Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Human Resource Management: Types of Training and Benefits in the Work Environment

By Hakan Samad

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Basic training in HR management helps those who are beginning in their career to understand the responsibilities they will assume in their role. Those who work in HR must develop their knowledge in every aspect of human resource management, including compensation and benefits, orientation, training, development, employee relations and performance management.
Human resource management positions often require that HR professionals further develop their skills in specific areas such as labor relations and behavioral interviewing, as well as specialized training in employment law and diversity. Today, the human resource manager is not the person responsible simply for hiring workers and keeping their personnel file up-to-date as they were two decades ago; this is why it is essential that individuals gain the skills and knowledge necessary today for effective human resource management.
In today's workplace environment, it is not uncommon for a company to have an entire HR management team responsible for hiring the right individuals for specific jobs. This team may also designate the responsibilities of an employee and detail the tasks assigned to that employee. Without an effective human resource management team, a company is likely to have a hard time building an exceptional group of workers who are dedicated to the betterment of the company.
Effective human resource management may consist of several individuals responsible for different roles within the team such as manager, director and generalist. The primary responsibilities of human resource management in general lies in meeting the interests and needs of the company, while meeting the needs of the workers simultaneously. Organizations are constantly changing today; HR management must constantly evolve as well in order to adapt to changes and remain resilient, keeping the focus on the end result for the company as a whole.
In short, today's human resource management team is often considered a strategic partner; those who work in the HR manager capacity often contribute to developing business plans across the organization as well as accomplishing objectives. It's easy to see that the role of HR management runs the gamut from hiring and training individual employees to protecting the reputation of the company; those in HR management often find themselves managing or navigating disputes or disagreements between managers and employees in order to come to a solution.
Human resource management today encompasses all aspects of an organization's people, their activities and their needs, which often includes everything from recruiting and hiring to performance management, employee relations, building strong teams and leadership.

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The Passive Job Seeker is Golden

By Phil Adamo

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

Especially in today's economic environment, employers are becoming increasingly "choosy" with regard whom they hire... and rightfully so. With the unemployment rate reaching highs that we have not seen in decades, more and more job seekers have resorted to "fabricated enthusiasm" in hopes of impressing recruiters. These candidates are willing to settle for a job they are less than passionate about, while waiting for a career opportunity for which they are truly qualified to come around. This makes for a not-so-happy employee, and one with the potential to infect his or her coworkers. This becomes costly for the employer who has needlessly wasted time, energy, and money on an employee who is unlikely to remain long enough to justify the investment.
As a recruitment advertising executive with more than 25 years experience, let me share an important lesson that I learned though working with some of the most successful staffing professionals in the industry. It is simply this: The best candidates for any position are ones who are already employed in a similar or parallel position, and who are not unhappy with their situation. Just because they are not actively seeking a new job, however, does not mean they are not open to opportunity when it knocks. The question is, how do you reach the passive job seeker.
While career websites are a vital tool for recruiters, I have to believe that someone who takes the time to go on such a website is actively looking for a job. Does that make such people bad candidates? Of course not, but it does suggest that career websites are unlikely to provide more than a very limited number of the passive seekers described above.
Daily Newspapers, on the other hand, can be very successful tools for reaching the passive seeker - especially those who commute. And guess what? These people are commuting because they are going to work... because they are employed! Advertisements in national and regional dailies have performed very well at bringing these passive job seekers to our clients.
Using metropolitan New York City as an example, many of our clients advertise in such prominent dallies as the NY Times, Post, Daily News, and Newsday on a steady basis, especially those looking for top-notch salespeople and healthcare workers. Another excellent vehicle for reaching the passive seeker is the daily newspaper, amNewYork. Distributed at no cost at commuter venues throughout New York City and its suburbs, amNewYork enjoys a huge commuter circulation.
What about younger candidates who appear to be losing interest in the print media? Some magazines already have interactive editions compatible with such platforms as smartphones and the new iPad. These turn print advertisements into live videos that are certain to attract the younger demographics. And as augmented reality applications help transform the print media into entry portals for web-based interactivity, they are bound to recapture a substantial share of the younger audience. They will undoubtedly find ways to dazzle those of us in the older demos, retaining our interest as well.
So, if your entire recruitment strategy is based on career websites alone, you may be missing out on a pool of ideal candidates. Only by integrating your online efforts with the print, radio, and television are you likely to find the golden goose, and not just one of an army of unemployed people eager to double park for a while on your dollar!

Best Business Certification Programs - How to Choose the Best Program

By Rafael Tassini

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

If you have decided to go back to school, you are probably already overwhelmed with the wide range of options that are out there. These are available in the business world in many different levels of skill. If you don't have the time or inclination to go back for a full degree, you might want to think about instead applying for a certificate program. The best business certification programs give you the added edge of an added credential on your resume, while at the same time giving you valuable real-world skills that you need to switch careers or enhance your current ones.
However, to get started with choosing from the best business certification programs, there are a few factors to think about. You will first need to choose a business designation or field of study that best suits your current interests and future career goals. If you have always thought about going into marketing, public relations, or recruiting, you could complete one of these certificate programs in the specific field of study and then be able to make that transition. Learning more about these programs is a good way to determine if they are right for you or not.
One factor that keeps many people from higher education is a lack of time and funds. If you have no time to commute to a campus, you might have ruled out this type of program. However, some of the best business certification programs are now available online. This is convenient for several different reasons. Not only do you not have to commute, but you are also able to set your own study hours. All the materials are given to you, along with an online support network that allows you to ask questions and engage in discussions with your peers and instructor.
This will all help lead up to you taking a test at the end of the program of study. With the best business certification programs, you can be sure that you will end up with a powerful credential that will help you to stand out in a job market that is consistently shifting. It might seem difficult to stand out, but with the added confidence that you receive from this type of training program, you'll be able to be secure that you have the skills that will set you ahead of the rest of the pack, and lead to a satisfying career in business.

