For some employees, this just amounts to starting work in the morning and punching out at the end of the day. For others, this may involve keeping detailed start and end times for various activities, projects, or jobs throughout the day. Whatever your business needs, time and attendance software allows your employees to record this information much more easily, accurately, and objectively. Employee time clock software can help lower the operating costs of your business by making payroll processing more efficient, ensuring attendance compliance, making labor costs more visible so you can lower them if necessary, and helping automate the billing or invoicing of your clients.
Time Clock Software Simplifies Payroll
Time and attendance software takes all the punch in and out times that your employees have been recording and generates instant timecard reports based on your payroll rules. Regular hours, overtime, and paid leave time are instantly calculated and totaled for easy input into your payroll software, or sent to your accountant or payroll service. Manual or modified timecard entries should be flagged for easy follow-up and monitoring. Time tracking notes from employees explaining a late or missed punch allow you to quickly adjust timecard entries and print new timecard reports before sending off your payroll. Better yet, export your time clock program data for easy import into your payroll software. Your employee time clock software data should be automatically archived so past payroll reports are always instantly available for any period of time. This means all those hours spent preparing manual timesheets for payroll processing can be reduced to minutes. Timeclock software brings increased efficiency to your business, which saves you money!
Time Clock Software Ensures Attendance Compliance
Time clock software allows you to fully manage time and attendance, even tracking unpaid activities like lunch breaks or unpaid sick leave. Each employee timecard software report should display time spent on unpaid activities completely separate from hours worked. Make it easy to enforce your business rules by knowing how many unpaid days off employees have used. Time clock software makes it easy to track unpaid leave taken under FMLA and mandatory furlough policies. If you are an educational institution looking for a way to track time spent by students in learning or tutoring labs, you can drastically reduce the amount of time spent on mandatory state reporting of compliance with the individualized educational plan for each special education student or adult education hours with time and attendance software. Tracking employee attendance helps you schedule employees more efficiently and ensures compliance with certain legal obligations, which saves you money!
Time Clock Software Manages Labor Costs
Time and attendance software uses those same employee timecard payroll punches for labor costing. By including employee gross wages, your timecard software reports can be summarized to provide you with labor hours and dollar costs for any activity, task, job, or department for any period of time. Labor costing reports will quickly show you actual labor hours and costs on a per job basis. You should have easy access to timecard software reports that monitor labor costs for each business activity. Your time clock program reports will accurately track all employee time spent on each job, showing you changes in job labor costs from job to job, or the same job for any time period. Timeclock software gives you the knowledge you need to allocate actual labor hours on a per job basis, and being knowledgeable about the resource usage of your business saves you money!
Time Clock Software Automates Client Billing
Time and attendance software should summarize timecard reports by client, job, or department for the accurate billing of labor hours. Run timecard software status reports to make sure you are remaining within project budgets before the project ends. Set your time clock program rounding calculations for billing to the nearest minute, or in tenth or quarter hour increments. Your time tracking labor totals can now be easily entered into your invoicing or accounting software for accurate and timely billing of your labor. Quickly add a time tracking note to your reported client hours to explain job details or project tracking status. The key to tracking labor time accurately is to record new job activities as they happen. Most time clock software is easy to install and configure so it can be affordably deployed on any computer at your business. This ensures real time job tracking is convenient and easy for your employees. Timeclock software helps you accurately bill clients and stay within project budgets, which saves you money!

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SUCCESS - What Does it Mean to You?

