Senin, 08 November 2010

Career Tips Marianne Elken

Want to make a right choice in which direction your career should?It is wise not to make that choice out of fear of job loss for example, but your talent to choose from. Ask yourself the following two questions:What do you experience in your life?What do you want to leave the world?
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And look now if you can find those answers in the career moveyou want. Chances are much greater that your weddingstays on what you find meaningful work.
If you want to make more guidance in your career, it is essential that you stay true to yourself!Stay true to yourself means you know who you are. Self-knowledge you have, you know what your strengths and pitfalls, what do you find difficult, where you always walk against it? In addition, stay true to yourself that you know what you want and you can also act!
Have courage!Define your own way to your life goals and let your ears do not hang around you when they find something else. Listen to good advice from people you know they have it right with you, but be stubborn in taking the right steps for you. Do it your way.
Realize that if you want to achieve something that does not happen by itself.You sure have to work (training, taking risks). Give yourself the space therein to make mistakes. Who do you even need to grow.
Accept yourself as you are. There is none like you.You are unique, with all your pluses and minuses in your career. Your self-acceptance is reflected in your appearance, what you get is useful for job interviews. You have nothing to hide and you can also specify how the cons again helped you in your further development.
Do you sometimes feel that it just does not work? One encounters resistance from your colleagues or your manager and you can not get egg in your work? Do not put energy into changing other people. This works because you do not. Only from the motivation can change. So you can change yourself. Look at yourself. How do you with Resistance? Coert Visser, management consultant and coach, says you can see resistance as cooperation. Resistance allows you to discover something for others is important. By understanding what the other needs, you can approach more in line with what you (together) to reach work.
When it's your ever happened to you fed up with your own behavior and that you would ever want to tackle other, realize that it's hard to unlearn something. You'll get results more when you make arrangements yourself, how you want to do it now. That way you will see that it is easier to learn something yourself than something to learn. Or, as Johan Cruyff said: "You better play well, then ensure that you play badly."
One motto that I employ is, whining is allowed, but no longer than five minutes. "What a disaster that job or promotion is not successful. What a calamity that my company is bankrupt. "Of course gun yourself a period of mourning and recovery, but waking sure not degenerate into a victim. Try to look like you're a spectator. You are then able to experience the situation remotely. Chances are that you will have the strength, from the valley to climb and new steps in your career plans.
Moments in your career will happen that you experience as difficult.Good advice and support than desirable. Usually you do go to your friends, partner or family. Want to independent professional support you can use a career coach. A good career coach works with the conduct of the professional association of which it is connected. Furthermore, you recognize a good coach to his / her genuine interest in your story without curiosity. He / she is able to listen, keep up a mirror to help you to structure and will not mince words into providing feedback. We also review whether the goals you want to achieve, are realistic. A good career coach shows you the choices.
Above all, it is especially important to have fun in your work.If you can see this as a base, career and money will be of less importance. However, if you feel you must remain seated for income in a job that gives you no satisfaction, try in your spare time to pick what to do with your talent justice. Maybe even create room for your employment with a couple of hours a week to shorten, if you have for yourself precisely what you need as a minimum basic income.

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Career Stages

Age groups are recognizable by their different characteristics. Of the young starters to the experienced 40 + ers. What are the main challenges for these age groups? And staff can capitalize on? Read the entire article.
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The model below shows the four development phases back into a professional career that you can make. Most start in the first stage and then go on growing. Some stagnate quickly, others do make the move to the next stage. This depends on construction, life, motivation, will, etc. The chance that you will grow stagnant grows when going through these phases. You walk to the end against your own limitations.
Relapses are also possible. You see that often occur just as people move from one phase to another phase. The new phase brings uncertainties and it is tempting and sometimes necessary to just go back to the "old familiar". As we grow, we must let go of something (security).
If you stop by as we grow stagnant. Some stagnate during Phase 1 (about 15%). Half of the people sitting in phase 2. Approximately one quarter operate in phase 3 and only 10% growth through to Phase 4. Look at the model.

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Special Career - information and inspiration about your career!