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Business Coach Certification - Building a Business That Thrives

By Rafael Tassini

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

If you are a business owner who wants to grow in spite of the tough economic period we find ourselves in, you might want to streamline your business and make it more efficient and productive. Hiring a business coach to consult on ways to make your business more effective and efficient is valid investment in the future. If you need to raise capital, consultants with a business coach certification can help you follow strategies to get the capital you need. These trained individuals have received certification that they have completed a challenging course and stringent qualifying exam. Business coaches with this credential are prepared to serve your company in assessing the business operation and suggesting changes to increase profitability while retaining ethics and quality.
There are dozens of coaches present on the internet right now, but many are simply people with their own opinions about how business is run. They may have even had businesses fail in the economic downturn and now want to start anew with a coaching company. Those who have completed a coaching certification in business have been trained in the tested and proven successful business models, processes, and formulas. These are applicable across many kinds of business. Business coaches with appropriate credentials will also be able to help you know how to set up an initial meeting with staff to kick-off changes in the business.
Specialists with a coaching certification can help business owners set a vision or define a missions and then list action steps. They assist in the process of team-building and communication. Clear communication between staff members can help increase productivity. Confusion is eliminated and employees act more immediately. This is more efficient business practice. Marketing strategies are also an area business coaches often help with. Internet, social media, and traditional marketing avenues can be used very effectively. Perhaps you just need a new perspective to help you recognize the most effective advertising for your business.
All in all, there are many areas a business coaching specialist can help in. Investing in the services of someone who has a business coach certification can make your company more profitable and effective. The employees will work smarter instead of harder and you can enjoy being a business owner instead of working and worrying constantly. Business owners who have an eye toward the future are hiring business coaches to plan ahead and establish a business that will not only last, but thrive as well.

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Business Coach Certificate - A Career for Those Who Love Business By Rafael Tassini Platinum Quality Author

By Rafael Tassini

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

Business coach certificates and training courses help people passionate about business learn how to assist company leaders in planning, productivity, efficiency, marketing, and more. They are the "go-to" people for companies that are doing well and those in trouble who want to prevent lay-offs or company shut-down. Business coach courses introduce students to models, processes, formulas, and methods in business that have been tested and proven to work in many areas. These strategies can be applied immediately for improved effectiveness. An analysis of the company can show a coach the weak areas so they can make suggestions for improving them.
The training courses for a coaching certificate do not only teach the skills needed to analyze business productivity, they also train students in business planning. A coach in business can help company leaders write a mission statement, devise a business plan, make goals, and set action steps. They can assist in raising capital through various loans, investors, or private means. Marketing is also an area that can be tweaked by a business coach. Successful marketing often means targeting the advertising. Integrating modern technology can be facilitated by a coach as well.
Communication skills and interpersonal skills for dealing with clients are a part of the curriculum during business coach certificate courses. The right communication style can motivate and encourage business leaders while you are critiquing their leadership methods. Speaking of clients, business coaching is nothing without them. The best coaching courses teach you how to find, hook, and retain clients to build a roster of people who keep returning to you for advice. Ambitious, business-loving, clear communicators make excellent coaches in business.

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Business Coach Certification - The Need for Business Certification

By Rafael Tassini

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

There is a growing need for business coaches these days. Even though one might think that business owners would be reluctant to spend the money to hire a business coach in the current economic slump, many are consulting help because they do not want to go under as so many other companies have. Coaching, then, can be a lucrative career where you are able to help others. There are coaches by the dozen online, but few hold a business coaching certification or credential. The certification for coaches in business is gained through a challenging course and qualifying exam.
This credential sets you apart from those who merely want to give their opinion over and over. Certified business coaches have the tools needed to assess a business and recommend actions that will improve the efficiency of the company. Training and certification help to teach and train coaches looking to do so in business, but it also helps business owners understand how to raise business capital. The honor of helping businesses thrive and expand is a mission that is strengthening the national and global economy. It is a part of enabling business owners to develop companies that run basically on their own.
A coaching certification course is one which teaches the tools of the trade of modern business. Knowing how to assess a business from the inside out requires looking at the company as a big picture made up of smaller parts. What parts are clogging the wheels of productivity? A coach can see more effective methods of running the business as a whole, as well as within a single part. They also help business owners move into the age of technology, with mobile data interfaces, company internet presence, and more. The fresh eyes of a business coach can see the areas that have been overlooked by a busy business owner.
While many former business owners might have great advice about what they did, business coaches who have been through rigorous training to earn a coaching certification in business have the knowledge and skills to help a wide variety of businesses and situations. They can effectively use their knowledge of models and processes to assess and improve the current business model. The certification credential can be added to a business card, resume, website, and more. Choosing a certification course includes selecting curriculum and instructor that you respect. An instructor with a successful background in business coaching is essential. This way students get an overall view from curriculum paired with the practical advice of a person who has been there before.

