Senin, 08 November 2010

Feedback - Giving and receiving comments

I appreciate your directness and I would appreciate that you have the quality or competence tact will develop. "Pardon? It's nota bene an example of providing feedback from the eponymous book by social psychologist Marieta Koopmans. About how your comments can without injuring others, and you listen to what others have to say. something that many people have difficulty with.
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The above sentence follows the discussion of the so-called double quadrant, where one both for himself and another is a core quadrant. It is a well known model of Daniel Ofman, where you write in a square four properties:- Your core quality (eg, tact)- Do pitfall (too much tact, so caution)- Your challenge (the positive opposite of prudence, so immediacy)- Your problems (too much directness, bluntness so)
Logical, because if you have a particular property, there can sometimes overshoot, that is your trap. The challenge is for there not to be attacked by doing just the opposite. For people who do too much again last you're allergic, however, because it is a feature that clashes with your character, your core quality. And so the square circle.I-messages instead of messages you
Feedback is often misunderstood, because many people "you-messages" when they give feedback. For example: "You can not make" or "You're doing it wrong." But it is more effective feedback in the I form. If you're in the I form speaks, shows you what you think and you. You attack the other person less. Moreover, it avoids a discussion that occurs if you're right or not. You laying the emphasis on the problem or situation. An I message is not to deny: "I have problems with ..." A comment like: "You do your job fast enough 'is.Marieta Koopmans work independently as individual coaching of managers under the name C'enter. She also as a freelancer for the educational leadership training Schouten & Nelissen. Theme of her appeared in last year's four-part series 'professional leadership' team consisting of Leadership, Leadership Coaching, Entrepreneurial leadership and personal leadership.
ChallengeThis model gives a quick insight into yourself and others, and how you can respond to each other. Koopmans explains that good (let's call her core quality). Its pitfall is that they are so absorbed in the model, which they called the normal text example vernacular loses sight, creating an overly complicated sentence arises. Her challenge would be to understand feedback to write sentences such as "I'm glad you're so right, but you would be more sensitivity." To complete this model, we can suggest that Koop is allergic too simple phrases like "Direct have been okay, but be tactful."
Work situationsBut overall, "Feedback, Comments Giving and receiving 'a book written quite understandable. The first version dates already from 1993 (under the title "Listen and shudder). After seven chapters theoretical explanations and practical exercises, she devotes the final chapter of feedback in the workplace:- The performance, tip: call the manager first what is going well, and only then what could be improved;- The appraisal; Tip: Be as specific as possible about what you expect of the employee, and ask what to coaching or training needs;- The discipline interview, naming the facts (undesirable behavior, against the rules) short and clear, without any judgments;- The bad news, tips: Be very specific, do not get defensive;- Dealing with resistance, tip: do not discuss the resistance, make only agreements on the desired behavior for the future, see criticism as an opportunity to improve your plans;- Dealing with complaints; tip: accept the complaint and your ideas about the solution.

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