Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Company Reviews Can Work to the Advantage of a Connected Professional

By Jack M Patterson

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy

As the organization you join plays a huge part in determining the stability of your future, it's important to search for company reviews first before you accept a job offer, or even while you are with a company. This information will help you determine if the organization you're with, or are about to join, remains stable amid the ongoing recession, has a healthy working environment, and can open up doors of opportunities for you.
There are several sites on the Internet that provide such useful data for free. Some of them are able to offer credible reviews and employee feedback. Before you do start to believe what you are reading on a webpage, though, make sure that it is posted on a site that only aims to provide employees or job-seekers with helpful information that will allow them to succeed in their careers.
The reviews are oftentimes posted anonymously by employees, some expressing satisfaction, and others, discontent. With such a variety, you can learn about any instability happening in a particular department within your company, or understand the nature of work, types of people, and the overall environment in the organization you are about to join. In addition, such company reviews can also reveal an opening for a higher position that you might be interested in, or any other jobs that will suit your skills better.
Before you join an organization, or even while you are with one, search for company reviews and use this to your advantage. Who knows? You just might save yourself from getting laid off, or perhaps even be the first in line for a new job opening.

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