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Business Coaching Certification - Joining the Business Coaching Field

By Rafael Tassini

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

Business coaching is a growing industry that provides the service of consulting or coaching for business owners and CEO's. The leaders who run companies sometimes need an outside perspective to survey the operations and assess where productivity is being slowed. These coaches can provide analysis, advice, support, and new knowledge, especially in the areas of ways to raise capital or business use of technology. The best coaches have earned their coaching certification credentials and are fully qualified to do these jobs. However, there are some coaches out there who have little to no experience or training in the field.
Business leaders seeking the services of a business coach should check to see if they have their coaching certification. This is gained through a strenuous training class that focuses on the practical application of business coaching principles followed by a rigorous qualifying exam to earn the certification. These courses provide students with study guides and memorization tools to help them learn the tools, processes, and formulas that have worked in the field of business as well items specific to coaching in business. These include learning how to acquire clients and lead business leaders. The clients of coaches in business are not used to being in the role of a follower, so there are special techniques and interpersonal skills that can increase the success of the business coach and the business leader with whom they are working.
Coaching certification courses teach students how to be effective and efficient in their own businesses to make profits soar. It would not speak well of the doctor is he was continually sick, right? Obviously the business coach must use their own expertise in their own business as well. The courses also train students in the best practices of business coaching. Students also learn how to structure a relationship with the client to be most effective at improving the productivity of their business.
So, who becomes a coach in business? Well, those that have had successful careers in business leadership and want a change of scene or pace might gain their business coaching certification. A person who has great analytical, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills might seek it as a career from the beginning. Much like a sports coach, it does help if the business coach has been in business at least a little. Sometimes a role like this opens up in a corporation and people need training so they take the course to qualify.

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Business Coach Training - A Successful Business Coaching Company

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

When a business leader is choosing a coach in business, they may be overwhelmed with the choices available. Some coaches in business are simply former business owners who want to share their experiences. The best coaches in business, however, have completed a business coach training course and are certified as having passed the qualifying exam. This helps prepare business coaches to deal with multiple situations and areas of business instead of just going off their own limited experiences. This certification is a sign that a coach has been trained in the best practices of the field of coaching in business. They learn how to assess the parts of a business and the company as a whole.
The ability to see how a whole is broken down into parts and what areas are slowing productivity is important in the coaching career. Keeping each portion of the company efficient and effective at what they are assigned helps the whole company to be more profitable. The purpose for hiring a business coach is can be different for each business owner. Some need a fresh pair of eyes to assess the business for the slower department and procedures. Some need to raise capital and need advice on how to get there. Others are looking to improve marketing strategies or implement newer technologies and desire guidance in those areas. Business coach training prepares business coaches to work in all these areas.
Certain processes, tools, and models have been used successfully in multiple areas of business all around the world. In coaching training, students learn these methods and how to apply them to different industries. Great coaching is based upon a relationship the coach builds with the business leader client. Interpersonal skills and good coaching relationship structures are also taught in the training course. These are key components to the success of a business coach. The clients are leaders who have little experience taking advice from others. They are often reluctant to see the failings in their own businesses even though this is the first step to fixing the problems.
Laying the groundwork of respect and relationship can ensure a business coach's success. In addition, a business coach training course teaches coaches how to find and acquire clients to build their own business. Successful systems for getting and retaining clients can help someone grow their coaching business into a lucrative company. Joining this unique field of coaching in the business world can start with a specialized training course.

Business Coach Training - Training to Become a Business Coach

By Rafael Tassini

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

As employers are finding it necessary to lay off employees or even go out of business, the company leaders are seeking help to save their businesses. Coaches in business can help assess problem areas and make recommendations on how to make the company more efficient and profitable. If you think you would excel at business coaching, you might want to consider a business coach training course. These classes prepare students for many situations and result in a certification credential that can set the graduates apart from other, less qualified, business coaches. Challenging courses are becoming known for their excellent preparation for the actual real world business coaching experience.
Curriculum in a coach training course is typically focused on several areas. The first area includes the business practices that that have been proven to work in the real world. These models, processes, and formulas have been tested and tried in different business situations and projects. Business coaches must have the ability to look at the company and see it in parts that make up the whole. They have to assess the parts of the company that are slowing production and profits. Coaches must also be problem solvers that can see the solution to the problem and make recommendations.
Learning how to deal with business leaders is also a part of coach training. This interpersonal training is included in excellent training courses. Structuring a relationship with a client that allows for effective communications of the mistakes and overlooked areas of the business can be tricky without a framework. Learning about how to build a foundation for this effective kind of relationship is covered in the class on becoming a business coach. Communication skills from company leadership to the rest of the company structure are highly important when the leader starts making changes in the company. Coaches in business also have to know how to help the leader of the company learn how to communicate and motivate effectively.
When you are building a business as a coach for other businesses, you need to keep in mind your own advice. Structuring a coaching business correctly can lay the foundation for success in the future. Coach training courses can help you get that foundation right. A business coach is nothing without clients. Training courses also help you learn how to find and connect with potential clients. Traditional marketing strategies don't often work in this field so the class can also teach you how to market effectively. A coaching business can soar with the right training.

Business Coach Training - A Successful Business Coaching Company

By Rafael Tassini

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

When a business leader is choosing a coach in business, they may be overwhelmed with the choices available. Some coaches in business are simply former business owners who want to share their experiences. The best coaches in business, however, have completed a business coach training course and are certified as having passed the qualifying exam. This helps prepare business coaches to deal with multiple situations and areas of business instead of just going off their own limited experiences. This certification is a sign that a coach has been trained in the best practices of the field of coaching in business. They learn how to assess the parts of a business and the company as a whole.
The ability to see how a whole is broken down into parts and what areas are slowing productivity is important in the coaching career. Keeping each portion of the company efficient and effective at what they are assigned helps the whole company to be more profitable. The purpose for hiring a business coach is can be different for each business owner. Some need a fresh pair of eyes to assess the business for the slower department and procedures. Some need to raise capital and need advice on how to get there. Others are looking to improve marketing strategies or implement newer technologies and desire guidance in those areas. Business coach training prepares business coaches to work in all these areas.
Certain processes, tools, and models have been used successfully in multiple areas of business all around the world. In coaching training, students learn these methods and how to apply them to different industries. Great coaching is based upon a relationship the coach builds with the business leader client. Interpersonal skills and good coaching relationship structures are also taught in the training course. These are key components to the success of a business coach. The clients are leaders who have little experience taking advice from others. They are often reluctant to see the failings in their own businesses even though this is the first step to fixing the problems.
Laying the groundwork of respect and relationship can ensure a business coach's success. In addition, a business coach training course teaches coaches how to find and acquire clients to build their own business. Successful systems for getting and retaining clients can help someone grow their coaching business into a lucrative company. Joining this unique field of coaching in the business world can start with a specialized training course.

