Rabu, 24 November 2010

Competency-Based Interviews: 6 Steps to Success!

Competency-based interviews are intended to get the best from you, the candidate, whilst also fulfilling the needs of the organization to get the very best person for the job. There are some easy steps to make the most of yourself and have a much better chance of success.
  1. Prepare well, but keep it sensible As long as you know the job you are going for, ask for details of what you will be measured against. Ask for a set of competencies. Ask for a job description. This sets you up to succeed, not just because you are better informed, but also because you have asked - which will impress the decision-makers, before you even get there!
  2. Get Creative Here is the time to use your own experiences to create 'stories' which you can use in the actual interview. These 'stories' are real scenarios that you have been a part of, which over a period of days and weeks beforehand, you write up. Maybe you will have 20+ initial ideas.
  3. Leverage! Take the very best scenarios and write them out, bullet points first. Then flesh them out, whilst referring carefully to the competencies you've been given. It is amazing how you can 'tune-in' your scenario to include many, if not all of the competencies. And if you can't fit them all in, there will be a use for them - later!
  4. Practice By reading through your scenarios (and by now you should not have more than six or seven) you will familiarise yourself with the contents, so well, that they will become second nature - even in the scary experience of an interview.
  5. In the Interview There are some tactics in here too!
    • Using your scenarios make just three key points about what you've been asked. Make them relevant and the right 'weight'. Not too long or too short.
    • After that, leave space for them to ask more - that's what they are listening for.
    • Say 'I' a lot - they want to know what your personal involvement and experience was, not 'the team' or 'they'.
    • Have fun - whilst not contrived, smile and make some simple jokes, if you feel comfortable with that - they want to employ happy as well as capable people.
    • Can't answer? That's fine. Make sure that you reflect on your shortcomings by saying things like, 'It's one of the first things I want to develop in my next job - if you did your stuff on your scenarios and your competencies well enough, you will have covered 90% of the bases well and you'll be forgiven for not being 'perfect'. If you are really stumped - say so!
    • Ask questions - relevant, about their culture, focus on developing you, opportunities - the positive 'peopley' things (remember it's your chance to see if you want to work with them!).
    • Also ask about current issues they may be facing - you did do your homework on them, didn't you?
  6. Strong Ending!Keep the whole thing light, even as you leave at the end. Have a conversation in general terms - about anything! Do make sure that you ask them some things that are about them - they will love it if you ask them some open (what, how, when, where, who) general questions about your new job! About something nice in the building or their clothes - take as it comes and do what feels comfortable!

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Fired? The Interview Solution

So you were fired? Now what? How will you explain it when you interview?
There are many questions that plague job seekers. “What salary are you looking for?” is a big one. “Why should we hire you?” is another. And “Why did you leave your last job?” can leave you spluttering if you were fired and don’t know how to answer. And most people don’t! After they’ve stumbled through a few answers—trying in vain to phrase it in an acceptable way—and are not invited back for a second interview, their fears are confirmed. No one will hire them because they’ve been fired.
Except that’s not what’s really happening. The problem is not that they were fired, but how they answered the question.
We don’t stay at a job our entire lives like most of our grandparents did. Not only is it common to change jobs, some believe it's the best way to leverage salary and career. While most of the changes may be of your own volition, odds are a few will involve being fired or laid-off. Companies are bought out, merge, and consolidate, which means inevitably there’s a duplication of staff. It can be as simple as the new president wanting to bring in his own team. He probably didn’t even look at your capabilities, He just decided you were …outta there.