In this special career, read what you can do to steer your career. We help you get information and tips on all aspects relating to career development. For a job that fits you is important. The time ujewerkt, occupies a large part of your life, and as it seems now, that time is just longer. Why then not make it a pleasant time?
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Actually it should be that your work as you work, but as a meaningful and enjoyable activities. Now that might sound very ambitious but now can work fun. Most people worked mainly used to make a living. There was simply a living. That bread should be still on the shelf, but much more work offers. Besides the salary satisfaction and personal growth are a nice reward. Especially when you discover talents in yourself that you did not expect.
A job that suits you and your growAt your first job you often something that suits your interests, your education and where you feel good at this. There are people who care because they want to help people. But once in care they find that work might be too heavy. Whether people go to work as an office that gives status and will find out that it is boring and that they prefer to work with people. Our advice is not too big a point to creating your first job, but from there to see what you really want. Even though you're having fine in your present job, from time to time is a good new challenge. It keeps you sharp. Even the best job is routine at some point and then it's time for something else to do. This special career give you tools to start or to progress.
Apply onlineAlmost every job is now on the Internet. Many companies also prefer a digital over a written response. For the personnel officer saves time because the gain visibility and is a lot easier. Also it is easier to apply yourself. But therein lies the trap. Online communication is often accompanied by short rapid e-mails and chats and so many language and spelling errors. We have some tips for you to apply online for your good work.
1. In an e-mail program is a spell checker. Use him!2. Everything is online, a good motivation, focus on the job, is still a requirement.3. If possible: print an online application first before you send it. On paper, pick your language and stylistic errors is easier.4. Take your time. Apply for a moment you can sit quietly (not during your lunch break!)5. Create a blog and reference them in your application. Here you can find your next resume extensively about yourself. So you give employers a broader impression of who you are and what you do / interests.

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Boost your career

Unique talentsIf you know where you're distinctive, and in your job does not feel that you're working, you have found your unique talents. If you use your unique talents you will be able to continuously develop your practice in areas with a high added value, and also have energy all day long at work to be.
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Discover your talentsPeople often find it difficult to express their talents. Soon we then limited to subject areas and qualifications. But talents are broader than that. Think of things like organizing, presenting, analyzing, managing, negotiating, persuading or write. Features that do not easily learn in school, but often by nature possesses. And these are qualities that many in your career could come in handy. So make a list of these things once and do not be modest. Can you imagine anything so quickly, think about your previous jobs or other situations such as internships, school, volunteer. Where were you good at and where you excelled off. Ask others.

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Career Book - Find happiness in your career!

"Ugh, another day's work ..." You know that feeling? Would ask Reverend Gremdaat. You may not, but many people feel unhappy with their work. They do it because they're simply the money, and otherwise have to do something to have and not having to sit at home. But there are also people who enjoy their hobby or passion in their work have made themselves completely and hang out. How do they do that? Are they lucky? Or can anyone try to find work close to his or her passion lies?
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The latter will not be for everyone to play to the nicest jobs (although this is obviously a relative concept, depending on your true passion) are scarce, and for now there is simply too much tedious work to be done. "Fortunately," there are many who could live with. The one reluctantly, the other makes even the supermarket checkout work in a party. In any case, you can see your work as a necessary condition of life, then in your free time to bloom with the fun of your life. There is nothing wrong with that.
But if possible, you're obviously mad if you do not try to follow your passions in your career. It goes without saying that if you can do your daily hot for running, you feel happier than if you need to do something where you actually do anything with. Find your passion about that bookshelves are already fully written, particularly in recent years. Netherlands and overflows with the coaches who want to help you. Here are some examples of people who try it yourself, by trial and error.
Careers are not separated from people and personal drama. Their stories are not about HR jargon as competence profiles and career anchors, but motivations, frustrations, hopes and fears. As interviewer, I man with all his doubts, passions, talents and heart. From pilot to politician: each tells his or her personal story, with highs and lows. I hope that others can draw inspiration from.
In short, no theoretical treatises, but a compilation of interviews with people seeking inspiration (and usually are found) in their work. It is a selection of articles over the past two years I've written for People are passionate about their profession, passionate entrepreneurs, visionaries and politicians. We conclude with interviews about happiness and reflection. What is happiness anyway? And how can you reflect on what you really want with your life?
The key is that you must be crazy not to by your boss or your own ambitions. There is more to life than work. It is about a good balance, among many Protestant work ethic, the best one notch lower.
Even after a wrong action or a dramatic resignation there is always hope for something else. Often, that something better. You just need to open the heart and not let us down. While I speak from experience: there you can read about.
It happens often that people I interview scared of critical questions. Luckily they usually appreciate in retrospect. "Interviewed are also the art of the sharpness, into the core. Good exercise for me, "someone wrote. That you do not reach the core without asking sharp questions seems obvious. To interviews so accessible, lively, clear and direct as possible I choose to interview the pure form, instead of short quotes wrapped in subjective paraphrased.
To avoid getting too firmly with your feet on the ground to stand, I offer some views in the epilogue to the unimaginable future that you probably will experience.
Last but not least, I thank everyone who dropped by to interview me.
Happy reading and inspiration!