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How to Write a Winning Banking Job CV

By Efti Babu

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Finding a job with a top banking organization requires hard work and perseverance. The quality of your banking job CV will determine the results of your search for meaningful employment.
Your curriculum vitae should be formulated to highlight your qualities and skills along with your qualifications and working experience if any.
A good starting point is to consider who it will be targeted to, what message to convey and the kind of response it is designed to solicit. This will require you to customize all your banking job resumes to the standards of the institution where you seek employment.
Your curriculum vitae must show that you are an exceptional candidate for the job as compared to other similar job seekers.
Networking is also a common way of finding banking jobs. You should expand your networks whenever you get the chance so you can increase your chances of getting the best jobs through your references.
If you are pursuing a career in banking you should comprehend the duties and responsibilities of your field of work. The banking industry is quite demanding but a committed individual can be able to cope. Some of the jobs you can expect to perform include:
1. Dealing with routine bank transactions
2. Handling of checks and credit cards
3. Processing of loans
4. Marketing and selling financial products
5. Handling client withdrawals and deposits
6. Preparing Travellers checks for clients
7. Dealing with customer queries
Your resume should reflect capability to perform the above tasks plus others effectively. The following points must be present in your curriculum vitae.
Summary of Objectives: The objectives should include career objectives and your leadership qualities relevant to the job. It should portray your ambitions and goals if you should you secure employment with the prospective bank.
Contact Information: The second paragraph should include your daytime contact details. These will include: Full Name, phone number, address and email.
Candidates Career Summary: Here you will highlight your erstwhile professional working experience in the banking sector. You should demonstrate your ability to effectively carry out responsibilities for the prospective bank and its customers. You must clearly indicate your performance level and contributions to your former employer. You should also include your past working experience with other banks, positions held and roles undertaken, leadership roles assigned, professional skills gained, names of the banks you have worked with and similar information.
Academic Qualifications: This part of the resume displays your complete academic profile beginning from Grade School to College Graduation and any other specialized short courses undertaken in between. Your Banking Job CV must also show the name of the Educational Institutions, years of completion and Degrees /Diplomas awarded.
Personal Achievements: Under this sub heading, you can show the accolades, merit certificates and medals awarded to for excellence in relevant fields.
Relevant Skills: Under this sub heading, you should indicate both natural and technical aptitude for computers, banking software, languages and other similar skills required for banking jobs.
A Banking Job resume with the above details highlighted in an eye catching format is most likely to get you an interview and place you well near to getting your dream banking job career.

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Do You Want a Standout Resume?