These departures aren’t as difficult to explain. You can say: 
  • “Our company was bought and the entire department was eliminated.” (It’s not me; a bunch of us were asked to leave.) Safety in numbers.
  • “The new president wanted to bring in his own guy. I lasted about a week.” (It’s not me; the president didn’t even take the time to find out if I was good at what I do.) A prospective company can’t possibly hold something against you that’s so… impersonal.
  • “The company was losing money and downsized.” (It’s not me; if the company had been profitable, I’d still be there!)
The common thread is, “It’s not me.” Therefore, I am not flawed, unwanted, performing poorly, or any other reason you can think up or worry about. But these types of partings, while they seem impersonal, can still have a detrimental effect. We’ll get to that in a minute.
The instances that cause real damage feel very personal, even when they aren’t. You are the only one who was dismissed, and what’s more, you know they’ll replace you. You’re caught off guard, angry, and frightened, too. In an instant, you’re on the defensive, which is usually where people remain. And that’s exactly what causes the problem.
Firing isn’t always about the individual, even though that’s who’s impacted the most. Sometimes it’s about the boss—especially bosses with issues. It might be about poor performance, but that’s not always negative. It could be the result of having different philosophies. For instance, the company may value those who work weekends, nights and holidays. You prefer to balance your life.
Once you’re fired, you can’t change the circumstances. But you can control how you view them. While departmental or companywide layoffs are easier to explain, they can also cause damage. You wonder, “If I’d been really good, wouldn’t they have found another spot for me?” In addition, you’re in an insecure place that sometimes is difficult to adjust to.
Take time to clear some tears or anger. If you’re tempted to recoil, rehash, threaten revenge or otherwise communicate with your previous employer, don’t. Remember one word: reference! Don’t burn your bridges. Leave the company gracefully.
Most importantly, detach yourself from the event and honestly examine what happened. That’s the only way you’re going to get any insight and begin adjusting your thoughts and perspective. There are hundreds of reasons for dismissal, so no pat answer will suffice. The unequivocal rule is to tell the truth. If they discover you lied, you’ll be wondering for a long time how you’ll pay your bills. So when you’re asked why you left – tell them you were fired. Forthright brevity is best. It’s all in how you phrase it. The trick is a shift in perspective, which is easier when you’ve purged the defensiveness and shame.
Don’t give a long, rambling story or blame the company, your boss, or anyone else. Were you –even partially- at fault? Take responsibility. Did you learn from the experience? Say so. Are you completely at sea as to what happened? That’s okay. Not every job is right for everyone. There are philosophical differences, chemistry problems, tough spots, and bosses who are difficult and self-absorbed.
Regardless of the reason, it wasn’t your perfect job or you weren’t quite what they needed. The great thing is that it was recognized (in whatever form) and everyone is moving on. The goal is to be real about what works for you and why the firing took place.
The first step, as trite as it sounds, is to look at it as a blessing. It may take some time to see, but no matter how bad it looks or feels, something good will come of it. Maybe it will be a better job, a chance to grow, or the realization that you hated your career – who knows?
But if you’re too busy being angry and defensive, not only will you miss the chance to capitalize on the positive outcome, but you’ll also keep experiencing negative consequences. When you're in a victimized frame of mind, you'll miss recognizing an opportunity and continue to perpetuate your unemployment.
Let’s examine two answers to the question: “Why did you leave your last job?”
HOLDING-ON HENRIETTA: I don’t know. I was doing my job. Everyone liked me. They always came to me for advice instead of our boss. When the other manager left, they promoted the assistant. She’s maybe about 28. I guess they thought she’d be good just because she’d been there a long time, but she really was a shrew. I think she hated me. She was always talking down to me. One time she took credit for one of my projects. She’s the one that should have left! I’m glad to be out of there.
OBJECTIVE OLIVIA: I was fired, actually. The assistant manager was promoted to manager because she had seniority and she was very good at her job. Unfortunately, she was young and perhaps she thought respect was automatically accorded instead of earned, because when everyone else began coming to me instead of her, it didn’t seem to sit well with her. Despite that I excelled in my responsibilities and met my goals, she let me go. I’m sorry to have had to leave the company. I learned a lot there.

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Job interviews for pharmaceutical sales are unlike other types of job interviews. These interviews are used to assess whether a candidate is suitable in the sales environment in addition to reviewing background histories and skills. Interviewers would often ask tricky questions that test the personalities of candidates in order to determine sales potential.

If during a pharmaceutical sales job interview and the reviewer asks you a question on whether you prefer to work alone or with others in groups, you have to be careful here. If you say a solo environment is definitely better, they may not see you as a team player. If you say that you prefer working in groups, they might think that you would not be effective in sales since most of the time, pharmaceutical reps are out in the field on their own. 
Therefore, the safest route to take here is to say that you like both environments and can be effective in both. When you are alone, you can be effective as an independent worker. Then when you are working with others in group projects or at meetings, you can also work effectively in teams.
You must convey the impression during a job interview that your skills enable you to excel in both scenarios. Don’t get fooled by the interviewer’s trick question. Here’s an effective response:
“I like both. I realize that most of the time, reps work alone and I certainly can be effective in this mode. Working with others at times will be a nice change and I can also be quite effective in teams as well. It’s a good working mix in my mind.”
Asking you about your strengths during an interview is an opportunity for you to sell yourself. Asking you about weaknesses is another matter and is another example of a tricky question. You must be careful here not to expose any specific weak skills that may hurt you during an interview. Whenever I encountered questions about my weaknesses during my interviews, I countered with something like this:
“In all honesty, the only weakness I think I have is perhaps a lack of industry specific experience since pharmaceutical sales will be new for me. However, I am strong on my communications and sales related skills. I am also a fast learner so I am certain that industry specific training that your company could provide will help me make up for this lack of industry experience. I’m sure that I would be able to get up to speed pretty quickly and start growing those sales for your company.”