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More insight into yourself

Your feelings, ideas and value judgments about the world around you are quite decisive for the experiences you have. It is therefore useful to investigate yourself:
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Step 1: Research your thoughtsYou may think you yourself already know well. Indeed, you've often thought about what exactly you engaged in your life. However, this thinking about yourself limitations. Thoughts are expressed in words. With words you give meaning to the things you perceive. But not everything you perceive, you can put into words. You know someone likes it or not, but if you asked why this is precisely the case, you have no answer: it is 'just' a feeling.
Step 2: Research your feelingsFeelings are often less important than thought, precisely because they are so difficult to express in words. What you tell your thoughts seem coherent, logical and controllable. If you are a decision, why do you prefer to carefully than you blindly go off your instincts. You believe at least! Yet that is only limited where. It appears that people in making important decisions rather than rely on their sense that they rationalize their choices. Many decisions are made impulsively. If you want to know yourself, it is therefore important to also examine your feelings. As mentioned, these are not always articulate. Try again to observe your feelings without your comment (words) at shows. Your emotions reveal your deepest convictions. If something upsets you, touches you seem more than you might think. Try your anticipation for a colleague not to explain away. Recognize that you are afraid of something you have no apparent reason. Understand that your mood is not always as balanced as you might think.
Step 3: Research your actionsWhere do you keep doing all day? It may be that what you make are not the same as what it says about itself. You're not always thinking about the things you do or fail. Often you do not get so aware of what you're doing. Sometimes how a person thinks about himself and his actual behavior entirely contradictory. Some smokers see themselves as potential quitters, but they never stop. What you do or fail: your act says more about you than your thoughts and feelings. Others see a particular judge what you do. And if your words do not match your deed, you lose your credibility. To get to know yourself, it is useful to take a jolt to what really is taking all day. What is your job? What are your hobbies? What steps do you? What you get and what shows are you? Are you passive or you will usually act quickly? And, this image corresponds to the person you want to be?
Step 4: Research your personal contactsTo get to know yourself you have seen yourself in the context of your daily life. If you think about how you present yourself in close proximity to others, you get a nice picture of yourself. Indeed, without taking account of others, you yourself do not know. You are formed arid the people around you. How do you do, always has to do with others. Traits that you attach to your own person, would not exist if you do not have to deal with others. Example, you can not on your own dominant, shy or assertive. These features let you just turn into being with others. Depending on the people at some point have to deal, they more or less apparent. You influence others by your presence and your behavior, and they manipulate you in their turn. Most learn from the people you love and the people you hate. The extremes that you experience when you make these people most aware of your personal beliefs.
Step 5: Research your needsWhat do you need? Vendors are responding to the needs of their customers. And if they do well, they look not just at the surface. Often there is a need behind a need. The needs of people often end up dealing with the relationships that exist between people. Often the essence of the choices people make can be traced to basic needs such as appreciation, respect and recognition. If you can create the impression that you are a basic need in humans ", then you can go to them much for each other. If you want to manipulate, it is useful to know what the other desires. But first it's important to know what you really want. Examine what you think you might need and how you want to give meaning to. Why do you need this and what exactly is it based?
Step 6: Research your motivesWhy did you choose the work you're doing? There may be an underlying reason for your career choice that you would not think about. Maybe you have to do this work because your father holds the position you are never able to reach and gives you the satisfaction that he is so proud of you because it is successful. It may be that your competition with your colleagues has given a boost in this direction. Maybe you love to a certain power over others or you will be driven by the desire for recognition. Perhaps your envy or jealousy main driver,. What has brought you to where you are now?
Step 7: review your goalsWhat do you personally achieve? Be honest with yourself, you do after all to no accountability for your own thoughts. Perhaps your del lots of money, influence others or even something like "a better job than my brother." The reasons why you do what you do, do not be politically correct. They can explain a lot about yourself. It is even possible that in this way until you discover that you actually want something different than you do now.