By Edward Turilli

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

What is considered an effective resume?
An effective resume is a hard copy or an electronic document whose primary purpose is to win the approval of a potential hiring manager who has considered you a job candidate qualified to compete for a position opening. Your resume must be planned and presented in a way to clearly persuade a job recruiter to further investigate your stated and strongly implied potential strengths, related industry experience, proven value, training, education, abilities, potential growth, and best return on investment for the company. This credential should immediately indicate what you can offer an employer through highlighted qualitative and quantitative performance evidence, rather than promises that lack solid and convincing substantiation.
Your honesty in creating this personal document is highly important for, if selected for interviewing, you will likely be judged by total strangers as to the content of your resume against your actual interview performance and appearance. Therefore, your resume must bear a close "resemblance" to you when you are interviewed in person.
To be effective, your resume must be written in the most appropriate format for your total experiences, especially your work history. Choosing the best format is crucial and should be carefully designed by a certified professional resume writer to produce a powerful credential. The three most prominent resume formats are chronological, functional, and the combination, or hybrid, the chronological format being the most used and liked by human resources people for the ease of following applicants' work history and professional focus and development. This format also highlights any breaks, or gaps, in the chronology of employment, sometimes raising a "red flag."
When gaps in employment occur - especially for explainable and legitimate reasons - use the functional format which emphasizes accomplishments in employment rather than indicating when you worked. If you are changing your career or are returning to civilian employment from government work, use the functional or the hybrid format to emphasize your ability to transfer learned skills, accomplishments, leadership, and rigorous training to move into the employment of the profit or non-profit arena. In addition, retired, injured, downsized, and older workers returning to employment may elect to choose the functional or hybrid model.
"Ten Commandments" on Preparing Your Resume
1. Individualize yourself. Since many hiring managers review more than a hundred paper or electronic resumes a day, your resume will have to fit the required, or ideal, position's profile to stand out from most others under review. Does your resume stress unique qualities in your overall value, leadership, and achievements? Challenge the reader to invite you for a face-to-face meeting by aggressively marketing your individual resolve and potential value to the firm while verbally bidding for personal recognition as a standout applicant among the competition.
2. Focus on and quantify your specific accomplishments. Show (do not just tell) what you have achieved in your past employments to increase revenues or improve an organization's effectiveness. For example, "Led innovative research in XYZ project development that resulted in generating $250,000 in new billings in the first six months," or "Spearheaded a manufacturing cost reduction project that saved the division 15% in overall production costs." Use key words to emphasize your specific individual accomplishments in numerical terms to indicate your value, or return on investment. Hirers may scan your resume for industry-related key words. Key word lists for each occupation / job are located in many publications in libraries, stores, and online.
3. Use positive, proactive language. Confidently and credibly promote your attributes. For example, "Ably assisted in saving ABC Company $55,000 during the first 12 months through improved sales training techniques." Rather than just a dull employment history, your resume should reflect a positive show of ambition and pride in your achievements with detailed proof of personal and job related accomplishments. Quantify your contributions with solid evidence and prove your leadership ability in providing planned project strategies and guiding their implementation to reach positive results.
4. Always be honest and truthful. Avoid lies, half-truths, and exaggerations on your resume and cover letter. You can often reverse or "soften" a known or obvious career related weakness if challenged in an interview by admitting that you learned much from this experience which has taught you a good lesson. If you have wide gaps in your employment chronology, write your resume in a functional or in a hybrid format. Accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative!
5. Present a powerful, impressive resume. Recruiters prefer well crafted resumes, for they are impressed by candidates' show of diligence and a high level work ethic in introducing themselves with care. Use only clear, easy-to-read fonts, and avoid overuse of italics, underscores, and bold lettering. Paper resumes must be printed on top quality 24 to 28 lb. white, off-white, ivory, or light gray resume stock, with matching cover letters and envelopes. Use a variety of appropriate action verbs written in the active voice and interweave powerful modifiers. Avoid repetition, and be consistent and brief throughout.
6. Target your resume. Your employment objective may be stated atop the page or, for more impressive attraction, simply bolded without a heading. Examples: "IT manager / Business Process Manager" or "Motivated, highly experienced professional seeks a position as company representative in Pharmaceutical Sales." Your cover letter will indicate a specific job title in reference to your job application. Follow this with a powerful "Profile" of your professional highlights and related skills.
7. Examine other resumes in guiding the assembly of your own document. Locate top level examples in nationally published resume compilations found in book stores, libraries, and the Internet. Software applications can be helpful, but beware of resume templates, for they tend to be generic, pre-spaced, sparse, and unrelated to one's particular needs. Ask a trusted person to react in honest judgment to your completed resume, for your resume is your "occupational fingerprint," a personal credential that should distinguish your unique qualifications from competing candidates.
8. Proofread carefully throughout. Avoid errors in spelling, grammar, English usage, and mechanics. Be consistent in your application of spacing, punctuation, bulleting, and other physical aspects. Be aware that the level of precision and perfection of your resume will likely be a determining factor in a hiring manager's selection of interview finalists for a position. Have another "pair of eyes" read it over and offer objective criticism.
9. See yourself through the reviewer's eyes. Since hiring managers retain ideal candidate profiles for positions to be filled, job candidates ought to "reverse roles," placing themselves in the reviewer's position. Determine what key skills, experiences, achievements, and other criteria that a hiring manager will seek in the ideal candidate. Research as much as you can to locate those company needs to fill the position you seek. Discover the cultural climate, average employee experience, and company working conditions. This vital "breaking and entering" technique may give you an advantage as the hirer cuts through the clutter of hopeful job candidates' resumes in search of suitable employees.
10. Perceive your resume as an opening tool to gain personal contact in an interview. Soon after mailing your resume or submitting one electronically, send a brief follow-up letter or note to the hirer to punctuate and reestablish your keen interest and proactive nature in gaining an interview and ultimately winning the open position of employment. Your resume should deploy confident, high energy language to convince a hirer that you are determined to succeed in a career with this company or organization. Remember, submitting a standout resume can open doors of opportunity along a lighted path of career success. Don't be locked out in the dark!

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Winning Resumes

By Mel Otero

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

One key to a winning resume is defining your career goal. Without a clear career goal, it is impossible to prepare a targeted resume. Assess your interests, skills, education, strengths and work experience. Be sure this assessment is honest and accurate. Write this down and begin the process of organizing your thoughts. You need to focus on the career you really want. As you set your goals and get focused, a sense of confidence will occur. You will have a clear picture of what you want to do and you will be ready for the next step. If your interests, skills, education and work experience fall into more than one career category, you will need more than one resume. Each resume will focus on your skills, education and experience that appeal to an employer for that specific career position. At this first stage of launching a job search, organization is vital. Create a folder for your goal list, thoughts, ideas, copies of the resumes and the cover letters.
Your first decision in writing the resume is whether to use a chronological format or functional format. In general, the chronological format is preferred by employers. However, if you are seeking a career position in a new field, the functional format will allow you to focus on skills, education and accomplishments that can be transferred to the open position. If you select the functional format, it is to your advantage to create a "combined format". The combined format emphasizes the transferable skills, education and accomplishments but includes an accurate chronological work history. You can find sample resumes on the Internet or purchase one of the resume writer software packages. The importance of the resume cannot be overstated. It is worth the investment of time and money to arm yourself with the best tools to assist you in creating an excellent resume.
Keep in mind that no matter what career you pursue, the resume is your first opportunity to sell yourself. Research has determined that a resume is initially reviewed for 10-30 seconds. In other words, you have 10-30 seconds to grab the attention of the reader. Use job titles and skills headings as an effective tool to get the reader's attention. If the job titles or skills headings are unrelated to the open position, the resume will most likely be tossed. Remember that in the current economy, the employer may receive hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes for a single position. To expedite the initial review process, employers will discard resumes that do not appear related to the open position. The final resume should be letter perfect. It should be printed on good quality white bond paper, not on fancy parchment paper. Be sure the resume is not too long or too short; it is suggested that one or two pages is appropriate. After the resume is in final form and before you send it to anyone, read it aloud and then have someone else proof read it. There is only one opportunity for a first review of your resume. You need to convince the prospective employer within those first few seconds that you have the ability to solve company problems. You are the solution!
Mel Otero, author, has worked in management in the mortgage banking industry and title insurance industry for over 25 years. She has started web sites and written articles to provide information, resources and inspiration during this difficult economy. She has also been mystery shopping part time for over five years.