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Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Interview Body Language

The following article summarizes the top 10 ways to ensure that you show good interview body language. Make sure that all the preparation you do for a job interview isn’t in vain. Your body language is key to job interview success.
The top 10 ways to improve your interview body language are as follows:
1) Eye Contact
There’s nothing more off-puttingto an interviewer than the interviewee being unable to make regular, good, strong eye contact. The interviewer may think that, because you’re unable to do this, you either have something to hide, or you may not have the conviction of your beliefs. If you have difficulty concentrating when looking straight into someone’s eyes, then try looking between their eyes. They won’t be able to tell you aren’t looking straight into their eyes, but you’ll find it easier to maintain focus. Try it with a friend first to see what I mean.
2) Smile
You need to practice a strong, sincere smile. A good smile has the power to say, “I’m a happy, confident person and I’d love to work here.” Try practicing smiling in a mirror. Practice a smile that puts people at ease. It’s just as much your responsibility as theirs to ensure a relaxed atmosphere during the interview. If you’re embarrassed about your smile, see what a dentist can do about it. It might not cost too much to fix your teeth – and it will get you a lot of money if you get the job!
3) Open Body Language
Again, try practicing with a friend first. Make sure your legs are slightly apart if you’re a gent. Place your hands apart, on your thighs is good. Open body language is even more important when the interviewer is talking. It demonstrates that you are receptive to the question and actively listening. Remember when you practice your body language with a friend to take note of what to do with each part of your body. Unless you do that – and remember – you’re leaving it to chance that your body language will come across well at your job interview.
4) Don’t slouch
It’s easy to appear as if you slouch too much. This is especially prevalent if you’re asked to sit in a large, soft seat. Try not to appear too relaxed. Not sitting all the way back in the seat is a good idea. If you sit forward, it makes you look more attentive and more interested. Some people slouch because they’re not very interested. Other people slouch because they have bad body language. Either way, an interviewer isn’t going to be too impressed. Try practicing in a mirror at home.
5) Don’t be too erect
If you’re too erect then you won’t appear relaxed. If an experienced interviewer is interviewing you, they might put this down to stage fright. They might judge you on what you’re saying rather than how uptight you appear. However, if your interviewer isn’t too experienced, they might not feel relaxed either because of your posture. They could leave the interview with a feeling that you weren’t as good as the other person simply because you were too erect. Try to relax… but not too much!

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7 Ways to Shine at Your Next Job Interview

Job interview time!
You’ve managed to secure a job interview for a position that fits you PERFECTLY. Now comes the moment of truth: Are you REALLY ready for the interview?
If you’ve rehearsed what you’re going to say and know the perfect answer to every potential question, you’re half way there. There’s just one important thing you’ve forgotten:
How do you sell yourself and show your potential employer how valuable you can be to their company? You want to make them hire you today and not even think about other applicants.
How do you sell yourself and show your potential employer how valuable you can be to their company? You want to make them hire you today and not even think about other applicants.
You know you’re the right person for the job, so how do you make them see that?
Here are seven simple steps you can take to really make yourself shine during the interview process.
1. Find out everything you can about the company you’d be working for. Who are its customers? What is its mission statement? How does the job you’d be performing relate to the company’s goals? Finding out this type of information gives you great insights about the kinds of questions to ask your interviewer, and shows them that you’ve done your research and already have some background related to the company’s business and objectives.
2. Read over the job description carefully. Analyze your own strengths and see how you can tie them directly to the job description. If you have previous experience, make note of those times where you helped achieve a specific result. Employers give more serious consideration to applicants who have a background and a track record in their industry than those who do not.
3. Make a great first impression. Arrive 15 minutes prior to the interview, dress appropriately, greet your interviewer with a firm handshake and maintain eye contact throughout the interview. Be enthusiastic, personable and outgoing. Show a sincere interest in the people you meet and the work you’d be doing.
4. Show that you can solve problems and work well under pressure, since nearly every job will require both skills. If you can identify a particular problem in your industry or that you may face when doing this job, give the interviewer some ideas of how you would solve it. Be calm, relaxed and confident. Some nervousness is expected, but your overall mannerisms (such as fidgeting, nail-biting, slumping in your chair) will be an instant giveaway on how well you really work under stress. Likewise, if you project confidence and security in how you carry yourself, the interviewer will definitely notice.
5. Ask questions. You should always have questions ready, but if your mind goes blank when asked if you have any questions, consider asking how long the position has open. What’s the company’s track record and turnover rate? Are they performing well and keeping employees on board? Remember, you’re not just selling yourself on how you’d be a great fit for this company, but finding out how this company could also be a great fit for you.
6. Deflect inappropriate questions. If an interviewer asks a question that makes you feel uncomfortable, smile politely and ask, "Why would you like to know?" He or she is prohibited from asking you personal questions, including references to your race, gender, sexual preference, marital status and child care situations. Your interview should be focused on how well you can perform the job, not your home and family life.

