Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

I Never Dreamed I Would Have This Much Trouble

From ang766

The job I lost
I worked at a company that manufacturers home improvement and construction materials. When the housing market tanked, the company I worked for downsized and I was one of the casualties.

What it's like being unemployed

I have been looking for work for 23 months with no success. I even went back to school to obtain my bachelor degree and worked for a year part-time as an unpaid intern to gain experience and have not been able to find a job.
I never dreamed I would have this much trouble. Entry level doesn't even mean entry level anymore, everyone wants 2-5 years of experience for entry level positions. It's very depressing, frustrating, and scary. I have one check left and I will have exhausted all of my benefits. What am I supposed to do now to support my family?


  • I have learned that you should never stop learning so that you can have an advantage if you ever do lose your job. Also, I have told my kids to make sure that they get all of their education while they are young and to not wait for any reason. I also told them to not worry about supporting any significant others and to look out for themselves. I want them to learn from my mistakes and to be prepared so they never have to go through anything like this.

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