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The Seven New Resume Skills Employers Want To See

By Phil Baker

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Because workplace technology is continually changing faster than a mouse click, there are new resume skills you must not overlook. Just a few years ago software skills like being proficient with MS Word, Excel, and the computer and being able to surf the Internet were regarded as extra value skills by many employers. Now most employers take for granted candidates have some familiarity with these programs regarded as elementary as, well, elementary school.
You can still state that you are capable with the established programs, especially if the job posting states they are required or beneficial. However, in addition to these basics and the specific skills you need for your profession, depending on the type of work you are seeking, there are seven new resume skills that can give you an edge:
Evidence of Successful Human Interaction: Social technology skills are not always enough for every job. Interaction with old-fashioned work systems called human beings is often required. Because so many people have been in cocoons in the last decade and have less in-person interaction with others many job candidates are lacking in personal social talents or team skills. If you have in person customer service, coaching, team membership, people management experience or have attended sales, communication, or team seminars, or have served on live committees by all means make some inclusion on your resume. Employers want people who can play well with others.
Bilingual Skills: Speaking a second language is now a plus for more jobs in the US than ever before and almost necessary for working overseas. Outsourcing and the global economy make breaking down language barriers vital for today's business. If you speak more than one language let potential employers know even if they are not asking. If you do not you can get language lesson software fairly inexpensively and start picking up a new language.
Social Networking: This is another skill you can learn fairly quickly. Letting potential employers know you are current with technology can be reflected by including links on your resume to your professional social networking accounts. Your personal Facebook page that has all your friends pics or your twitter account that tells us what you did at the bar last night is NOT what you want to include. Setting up professional social networking accounts and including those on your resume is wise. Professional Linked in, twitter, and Facebook accounts show you have been keeping up with the times and can provide additional beneficial information to employers about your talents and expertise.
Leadership Experience or Training: No matter what job you are seeking leadership skills can be favorable. Showing you have leadership skills or training is more important than ever. Many corporations are now operating on employee empowerment principles. This is when all employees are trained in leadership education. Candidates who understand leadership principles will have an advantage. Include any leadership training or positions on committees, teams, volunteer groups, church, clubs, or associations.
Bicultural Skills: If you are bicultural (have grown up or spent time in another culture and understand their social nuances) this can also be a desired skill. Learning another language is great but knowing the acceptable and practiced manners and laws of another culture can be critical in today's business.
Smart Skills: Many jobs require advanced communication skills. SEO, apps, and smart phone technology are booming. The jury is still out but the future might see diminished use of the PC even in business as more apps are developed and Internet access systems are morphed into smaller devices. Web conferencing iPhone, iPad, and Google apps for contacts, scheduling, calendars, web conferencing, meeting and event planning are becoming increasingly popular. Let potential employers know you are familiar with these.
Also now at the very least an understanding of SEO (Search Engine Marketing) is a plus for a growing number of jobs. Positions in marketing, and webmasters, salespeople, managers, computer graphic designers, website builders, writers, and more positions can benefit employers with an understanding of SEO. If you have SEO skills by all means fit them into your resume. If SEO knowledge can at all be relevant to the position you are seeking this can make you competitive.

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Writing Job Descriptions

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

Staff managers know this to be a fact: Finding the correct employee scheduling software is crucial relative to the operational functioning of nearly every business. Consider the many businesses employing persons on a rotational shift basis and there isn't any way you may dispute it. Retail establishments, restaurants, hospitals, customer service organizations are just a few of the businesses that require automated solutions when performing employee scheduling.
In order to make it easier finding the perfect automated solution pertinent to scheduling emphasis needs to be placed within two very fundamental areas:
a) The employee scheduling software must have the features that improve efficiency as far as scheduling your staff; and
b) There must be built-in functions that are requirements of your operation. Also it is a useful action to consider what it is you intend to accomplish in using an automated solution or moving to a new version of employee scheduling software. In example, you may wish to use a solution that makes it easier to perform scheduling of employees.
The following considerations are important when reviewing a particular scheduling software (solution):
a) The software must improve the way you are able to use employees within different roles inside your operation;
b) The automated employee scheduling should offer features wherein you may customize it to your particular industry;
c) The employee scheduling software must reasonably support shifts and where the employee is assigned within your facility or operation. When you use it, you should be able to save all kinds of time. Additionally, once you purchase a solution, you should be able to access proper technical support and/or documentation.
It is an important task: reviewing employee scheduling software with respect to a buy-decision. You'll want to make certain you can schedule your employees into the future as far as is necessary. Make certain the software used can facilitate employee scheduling up to six months. Using this type of feature you'll be able to comfortably schedule rotations with respect to shifts, holidays, and requests for time-off for your employees anytime it is necessary.
Employee scheduling software that is worth its weight will allow for places where you can record particular notes such as reasons for the time off: vacation or sick day. It is also a good feature to use an automated brand providing the number of persons you require on a particular shift within a certain location. In this way, you may assess whether you are over or under staffed.
Another good feature associated with employee scheduling software is when the automated solution provides the staff manager with a list of employees available to work the shift. This is particularly relative when you are put in the position of filling a position where the employee did not show up for work as scheduled. Conceptually, the list should update instantly once you assign a certain employee to a shift.
Another significant feature you will wish to consider when choosing the right brand of employee scheduling software is assuring it provides you as staff manager with customization. Here is what is meant by the preceding: You'll want to make certain you can put together reports and schedules based on your particular requirements. The customization aspect as it relates to reporting may include:
a) Ranges with respect to date;
b) Types of employees:
c) Various shifts; and
d) Particular locations (as well as other pre-defined data).
When defining shifts the employee scheduling software must allow you to:
a) Define the start and end times of the shift;
b) Break time; and
c) Indicate the start of each work week.
When considering employee scheduling software you must believe that the software scales down on the amount of time it takes to produce the employee schedule. Further, there should be some built-in security feature in order to adequately protect the employee scheduling data.
The software should allow you the flexibility of:
a) printing the schedule;
b) emailing it; or
c) publishing it online.
The scheduling software must come equipped with resources in order that you may attain assistance when necessary. This may come in the way of a) a user's guide; or b) a help file. The appropriate resources will provide information allowing you as user to a) learn how to use the software; and b) solve specific problems or issues as you come across them. Also customer assistance is highly valuable in the way of email correspondence or telephone.