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The Best Plus-Size Suits For Job Interviews

You've fine-tuned your resume and landed that important interview for the perfect job. Now, you need to figure out what plus size suits will make you look professional and stylish. There are many options for plus-size suits, but let's narrow down the search to what will give you the sharp image that you need to impress your interviewers.  What Type Of Job Are You Interviewing For?
When you begin searching through the racks of plus size suits, keep in mind the position for which you are interviewing. If you are hoping for a job in a creative field such as advertising, art, fashion, or entertainment, you will want to choose more colorful fabrics and trendy styles in suits. Potential accountants, bankers, and financial planners should stick to conservative colors, styles, and fabrics. And, if you are hoping to land a sales position, look for tailored suits in assertive colors.
Consider Your Body Type
No two bodies are alike, but here are some general guidelines that will help you select the best style for your figure. If you are top heavy, your best suit options will be single breasted with narrow lapels. Ample hips and thighs can look slimmer with a duster or fingertip-length coat. If you have a shapely waist, peplums or jackets with fitted waists can play up your curves without looking too suggestive for an interview. Tall, leggy women always look great in pantsuits.
What To Wear Under The Jacket
If you have found the perfect interview suit, you will need to select a coordinating shell, blouse, or sweater for under the jacket. This is where you can add some pizzazz with a bright color or interesting pattern. Stay away from frills, lace, or ruffles though. The goal is to look streamlined and professional, not fussy or overtly sexy. As well, make sure that you are not showing cleavage. This is an absolute no-no for an interview.

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Interview Bias: Overcoming the Silent Forces Working Against You

Your job interview is tomorrow. You know your appearance will matter, so you polish your shoes and brush your hair. You realize your interviewer will have your resume in hand, so you've come prepared to explain every minute detail included on it. You've even done practice interviews and prepared your responses to all the trick questions. Are you ready? Not yet.

There remains a single type of preparation that you should do that can make or break your interview-knowing how to handle the possible biases of an interviewer. You need this knowledge because of a simple reality; interviews are subjective, no matter how many objective indicators are introduced. Interviewers are human, and all carry with them some assumptions about different types of people. Despite what may be valid attempts to leave these assumptions behind in the process, even the most earnest interviewer may be letting some of these biases make their way into the decision-making process. The best candidate for a job has many a time been passed over in the interview process because of bias. You don't want to be one of them.

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Recently Rejected? Turn It To Your Advantage!

