Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Entry Level Job Guide

By Alison Doyle

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 

Are you getting ready to graduate from college, or are you a recent recent grad ready to settle into that first serious job? Do you need help getting started? Here's how to get going on an entry level job search.

Entry Level Job Guide

Getting Started On an Entry Level Job Search
Career Advice
Resources to help with your entry level job search including career advice, career change information, job descriptions, career education, career choices, career tests and quizzes, and career information.
Career Services
Students and alumni, use your college Career Services office. The staff will be eager to help you with all your career transitions from finding an internship or summer job, to exploring career options, finding a job for after graduation, and for career changing mid-life.
Employer Research
Research employers online and find companies in your industry or find out more about a potential employer so you can interview effectively.
Entry Level Job Search
College Student Job Search Tips
Resources to help college students with a job search including college career offices, alumni who have volunteered to help, college job sites that provide entry level job listings, and job search tips specifically for students.

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