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What to Look For in Employee Scheduling Software

By James C F

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Staff managers know this to be a fact: Finding the correct employee scheduling software is crucial relative to the operational functioning of nearly every business. Consider the many businesses employing persons on a rotational shift basis and there isn't any way you may dispute it. Retail establishments, restaurants, hospitals, customer service organizations are just a few of the businesses that require automated solutions when performing employee scheduling.
In order to make it easier finding the perfect automated solution pertinent to scheduling emphasis needs to be placed within two very fundamental areas:
a) The employee scheduling software must have the features that improve efficiency as far as scheduling your staff; and
b) There must be built-in functions that are requirements of your operation. Also it is a useful action to consider what it is you intend to accomplish in using an automated solution or moving to a new version of employee scheduling software. In example, you may wish to use a solution that makes it easier to perform scheduling of employees.
The following considerations are important when reviewing a particular scheduling software (solution):
a) The software must improve the way you are able to use employees within different roles inside your operation;
b) The automated employee scheduling should offer features wherein you may customize it to your particular industry;
c) The employee scheduling software must reasonably support shifts and where the employee is assigned within your facility or operation. When you use it, you should be able to save all kinds of time. Additionally, once you purchase a solution, you should be able to access proper technical support and/or documentation.
It is an important task: reviewing employee scheduling software with respect to a buy-decision. You'll want to make certain you can schedule your employees into the future as far as is necessary. Make certain the software used can facilitate employee scheduling up to six months. Using this type of feature you'll be able to comfortably schedule rotations with respect to shifts, holidays, and requests for time-off for your employees anytime it is necessary.
Employee scheduling software that is worth its weight will allow for places where you can record particular notes such as reasons for the time off: vacation or sick day. It is also a good feature to use an automated brand providing the number of persons you require on a particular shift within a certain location. In this way, you may assess whether you are over or under staffed.
Another good feature associated with employee scheduling software is when the automated solution provides the staff manager with a list of employees available to work the shift. This is particularly relative when you are put in the position of filling a position where the employee did not show up for work as scheduled. Conceptually, the list should update instantly once you assign a certain employee to a shift.
Another significant feature you will wish to consider when choosing the right brand of employee scheduling software is assuring it provides you as staff manager with customization. Here is what is meant by the preceding: You'll want to make certain you can put together reports and schedules based on your particular requirements. The customization aspect as it relates to reporting may include:
a) Ranges with respect to date;
b) Types of employees:
c) Various shifts; and
d) Particular locations (as well as other pre-defined data).
When defining shifts the employee scheduling software must allow you to:
a) Define the start and end times of the shift;
b) Break time; and
c) Indicate the start of each work week.
When considering employee scheduling software you must believe that the software scales down on the amount of time it takes to produce the employee schedule. Further, there should be some built-in security feature in order to adequately protect the employee scheduling data.
The software should allow you the flexibility of:
a) printing the schedule;
b) emailing it; or
c) publishing it online.
The scheduling software must come equipped with resources in order that you may attain assistance when necessary. This may come in the way of a) a user's guide; or b) a help file. The appropriate resources will provide information allowing you as user to a) learn how to use the software; and b) solve specific problems or issues as you come across them. Also customer assistance is highly valuable in the way of email correspondence or telephone.
Recommendation for Employee Scheduling Software
The author James F. is the founder of Fendza online employee scheduling software, and shamelessly plugs his personal recommendation to try out Fendza.
Fendza automatically creates perfect work schedules (with no time conflicts) by taking all those employee requests, their hours of availability, business needs, locations, etc. and doing all the plugging calculations for you; saving you hours of work and headaches. It even lets your employees login online and check their work schedules, submit employee requests, set their hours of availability, and much more.

Employee Scheduling Software

By Smeer Shashikant More

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

Every large company that wants to do something towards making the work of it's' employees more effective and to turn with an increased profit needs some tools in order to achieve the best results. One such tool, and in fact the only one you will ever need is known as employee scheduling software. What is this and how will it help your company to increase the profit and to make everything more effective?
It is, in fact, quite easy to do when you have employee scheduling software. This type of application is designed to help you keep track of many things and to have a very effective work routine in your company. The first thing that an employee scheduling software allows you track how much time each employee actually spends at work. They will be given a unique magnetic card that they will use to check in and out of work each day.
If everything is fine in that area, the employee scheduling software will also allow to assign a specific group of employees to a specific project and to keep track of the progress with that project. If you see that the project is going along well and some of the employees in that group are not needed, you can assign them to other tasks. However, if you see that the project is lagging behind, you can assign a couple of employees more to do the job faster or at least on time. All this information will be made available to you with a simple click of a button and you will have a complete overview of the activities and project undergoing in your company. It is like you very own personal assistant that you would pay, but you don't have to pay for this information once you purchased the respective software for it. It can also work the entire year without needing to sleep or any kind of holiday so it is the perfect employee, so to speak.
Employee scheduling software is very common these days, especially in larger companies based in more developed parts of the world. Basically, these companies ET the trend and you can see what all companies will use in a few years time. Don't waste any more time and buy your employee scheduling software today. Everything will be far more efficient and you will really start to see your company grow. No more effort into maintaining a good work flow, just effectiveness and project released before the deadline.