Rejection. All of us have experienced it at some point in our lives. It never feels good. Call it what you want, but accept the fact that ultimately you lost. You were not selected. I particularly like the synonym “spurned.” That really makes you feel great, doesn't it? Got any rocks laying around that you can craw under?
So you have been rejected. Now what? How can you turn this into something positive?
I recently was courted to speak at an upcoming conference. I jumped though all the proverbial hoops and was excited about the opportunity. Then guess what happened? I was uninvited. Yes, my ego was dented. After all, they wanted me. They courted me. Something queered the deal. Was it that they didn't want to pay my fee after they offered me an honorarium? I guess I won’t know. I spent about five minutes feeling sorry for myself and trying to determine the perfect plot to get "even." Then I felt better and was back in the real world.
This wasn't the first time I have been uninvited. The secret is that if you are uninvited (rejected, spurned) you need to learn to turn the situation to your advantage. In this case, I decided to write about the experience and turn it into a positive occurrence. I realized my advice could be helpful because we all face rejection at some point. So what should you do if this happens to you?
First, don’t MOPE. You can feel sorry for yourself and plot for exactly five minutes. After that, get over it! The spurning probably has nothing to do with you or is something so obscure it’s not worth the effort to try and figure it out.
Second, see rejection as an opportunity. If it didn't work out this time maybe it will the next time. Many times when we are rejected, we have a sense of guilt or obligation (especially if you have done a lot preparatory work as I had in this circumstance). Use that energy and emotion to your advantage. Is there other work or different opportunities that you can leverage? Are there other programs where you might be a fit?
In my case, the advance research I did on my topic demonstrated to me that there could be dozens of other conferences that would be interested in hearing me speak. I love the proverb that says when one door closes another will open.
Third, try to establish a bond with the person who has rejected you. If this won’t work now, is there another place it will? Can they refer you somewhere else? Will they tell you the real reason you didn't make the cut?
Finally, be prepared to laugh about the rejection and turn it into a funny personal sound byte. It’s not the end of the world. If this was your first or only rejection, you must be really special. You should send the rejecter a funny card. Send something with humor that will make them feel good about rejecting you (kidding). Send them something that will lighten the moment and make them remember you. You have to know that rejection is not comfortable for anyone – even the rejecter. It’s important for them to have a good feeling about you after the fact so that they will call you the next time they need someone with your expertise.
What about dealing with rejection when it comes in the form of a big fat “no” to your sales pitch? Before you become disillusioned when door after door is closed, consider the law of averages for a sale. After all, you are selling yourself aren't you? The average sales person completes 20 calls to make one sale. Yikes! That's 20 appointments. Did you know that it takes a minimum of seven repetitions of a message before someone assimilates that piece of information?
There is probably no worse ego crushing rejection (skip the ones in your love life) than the one associated the job search. How many resumes do you have to send out to get one call back? Consider this before you get all depressed about the job search. It takes, on average, six months to get a new job. Add to that the rule of thumb that for every $10,000 of salary you can add one month to the job search. So prepare to be turned down most of the time. Always remember, however, that rejection can open a door too. Just because they say no now, doesn't mean they mean no forever.
Here are a few ways to nudge that door open a little faster when you have been rejected for employment:
• Make sure to follow up after you have the interview. Especially if you are told the position went to someone else. My favorite technique is a clever card with a great message. I have created a series of cards for just that purpose. My personal favorite is “I think I bombed the interview” and it has a big bomb on the cover.
• Continue to keep in touch. The person that got the job may decline it or it might fall though. Continue to send relevant articles, news clippings about the your success, the company or upcoming industry conferences, (especially if you are speaking) with a short note. A word of caution: don't go overboard. You are keeping in touch and soft selling yourself, not bombarding them with information.
• If something significant happens to you such as an award promotion, etc., make sure to write a press release and send a copy to all the job contacts.
Rejection will happen throughout your life and sometimes it can be disheartening. However, with these simple strategies you can overcome future obstacles and keep rejection at bay.
1) Share your story with others. You are not the only one that has had a "rejection" experience. The more you can talk about it the more it will diffuse the feeling. It can become a funny story or icebreaker when you are in a group of associates. It’s akin to my "Big Head Bio" story. After relating the experience of how I was accused of having a big head, I turned the negative into a positive and gained a relationship at the same time.
2) Find someone whose opinion you value and relate the experience to them (don't sugarcoat it). Ask them to critique what went wrong (if something did) or make suggestions of how to handle the situation next time.
3) Work out alternative rejection scenarios in your head. The more you become comfortable with it the less likely it is to take you by surprise should it happen.
4) Put yourself in the rejecter’s shoes. Was there something that caused to situation to occur or was it just happenstance? Above all, don't take it personally. It’s a business decision that didn't turn out in your favor.
5) Last but not least, get back on that horse. Seek out a better job or a better promotion. There is always another opportunity waiting in the wings.
It’s the perfect time to start your campaign against rejection. The holidays allow us to send cards and token gifts without recrimination. Put your creative hat on. Don't just go out and buy a box of holiday cards. Be clever. After thanks giving I scoured the stores for a clever memento. Turkeys are a perfect door opener. I found the perfect item-honeycomb turkey place cards at 50% off. I can't imagine what I am going to do with them, but something will come to me. In fact, there are quite a few people I have lost touch with during my recent move. I’ve got it! I am a turkey for not staying in touch. The place cards are fat with a place for a personal message. When they arrive in the envelopes (orange of course) I know the recipients will open them to see what's inside. This is an inexpensive yet creative way to say REMEMBER ME and forget about the REJECTED ME!
When I started my career on the packaging industry I was just a lowly underling with no possibility for advancement. I tried all the "company touted" ways to advance my career to no avail. I was frustrated, disappointed and disenchanted about why no opportunities came my way. I was an excellent worker, on time honest and a top performer so why couldn't the "powers that be" recognize that fact?
It was because I don't understand how to package myself. I didn't know that hard work and good performance DOES NOT equate to career advancement. YES, that's right a good performance does not mean that you will get promoted or a raise.
Visibility is the key: who you know and who knows you is the magic door opener. And only you can make that happen. How much personal marketing have you done? I bet its not much. Its a methodical process that requires a commitment each and every week. And we all know how time crunched you are. But what if you have most of the work done for you and marketing yourself was as simple as filling in the blank.