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Good intentions

A new year, a new beginning. Almost everyone grabs the new year to commit themselves to take certain things in their lives. Common are the familiar sound makers: smoke less, eat less, exercise more. But although they look simple at first glance, they appear difficult to sustain. Because you did that last year not all planned?
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But there are difficult intentions. So you want to improve your relationship, or search for a new love. Difficult because you have someone else in need. Moreover, there is the requisite self-knowledge and psychology involved. This applies also to find another job. All very difficult.
Come on and do 't! want to help your good intentions for 2009 really achieve. To this end, we offer tips and exercises taken from the book''Come on and do it ', essential steps to achieve your goals "of the renowned psychotherapists Beechy and Josephine Colclough. Beechy is well known for his work with Elton John and Robbie Williams.
It is a motivation workbook that helps you to believe in yourself, but also to find out who you are and what you want. Using practical exercises and simple techniques. Most plans fall through a lack of planning. Therefore, learn as specific as possible in your preparation and to evaluate your progress.

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Feedback - Giving and receiving comments

I appreciate your directness and I would appreciate that you have the quality or competence tact will develop. "Pardon? It's nota bene an example of providing feedback from the eponymous book by social psychologist Marieta Koopmans. About how your comments can without injuring others, and you listen to what others have to say. something that many people have difficulty with.
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The above sentence follows the discussion of the so-called double quadrant, where one both for himself and another is a core quadrant. It is a well known model of Daniel Ofman, where you write in a square four properties:- Your core quality (eg, tact)- Do pitfall (too much tact, so caution)- Your challenge (the positive opposite of prudence, so immediacy)- Your problems (too much directness, bluntness so)
Logical, because if you have a particular property, there can sometimes overshoot, that is your trap. The challenge is for there not to be attacked by doing just the opposite. For people who do too much again last you're allergic, however, because it is a feature that clashes with your character, your core quality. And so the square circle.I-messages instead of messages you
Feedback is often misunderstood, because many people "you-messages" when they give feedback. For example: "You can not make" or "You're doing it wrong." But it is more effective feedback in the I form. If you're in the I form speaks, shows you what you think and you. You attack the other person less. Moreover, it avoids a discussion that occurs if you're right or not. You laying the emphasis on the problem or situation. An I message is not to deny: "I have problems with ..." A comment like: "You do your job fast enough 'is.Marieta Koopmans work independently as individual coaching of managers under the name C'enter. She also as a freelancer for the educational leadership training Schouten & Nelissen. Theme of her appeared in last year's four-part series 'professional leadership' team consisting of Leadership, Leadership Coaching, Entrepreneurial leadership and personal leadership.
ChallengeThis model gives a quick insight into yourself and others, and how you can respond to each other. Koopmans explains that good (let's call her core quality). Its pitfall is that they are so absorbed in the model, which they called the normal text example vernacular loses sight, creating an overly complicated sentence arises. Her challenge would be to understand feedback to write sentences such as "I'm glad you're so right, but you would be more sensitivity." To complete this model, we can suggest that Koop is allergic too simple phrases like "Direct have been okay, but be tactful."
Work situationsBut overall, "Feedback, Comments Giving and receiving 'a book written quite understandable. The first version dates already from 1993 (under the title "Listen and shudder). After seven chapters theoretical explanations and practical exercises, she devotes the final chapter of feedback in the workplace:- The performance, tip: call the manager first what is going well, and only then what could be improved;- The appraisal; Tip: Be as specific as possible about what you expect of the employee, and ask what to coaching or training needs;- The discipline interview, naming the facts (undesirable behavior, against the rules) short and clear, without any judgments;- The bad news, tips: Be very specific, do not get defensive;- Dealing with resistance, tip: do not discuss the resistance, make only agreements on the desired behavior for the future, see criticism as an opportunity to improve your plans;- Dealing with complaints; tip: accept the complaint and your ideas about the solution.