Social Media As a Job Seeking Tool

By David Hale

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

If you want to attract prospective customers then you have to know all you can about social media technologies. Social networking is also working for those who are looking for new jobs. In the new employment trends, you will realize that employers are relying on networking contacts and connections, and word of mouth to hire.
The method of finding these people is changing and they are now using tools like LinkedIn to find contacts that match their ideal candidate profile. Using this method, they are not only able to search for skills and expertise, but also know about the person by getting a sense of who the applicant is by who their contacts and followers are. They also get to know about the hobbies, community-related activities, etc. from the sites.
The new media phenomena has made it possible in the new employment market to make it easier for those who have a strong online presence and are considered relevant and employable. So those who do not know about social media and how to leverage it, have to learn it as they cannot afford not to anymore.
If you want to attract prospective employers and develop your online presence and exposure, then you have to learn everything you can about social media. As a job seeker having online presence allows you to keep yourself out in front of potential employers. Social media marketing allows you to do that.
When you use new media sites for looking at the profile of prospective employers you will know their true status and whether you really want to work for them. Many times you get to know some inside information about them that will help you make your mind up as to whether you really want to work for that company or not.
If you are out to attract prospective customers, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about social media.
By the way, do you want to learn more about Social Media?

How to Use Social Networking to Land a Job NOW

By Sherrie Madia

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

Whether you're new to the workforce, or newly unemployed, today's job search is quite different from the job search environment of even five years ago. While the job market is tight, job hunters have more opportunity than ever before to find a job by employing an online strategy to enable targeted and efficient job search. If you're a bit uncertain about the online space, have no fear. If you can shop online, or navigate the web, you can use social media to find a job NOW.
Rather than sending resumes en masse, social networking enables job seekers to plant content seeds strategically in places where human resources will likely be. Today's corporate hiring decisions are more critical than ever, so human resource representatives must make careful hires-This means they are likely to be more diligent in exploring credentials. This spells opportunity for job seekers who are able to establish themselves as thought leaders or experts in their chosen field. To position yourself as this valuable candidate, give your expertise freely by posting insightful comments on blogs, or by answering questions on LinkedIn. People will appreciate this value and will tend to return the favor by thinking of you when a job opening arises.
When using social networking for job search, you build both your online presence, and a set of skills that employers will find valuable. Your ability to write with clarity in a blog, showcase photos and video, tweet effectively, and so forth makes you that much more attractive to recruiters. So rather than using your skills for vacation photos or the well-made video for friends and family alone, try applying these skills on behalf of your job search. Regardless of job type, company size, or industry, every company today needs employees who are skilled in social media. Therefore, those who bring industry expertise and social media savvy have the distinct advantage in the job market.
According to Coremetrics (2010), 75% of companies require recruiters to research job applicants online, so you'll want to be sure you know what they'll find. Start with a Google search on your name. Many job seekers are (a) surprised to find they even have a presence; and (b) surprised by the content that floats to the surface-that photo from Facebook meant for friends alone, or the negative comment you offered on a blog two years ago. When possible, remove content that doesn't align with the image you want to project. If you find that you don't have an online presence, start by determining where you'd like to work, and the image you'd like to project. Then, position yourself as an expert in your industry. The key is to be authentic, so be sure that the image you are projecting is sustainable. That is, if you present yourself as a rock star online, be prepared to be that rock star on the interview as well. The key: Be realistic, and work to highlight-not overhype-the skills that you have.

Secret Career Document - The Nine Magic Job Interview Hints (Get Hired Fast)!

By Lynn Chase

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

What good does a great resume, a stellar cover letter or your Job Interview Secret Career Document do you, if you can't cut it when it comes down to the real test - The Job Interview? This is when you really have to be on your game, where the most important decision is made, whether to hire you or not and where you better bring you bag of impressive tricks. But first let's make sure you get all the basics down because let's be real, if you mess up any of the following things it's over before you even get a real chance to shine and show what you can bring to the company.
The 9 Most Important Job Interview Hints:
1. The day before the interview, call and confirm the time for your appointment. Yes, that's right call them up, its professional and shows you're responsible about your commitments. Be firm in your confirm, don't ask something like "is my interview still on and what time was that again?" The night before make SURE you know where you are going, get MapQuest directions, and take a map of the city where you are going to be.
2. Plan for the unknown, such as getting lost, traffic jams, traffic accidents. Arrive early, better to sit there trying to look productive than arrive late and have NO chance at getting the interview. With an Interview it is always One strike and you are out.
3. Treat everyone in your path like gold, including the receptionist. Behave warmly, professionally and with enthusiasm. You never know who is going to cross your path on your way to the interview, the CEO may ride up the elevator with you or the interviewer coming back from lunch, you never know. Take every opportunity to shine!
4. When meeting the interviewer, give a firm handshake (not a death grip though), and offer a polite and enthusiastic greeting, and smile.
5. Your body language means everything! Do not slouch, yawn (this can be a nervous tic but you will come across looking uninterested), fold your arms in a defensive manner or give off any other signals that may turn the interviewer off right away.
6. Show your desire to participate, take notes during the interview and actively engage in the conversation with nods and smiles. Always make direct eye contact with the interviewer!
7. Do Not drift off in your thoughts and then make the interviewer repeat a question. Keep on task, which is giving the interview process your undivided attention. Even a small "drift" about thinking how you are doing in the interview or whether you think the interviewer likes you is enough to side track your line of thinking forcing you to say, "could you repeat the question, please."
8. Answer with confidence, take the time to think before you speak. A small pause is fine and preferable to any ramblings that may come out of your mouth because you're not sure what to say. Even using phrases such as "that is a great question", may give your brain time to think of where it is going. And it is much better than Ummmmm!
9. Be proactive and if the interview appears to be going well, ask to tour the office, remember to introduce yourself to those you meet. You never know how a good impression will play out and help improve your chances of landing the job.
Bonus Tip: Finally, submit your Best Job Interview Weapon - the 30/60/90 Day Action Plan -your Secret Career Document! This will have the interviewer practically eating out of your hand they will be so impressed. More Job Offers are won with this piece of paper alone than anything else!