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How to Answer the "How Do You Handle Stressful Situations?" Question

When answering the "How do you handle stressful situations?" question during an interview, the best strategy is to give some examples of stressful situations you've dealt successfully with in the past. 
Everyone faces some form of stress on the job now and then. They probably won't believe you if you say, "I've never been in a stressful situation."
So take some time before the interview to think back over your career and come up with some stressful situations you can talk about. Make sure they are situations that had a happy ending, thanks to your reaction.
(If this is for your first job, think of a stressful situation during school or other aspects of your life.) 
Tell how you used time management, problem-solving techniques or decision-making skills to reduce stress. Mention stress-reducing activities such as exercise, stretching and taking breaks.
Don't be afraid to admit that you would ask for assistance if you began to feel overwhelmed.
If it's true, say you actually work better under pressure.
Some jobs are much more stressful than others. This question is often given as a hint of things to come. In other words, they would not be asking about stress if it wasn’t an issue.
So give serious thought not only to the question itself, but why they are asking it.
If you absolutely do not want a stressful job, have an answer ready that makes this clear. It may eliminate you from the running, but you probably wouldn’t want the position anyway if it’s going to stress you out.
Sample Answer:
"I’m not easily stressed. One of my previous bosses even referred to me as ‘unflappable.’ I know the importance of being flexible and am good at adapting to changing situations and shifting priorities. But if I do start to feel stressed, I’ll take a break to stretch or get a little exercise and clear my head. If the stress is affecting my work, and due to something beyond my control, I’ll discuss it with my boss. I remember one situation when I was working at ABC Company where an important client demanded that we finish his project two weeks ahead! of sche dule. At first that seemed like an impossible task. But instead of letting the stress overwhelm me, I took action. I looked at our other projects and found a way to shift some schedules around. It wasn't easy, but we did manage to meet the customer's demand, and he was very happy with the result."

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Six Steps to Acing a Telephone Interview

Telephone interviews are becoming more popular these days.
Sometimes they’re used as a simple pre-screening technique; other times they are an invaluable way for companies to consider candidates who live far away. 
Some employers hope to catch you unprepared in order to see if you can think on your feet and if you have superior communication skills.
So, if you are prepared for the call, you'll ace the test. If you are invited to participate in a telephone interview, here are six tips for acing it.
#1. Take the call when you’re ready. If an employer calls and wants to do the interview when you’re not expecting it (instead of setting up an appointment), excuse yourself politely (“I’m in the middle of something right now…”) and offer to call back in ten minutes. This will give you time to prepare.
#2. Get rid of distractions. Take the call on a phone in a quiet room — away from co-workers, radio, television, family, roommates, or anything else that may make noise or take your attention away from your task.
#3. Gather your tools by the phone. These include:
• Your resume

• Pen and paper to jot down notes, including the interviewer’s name

• Company research (with relevant information highlighted)

• Questions to ask about the company and position

• A list of your selling points to mention, and items to cover as you talk about the position. These include your best qualities, specific experience and skills related to the position, and personal traits such as dedication, enthusiasm, and team-building skills.
#4. Stand up to talk. Your position affects the quality of your voice. If you are sitting down relaxing, you don't project the same enthusiasm and intensity as you do if you're standing up. Also, smile as you’re talking. It will come through in your voice.
#5. Make a good sales presentation. You are selling yourself, so make sure you do it well... Just as you would during an in-person interview. Ensure that you’ve covered all the selling points on your list. (You do have a list, don't you?)
#6. Let the employer end the interview. When it's obvious the conversation is over, don't try to drag it on. Say "Thank you for your time," reiterate your interest in the position, and ask what the next step will be.

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