Do what you really want

Paula has a career and a great job as lead auditor. But in her previous job she was much happier. And she has many dreams. She decides to let the pressure of examinations and rigorous life throws at her.
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Paula has a career and a great job as lead auditor. But in her previous job she was much happier. And she has many dreams. She decides to let the pressure of examinations and rigorous life throws at her.
She has only three months a new job, but Paula (33) already feels miserable. Themselves, she thinks that's because of the high pressure. As lead auditor with a certification authority in the health care they are much in the car. She comes home late and then expect her supervisor that she still answers emails and prepare reports. The work seems never finished and she is totally exhausted.
HigherAlready during the first walking session we find out that Paula was not burned by high pressure. She landed in the wrong place and does not work that suits her. Quite a few years ago she worked with mentally disabled people as creative supervisor.
The work she did seven years, and she loved it. But after a while the challenge was away and she wanted to get on. Paula went Policy and Management in Health study and other jobs came in contact: team leader, staff member and eventually her new job quality lead auditor.
That this work is not really ready for it, when I show her how her work would look like today if there were no barriers. What would they do the sweetest? "I want my work with mentally handicapped, but not all day. I also want to make policy, operational policy with creative solutions to problems that the supervisors encounter. I do morning and afternoon I myself for such a group and try my own solutions. "Paula wants to do something professionally with her creativity, along with the mentally handicapped. But this idea is not entirely clear. Lists these dreams they are very different from the control work she does now.
Competitive spirit and perfectionismI find it remarkable that such a happy girl as Paula, who is firmly in her shoes and many in-house in three months time so can get overworked. Why is she buried in a job that might be prestigious, but not suits her? I see this more often with people I coach and often hangs with perfectionism or an urge to perform. Paula also has one of its strengths achievement. There can of course very far along, but people who use performance orientation for work not actually suits them, but by thunder and keep doing violence to themselves. They do not give up and especially not fail. Why they continue to work hard if they are completely unhappy in a job.

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The creep is higher up

Is there ever scraped against you? And have an effect? Can people get something done by you to stroke your ego? Oh no? You do not kick it. Neither do I. It is clear that every day on all sides is scraped. People flatter, support, helping, listening, laughing with the intention of the taste or achieve something. But that is always with others, that there are stairs in.
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Others who ironically again of themselves that they are not so stupid in order to be beslijmen. I should have come first manager who says, "Delicious if someone told me slijmt; slijmbal a good one, i will move forward!" But it works like that.
Vendors who sell loose mucus twice sellers just as nice as possible. Managers rather give a bonus to an employee who slijmt against them than against one another. Most people have a positive self-image. When someone praises them for their good analytical ability, their depth, their excellent social skills, common sense (all qualities that everyone thinks he above average scores), they think: "He is looking at."
Insecure people tend to think more, "Huh?" But mucus is effective even if the beslijmde doubts the sincerity of it. This reflects a psychological regularity: if we are loved and appreciated, it gives a good feeling. That good sense will lead a life of its own: it is not influenced by critical thoughts that we have there. It ensures that we meet the others like you. And if someone likes once, do more for that person. You want him his sake, you are well disposed towards him, you shall award him a particle. No wonder that people in high positions are often beslijmd. As the saying goes: "Great men and beautiful women never get to hear the truth about himself." Everybody wants something of them.
The result is that they usually spend some rosy self-image is further boosted. They are protected from the evil world of dissenters, and surrounded by followers who compliments, listening carefully as they are to brag, laugh at their jokes, show support and loyalty. On trivial issues go against the boss, so it seems like they have an own opinion. Long before they have a favor to ask to start building a "slime net" so that the link between the mucus and the objective is clouded. As sophisticated as the tricks may be, the creep is totally unaware of themselves.

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