By Matthew Flinton

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy       

What is Success?
Being able to do what you want...when you want?
Living a "dream life" with mansions, luxury cars, exotic vacations, high dollar wardrobes...is this success?
Serving others and assisting them in achieving their goals and dreams?
I truly believe success is different for every person. Though I do know success can be achieved by each one of us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson described success...
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."
My question to you is how are you going to be successful in your own life?
How are you going to leave the world a bit better?
How are you going to succeed in every aspect of your life... in your health... in your relationships... in your finances... in your spiritual growth?
That is the challenge we all face.
So let's look at how we can succeed in those areas.
Health... you must be cognizant of the foods that will improve your health and the foods that will destroy your body. Fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, legumes, water, green tea, milk, eggs, honey are foods that need to be the foundation of your diet.
The next area of health is your ability to move your body on a regular basis. Find an activity you will actually do consistently. Walking, weight training, running, playing basketball with your buddies... I don't care what it is... just do it on a regular basis.
Pretty simple... maybe not easy but very simple. Eat healthy foods and move your body!
Finances... identify a problem and create a solution. That is how you will create massive amounts of cash flow. We pay individuals major amounts of money if they can help remedy our problems... so again identify people's problems and give them the solution.
Shift your focus on helping and serving others and the money will appear. Now you must make the decision to be paid richly for your service but once you make that shift in your mind... get ready for the transfer of wealth!
Relationships... "give" what you want from others! If you want people to respect you... respect them first. If you want people to love you... love them first. If you want people to be kind to you... be kind first!
That's it... give... what you want to get!
Spiritual growth... the good Lord has a plan for your life...a divine destiny if you will.
To identify what that is... unplug from your iPod and turn off the television. Ask the Lord what the plan is and listen. When you receive the divine inspiration... act on it!
You must take an active part in achieving your overall success.
Begin today planning for your success and get to it.
Remember to enjoy the journey and God Blesses You!

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The Secret of Success in Life

By Keshav Hl Saini

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy      

In order to succeed in life, we are busy throughout our lives in managing time, managing people, managing quality and managing stress. In this pace we always forget to manage one resource which is most precious and important viz; our self. if we are able to manage our self in a proper, disciplined and judicious manner, it is sure that most of the problems that we face will vanish from our lives. We are managing our hair, clothes, looks and skin etc. We spend most of our life chasing Success but what is success?
Most of us may say that a successful person is the one who has a lot of wealth and assets like bungalow, cars, gold etc. and all worldly things which can be a source of joy and happiness. If that were true then all rich men in this world would have been most happy individuals on this planet. But it is not so. The people who have all these resources cannot enjoy them and those who can enjoy lack resources.
One of the traits of most successful people are good interpersonal skills which act as a tool to success. Science tells us that we use only 10% of our potential and the balance 90% lies untapped. Every human being is born equal. Everyone has a body, a mind and intellect and the SPIRIT (ATMA).
Vedanta prescribes that we are an ANSH (a part) of the unknown Supreme Power (GOD) but at times we tend to forget this reality and develop an EGO that we are the masters of our destiny, thus edging GOD out. We forget our real identity. So break these self imposed restrictions and sail into the realm of SPIRIT. All our problems will resolve automatically.
It is said that as u think so shall u be. Think of abundance and u will never feel want. Whatever depressing thoughts take over your mind compare yourself with those who are really deprived of even the basic needs like two full meals a day or a shelter and you will feel contended.
Always have positive thinking. Never allow negative thoughts rule your mind to divert your attention to the past failures. Learn from the past mistakes but do not allow them to take over your present. Correct yourself and you will be able to resolve any problem if you are able to manage yourself properly.
All our actions should be selfless and guided by our intellect to the best of our capability and capacity without any expectations. Surrender and Submit all your actions to the GOD as a thanks for whatever he has given you and that is the secret of Success.

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How to Use Your Subconscious Mind Power for Creating Success, Wealth & Health

