Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Persuade People To Get What You Want: The Only Tip You Need

By Nezrul Hisyam Abdul Ghani

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy    

For many, persuasion is an art and only a lucky few is fortunate enough to know it. In business and selling, persuasion is one of the most valuable skills to have because it can help to get the desired outcome, whatever that may be. But the tricky thing about persuading someone is breaking down its element to find the ones which deliver consistent result.
After years of getting involve in selling and share quite an experience in persuading the other party to our side, I have found that there is only one important thing you need to take care of when doing it, hence the only tip you need to know for persuasion.
And that is: Let others persuade themselves.
That is the best thing to spend your effort on and it consistently produces the results you desire. The question right now is: "How you get them to do that?"
Consider these facts:
1) You do not have the power to control others in their decision-making process. It is an electro-chemical process taking place inside the brain and no outside force can influence it.
2) The mind works in a self-organizing mechanism. The input it gets from outside will form into patterns that have been established prior to that, through education, environment and others. Combine with Fact No. 1; this makes decision-making way beyond your control.
Of course, you are not left totally helpless. What you can do instead, in a negotiation or selling situation, is to provide your prospects with enough information and let their self-organizing system form their perspective. You do not have to force them to accept your argument and cause your frustration if they disagree with you.
You just have to provide them with relevant information, and if possible, the ones that present both sides of the story. One tool that have been proven a success is the scanning tool, created by Edward De Bono, called 'PMI' which stands for 'plus', 'minus' and 'interesting' points.
In this tool, you did not feed your information to your prospects but you just ask them to scan their current environment for any point that is perceived as positive, minus or interesting. From there, they can see if your proposal has any added value.
It is also important to note that, from many field observations, the error of thinking or judgment is rarely due to the error of logic but more of the error in perception. And you do not expect to change such error with logic. It is futile to do so.

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