By John Meaden

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy     

The potency of the subconscious mind has become a hot subject in the world of personal achievement for over a hundred years now. But it is only in relatively recent years that we've had proof from a scientific level, including quantum physics, about how the use of our subconscious mind power has a greater influence over how we attract situations into our lives. Increased success, wealth and health can all be experienced by knowing how to fully understand and put to use the power of our thoughts.
When the book and film "The Secret" was launched, and since that time increasing numbers of people have become aware of the power of the subconscious mind and how it is linked to the law of attraction. If you want to discover how this great secret of success and prosperity will allow you to attract your ideal lifestyle, there are a few points you need to understand:
Your subconscious mind power is your greatest gift
Everybody believes that the most significant element which gives power to individuals is the gift of free will. Primarily human beings have the option of totally reinventing their own subconscious conditioning according to the things they choose to think about on a constant basis...and this is the key, as our lives are moulded by our most dominant thoughts. It isn't just a case of 'you are what you eat', it is more importantly 'you become what you think about'.
This concept has essentially been around for thousands of years, as in fact one of the authors of the Old Testament explained the fact that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is." However exactly what does this suggest with regards to the power of the Law of attraction together with attracting affluence, health and success?
Just take a look at some of the wealthiest men and women on the planet who have lost their fortunes and consequently managed to completely rebuild them from scratch. Do you think this is just luck?
Is it possible that these people could end up that lucky twice in a lifetime? In spite of the fact that a large number of people have also been researched or have written their own books about precisely how they made it happen, most people are unable to copy their particular accomplishments. That's simply because it isn't the method of principles that is applied which makes someone financially successful, healthy or successful within their relationships...it is actually about the individual applying the principles.
Which means that if you would like develop into the type of person who is able to very easily attract much better health, wealth and success into your life, your primary task is to use your subconscious mind power to reprogram yourself for prosperity.
Once you begin doing this you are going to produce the identical subconscious conditioning which has made other individuals prosperous. It really is just a matter of time before your actions and habits begin providing outcomes which are consistent with that thought process. But there's another side to using the power of the subconscious mind which is even more awe-inspiring and amazing than that.
The Power of the Subconscious Mind and your connection to the Universe
Over the past hundred years, physicists have found that we are located within an enormous energy field and that also everything comprises of energy. The appearance which something is in (solid, liquid or matter) depends on the vibrational condition of this energy.
The intriguing thing about this is that you utilize the power of the subconscious mind to alter your own conditioning, and this starts the process of establishing a different form of vibration on your body. If the different kind of vibration is in sync with the energy of precisely what you really want, you will end up drawn to the things that you desire.
You are going to see them more regularly and you will be presented with flashes of inspiration from your subconscious mind which will enable you to take the appropriate action that will attract these things to you
Recently, this way of thinking has become more mainstream thanks to films like 'the secret' and is more commonly known as the "law of attraction".
The law of attraction claims that the things that you possess in your life are caused by your current subconscious programming developing a vibration inside you that automatically attracts the things that you desire.
One thing is certain here, and that is the fact that learning to understand and harness your subconscious mind power is vitally important in achieving anything in your life. You become successful, wealthy and healthy 'first' in your mind, and then it comes to pass in your physical reality. It is that simple.

Top Ten Strategies For Becoming Uncommonly Successful

By Stacey Mayo

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy    

Here are 10 of 26 proven strategies gleaned from interviews with highly successful people who have overcome obstacles to accomplish such feats at climbing Mt. Everest, winning a Grammy, becoming a multi-millionaire, becoming an established author and humorist, a professional pitcher in the Major Leagues, an internet entrepreneur who earns millions and more. Regardless of your career or industry, when applied, these success principles can shorten your learning curve and be a catalyst for your success.
These principles were excerpted from the book, "I Can't Believe I Get Paid To Do This!" Remarkable People Reveal 26 Proven Strategies For Making Your Dreams a Reality by Stacey Mayo
1. Create Wealth in Alignment With Your Passions
It is important to focus on what you are passionate about first and then find a way to make money at it. Get in touch with your heart first, otherwise, the left side of your brain will rule out perfectly good ideas without having explored them.
"Money allows us the freedom to pursue the things that are important to us. Money is not an end it itself."
Stacy Allison, first American woman to successfully climb Mt. Everest
2. Honor Numero Uno: Design Your Life Around Your Priorities
Many people try to fit their dreams into their life and complain there are not enough hours in the day to make it happen. If you want your dream to become a reality, make it a priority. Otherwise, it will never be more than a pipedream.
3. Visualize Every Step of Your Dream and Watch the Magic Unfold
The muscle movement that helps us physically take action in our lives begins in the mind. That is why all great golfers, tennis players, basketball players, etc. visualize themselves making a shot beforehand. An experiment conducted by Alan Richardson, an Australian psychologist, found 23% performance improvement among subjects who visualized every day for 20 days. In his paper published in Research Quarterly, Richardson wrote that the most effective visualization occurs when the visualizer feels and sees what he is doing.
"I really visualized it, too, even as a child watching those programs. I could visualize myself walking up the stage, up the stairs. For me, visualizing those dreams happening was pertinent to making that happen, because I could see it. I pictured it in my head"
Mary Youngblood, welfare mom turned Grammy Award Winner
4. Easy Does It: Inspired Action Always Trumps Forced Action
Inspired action is joyful action that is in alignment with your dream. It is action you want to take and the idea of it brings a smile to your face. When you take inspired action, you are aligned with what you are doing and things flow naturally.
Contrast this to action that you are forcing yourself to take regardless of whether you feel like doing it. Maybe you are in a bad mood or have a headache but decide you have to take this action and keep trudging forward. The likelihood is that if you take action from this place it will take you twice as long to accomplish your task or goal or there will be obstacles that come up along the way. It's like swimming against strong currents.
5. Laser in On One Idea, Business or Income Stream at a Time
One of the mistakes people make is diversifying too quickly. This is true whether you are trying to build multiple streams of income or are just working on several different ideas at one time. The key is getting the first stream or idea up and running, producing good revenue, and having systems in place so it will keep running without you before going on to the next unrelated stream.
"Several things going on at one time is a distraction to cash."
Loral Langemeier, single mom, financial literacy coach and millionaire
6. Strengthen Your Relationships: Your Financial Independence is Dependent on Your Connections With Others
Many people think of the day when they will be financially independent as "freedom day." And, while financial independence is a worthwhile goal, it does not mean that you are free of your dependence on other people. As a matter of fact, in order to create financial independence, you just might need a lot more people in your life than you have right now.
7. Develop Your Resilience Muscle: Bounce Back From Setbacks
The truth is that you will have setbacks along the way. This is just inevitable. The sooner you accept that, the better. Many of these setbacks will take the form of circumstances that come up and block your way. If you look closely, you may find these setbacks are directly correlated with your innermost thoughts, fears, and limiting beliefs. This is because we create what we focus on including those things we don't want.
Don't get stopped by these bumps in the road; learn from them. As you work through the setbacks that come up, you will become the person you need to be to live out your dreams.
8. Streamline Your Efforts; Align Your Natural Talents With Your Goal
Success comes easier and more quickly when you enhance your strengths and delegate in areas where you are weak. Your natural talents are those things you do so easily and naturally that you think they are no big deal. Many of my clients were overlooking their natural talents when they first came to me. They thought if it is this easy for them, it must be this easy for everyone. This is rarely the case.
The key is to take your natural talents and abilities and strengthen them through education and experience. You are not born an expert at anything. It is something you develop.
9. Disarm That Sneaky Inner Saboteur
Even when we know what we need to do, we often don't do it out of fear of experiencing the emotions and other things that may come up as a result. Fear of failure and fear of success are the two biggest internal fears that people often face. Most other fears such as fear of rejection fall underneath one of these major categories. As human beings, we will go to great lengths to avoid our fears. That is why so many ideas never get beyond being a great idea, or projects are started and never finished. It is easy to find reasons, excuses, other diversions or projects, create chaos, and sometimes to even create emergencies to avoid these negative feelings or outcomes.
One of the most important things you can do is allow it to be okay to have these feelings. Then step back and notice what it is you do to get in your own way. When you have identified what you do, you can make a conscious decision to do it differently.
10. Shorten Your Learning Curve by Learning From The Best
You can learn from the people who are barely getting by, from those who are doing fairly well or from those at the top of the heap. Talk to people who are already successful and find out how they did it. That's what the book, "I Can't Believe I Get Paid To Do This!" is about. Its purpose is to provide success principles and philosophies from those who have excelled. They've already been down the road and you can learn from their experience. Why reinvent the wheel when someone else already did a great job of creating it?

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7 Strategies I Learned from Self-Made Millionaires About Achieving Personal & Professional Success

By Colleen Kettenhofen

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy   

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."
Albert Einstein
After attending a seminar in Las Vegas this past weekend on achieving personal and professional
success, I walked away with a plethora of time-tested tools that can be applied immediately.
Many of the presenters were "self-made" millionaires, as I'm not talking about someone who
inherited it or married into it. These individuals, through grit, determination and calculated risk did
it on their own. Here are seven proven strategies guaranteed to dramatically improve your happiness,
and help you in achieving success in any area of your life, if you apply them.
1. Wherever you are today is a result of what you've done in the past. Take responsibility for the
choices you've made. Learn from them and move on. Let go of the mistake but don't lose the lesson.
Don't focus on the pain of your past, focus on your purpose for the future. This frame of mind alone can turn your life around.
2. "You become what you think about all day," Earl Nightengale once said. Have you ever noticed while driving your car that if you keep looking to the right, you eventually go to the right? Keep looking to the left and your car veers left? What you think about and focus on becomes your reality. So focus on achieving success and be specific with your goals.
3. The books you read and the people you interact with most determine 90% of your success. So surround yourself with successful, positive people. Join a mastermind group. It can consist of like-minded individuals all around the country where you talk by phone once a week. Attend business and personal development seminars to find the right people. Who are the people you spend the most time with? What about their goals, values and priorities? Do they have any goals?!
You are an average of the five people you spend the most time with. Try this exercise: add up their yearly income and divide by five. Most likely your income is within 10% of that sum. You can spend time with people less successful than you and feel like a big fish, but as you discover your passion and climb the ladder of career success, those same people will drag you down and discourage your dreams.
4. Make the books you read be about achieving personal and professional success. Invest at least 3%of your yearly income in personal and professional development books, CD's, e-books, teleseminars, webinars and the like. If you're pressed for time, listen to motivational CD's in your car. The average person spends 500 to 1000 hours per year in their cars. Turn your car into a virtual mobile classroom.
5. Reprogram your mind. You've heard the phrase "stinkin' thinkin'." To reprogram your mind with positive thoughts, spend a few minutes upon awakening reading inspirational literature or something
related to the field you are passionate about. Do the same thing within that last hour before bedtime.
The subconscious mind is most amenable to suggestion the first hour upon awakening, and that last hour before retiring.
6. The mirror exercise. Every morning getting up and every evening going to bed, give yourself pep
talks. At first you will feel embarrassed and ridiculous, but this technique is very powerful. Ruben Gonzalez, three time Olympian in the luge, was the keynote speaker this weekend. He told how his friend used to make him stand in front of a mirror and say to himself with emotion, "No matter how terrible it gets I am going to make it happen!" He would say this over and over until he believed it. Saying it with emotion will help your dream manifest itself more quickly. This is especially important in striving for business success.
7. Learn to overcome procrastination. Most people procrastinate doing something because they fear it.
For example, if you're procrastinating learning a new software program, take classes or hire a tutor. If that skill is necessary in helping you achieve an important goal you must do it. Also, do the thing you
like least first. The more you think about what you "should" do and procrastinate, the harder it is to get started, and your anxiety is compounded. Think how much better, lighter (and more confident) you'll feel when it's complete.
Celebrate your successes and reward yourself for even small accomplishments. All work and no play
serves as a de-motivator. The larger the success, the larger the reward. Have you ever noticed how
much you accomplish right before a vacation? You're looking forward to that reward, and you don't
want to think about it when you're on vacation. Do the same thing with these simple steps. Apply them. Work them.
Focus on your dreams not the fear. The price of success is huge, but the price of regret is worse.
Increase your self-belief and increase your desire. Ask yourself, "Who am I?" "What do I want to
be?" And go do that. Good luck.

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